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After a season of fun and adventure, four more Thundercats showed up to help out.  Three of them had narrowly escaped the destruction of Thundera with the help of some Berbils. (I knew those bears would be good for something.)  After proving their worth in a series of kidnappings, Lion-O annointed them all Thundercats.

Lynx-O: Blind and Wise
Lynx-O is an interesting character, and I'm still not sure what I think about him.  A new addition to the Thundercat team, he shows up in the movie Thundercats Ho!  He was blinded in the destruction of Thundera and since that accident, his hearing and other senses have become amazingly acute.  Though not as strong as Cheetara's, Lynx-O does possess a psychic sense.  He also possesses a wealth of knowledge about Thundera and ancient Thunderan artifacts.  Lynx-O is a rather convenient character to have around as the Thundercats suddenly run into many situations where they need to know facts about ancient Thundera and they need someone with a keen sense of hearing.  His weapon is a light shield he wears on his wrist that can deflect various weapon blasts and can also shoot blinding beams of light.  Though sightless, he is quite capable of holding his own in battle.  When he joins the Thundercats, he becomes the oldest member of the team but certainly not the weakest.  (We can leave that honor to the snarfs.)
Bengali: Cute, Strong, Talented, Daring, Handsome, Dreamy... I'll get to the bio now
Yet another new arrival to the Thundercat team, he showed up with Lynx-O and Pumyra.  On Thundera, he was a blacksmith and his skills are quickly utilized on Third Earth.  He is able to reforge the Sword of Omens, something no one had previously accomplished.  His weapon is the Hammer of Thundera.  There's supposed to be something neat about it, but I'm not sure what.  It can shoot blue light.  That's pretty cool.  Bengali is strong, quick, athletic, a cunning fighter, has a neat voice, and is the youngest member of the Thundercat team (aside from the Thunderkittens).  He tends to be a bit impetuous and for this reason, he gets left at home to guard the Cat's Lair or the Tower of Omens.  But the Thundercats know they can always count on his strength and loyalty in a fight, if not necessarily his caution.
 Pumyra: The Quiet Healer
Pumyra's character tends to be slightly evasive.  Much like Tygra, she doesn't say much, prefering to let others do the talking.  She has an inner strength and determination that can surface in battle, but away from fights, she is a difficult personality to describe.  Pumyra is practical, level-headed, cool under pressure, has a lot of compasion.  She is the healer for the Thundercats, having receieved rudimentary training while on Thundera.  Her weapon is a sling and pellets, much like the Thunderkittens use.  When not in use, her sling also doubles as a belt.  What an efficient girl.  She is acrobatic and probably ranks second in speed among the Thundercats, Cheetara easily claiming first.  There has been speculation that she and Bengali are an "item," but the episodes never explore it and in the last season, Pumyra and Tygra are abandoned on Third Earth while everyone else troops back to Thundera.  (Grrrr.)
 Snarfer: "Educated" Nuisance
I've decided that Snarfer is a necessary evil.  Snarf needed company and the Thundercats needed the Feliner (which Snarfer provided vicariously).  Snarfer has a high-pitched voice which rivals even Luna's on the annoyance scale.  He's been to "Snarf College" and occaisionally shows a glimmer of intelligence to prove it.  He has less maturity than Wiley Kat and can never seem to grasp the seriousness of a situation.  Slightly adventurous at the same time he's cowering in a corner, Snarfer is an interesting combination of all that is irritating.  He doesn't even have the redeeming quality of sage advice that Snarf has.  Unlike Snarf, whom he will sometimes refer to as "Uncle Osbert" just to provoke him, he doesn't seem to have another name.  He just goes by his species name and tacks on an "er" for originality.  He does have some technical and mechanical know-how, so I guess he's not all bad.  Though one can't help but wonder if he'd make a tasty tiger treat...

Page 1: Original Thundercats
Page 3: Dead Teammates

I wonder what kind of job orientation these guys got.  More biographies

Far too many Thundercats.  Main page.