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Linked Buffy/Angel fic

Buffy Fan Fiction


Note: Neither of the links to these fics work. If you know where I can find these fics let me know.

Title: For the Love of An Angel, For the Love of a SlayerParts 1 through 6

Summary: Buffy and Angel's relationship

Rated: PG13

Title: Love That Overcomes All Sequel- Still in progress

Summary: Buffy and Angel's Future



Title: Children of Darkness

Summary: Buffy and Angel's kids

Rated: PG13

Note: I'm sick of writing summaries so I'm not writing anymore

Sorry I can't remember who wrote this

Title: Eclipse of the Heart


The link to this fic is dead. If you know where to find it let me know.

Title: Rose


This link isn't working. If you know where to find this fic please email me the address.

Title:Secrets and Friends

Angel's Angel/Sally Dyce

If you know where this fic is email me the address because this one isn't working.

Title: Angel & Buffy: A Love Story

Rated: NC17


Title: Sleeping in Innocence

Title: Tiny Miracles

Alone, Together Series

None of these links work. If you know where I can find an active link please email it to me.

Title: Alone, TogetherPart 1

Title: Two Slayers Are Better Than OnePart 2

Title: Slayer's Angel Part 3

Title: Small Miracles Part 4

Title: Obscure PropheciesPart 5

Title: Killer Instinct Part 6

Title: Alternate UniversePart 7

Title: When All Hellmouth Breaks LoosePart 8

Title: Private NightmarePart 9

Title: Kaleidoscopes of Change Part 10

Title: True Colors Part 11


Title: Broken Hearts


Title: Surprise


Title: Not for the World


Title:Unknown Secrets


Title: Power of Love

-untitled by courtney

-You are the new day by cynamin

-A little souvenoir by daala

-new addition- by daala

-fate of a child by isa

- a secret marriage by isa

-price of freedom by joanne the crazy fairy

-new lives by joanne the crazy fairy

-simple tricks by joanne the crazy fairy

- accidents by megg

- marrying kind by michelle

- destiny's children by pheonixflame

-funeral march by pheonixflame

-Daddy forever by samantha melissa gold -

-daughter dearest by samantha melissa gold

-one more time by serena

- aftermath by serena
