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undefined News & Updates
News & Updates

I've added some images to Main Characters, Recurring Characters, and Rogues Gallery, as well as better opening titles shots to the Image Gallery.

Have made some more slight changes, most of them unnoticable. The Image Gallery is smaller now because I moved some of the images to other pages to help spruce them up. Most of the Downloads are gone, too, to help free up space, but there's brand new MP3 versions of the "L.A. Heat Theme" and "Midnight Lover."

As the updates continue, you'll have to excuse the mess over in the fan-fiction. That section is going through a major revamp, so you may experience broken links and other general mayhem. The episode guides are also being changed a bit, so don't worry if things look different from one page to the next. It should all be sorted out soon.

Well, incase anybody hasn't noticed, there's been some changes to the site. I've been cleaning things up, and I've even deleted several sections in an effort to scale back the size of the site. And as you can probably tell, I've deleted a great deal of news updates (which stretched all the way back to mid-2000) in order to get rid of dead links and other information that was out-of-date. Now that I've gotten rid of many of my other websites, I'm hoping I can give this site some much-needed attention, at least long enough to clean it up and finally get around to adding my long-in-the-work project that I've mentioned in the last several updates. Stay tuned!

I've updated the DVD page with a links to and, which are now carrying the DVD set. Additional work to expand the DVD page and add some more stuff to the site is still planned. I've just been busy and haven't had the chance to work on the site in awhile.

It's the moment we have all been waiting for, fans. L.A. Heat has debuted on DVD! This morning, I received a very nice email from a guy named Dave, who informed me that he had just purchased the first season of L.A. Heat on DVD at Best Buy. I ventured to my local Best Buy and, much to my surprise, found five copies sitting on the shelf. I could not believe it. L.A. Heat is on DVD!! It was put out by a company called Platinum Disc, LLC.. Unfortunately, though, the set does not appear anywhere online. doesn't even have it listed, nor does Best Buy's website, strangely enough. But it is out there, so start checking your local Best Buys and any other stores that sell DVDs. It's only about $20. I've created a page for it right here and have posted some pictures I took to prove that it really does exist.

Well, incase we're still getting visitors, I do still exist. haha!! I can't believe over a year has gone by since my last update. There's just really been nothing to report. Soon, I hope to upgrade the website to a pay account so that you won't have to worry about all the pop-ups and ad banners. But I do have some news for you. Remember the project I mentioned last year? It's in the previous update directly under this one. Well, it's been finished for about a year, it was just waiting for further fine-tuning and such. But it will be up soon. I promise! And I think it's something you'll all enjoy. At least I hope so, because I've put a lot of work and effort into it. :)

I apologize for the lack of updates. It's a combination of my being busy with other stuff and the fact that there's just not much to report on right now regarding the show. I assume Steven Williams has since returned from filming in Bulgaria, and the movie will probably be airing (on Sci-Fi Channel) later this year. I also want to apologize for how crowded the website has become with pop-ads and stuff. I'm looking into either moving the website to a whole new server (a challenge, given it's size, and something I would want to do only as a last resort) or maybe just getting a pay account here at Angelfire that will let me get rid of them. For those of you wondering about my fan-fiction story, "Blood Hunt," I'm not sure what will become of it. It is complete, but without going into all the details, I think too much time has passed between my last story and this one, and so there's some problems with the internal consistency. I'd still like to post it, but it may require yet another rewrite to bring it "up to date," and I'm not sure when I'll get to it. Sorry. Finally, there's another L.A. Heat-related project that I've been working on--off and on, off and on--for the last several months or so. I'm nearly done, so hopefully I'll be able to post it soon and make up for the delay in posting "Blood Hunt."

Finally, after much delay, the Fan-Fiction section has returned. And incase you've been wondering, I haven't forgotten about my "reunion" story. I've just been busy with some film projects in recent months, so I haven't had a chance to do a final proof-read before posting it, but I will try to get to it soon. It will be a two-part story, and I suppose I can tell you all the title, since I've had it for a few months now. The story is called "Blood Hunt" and... well, without giving away much, let's just say that Chase and August encounter the most vicious criminal of their careers.

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