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Chapter Three

Sonny looked at Luke in disbelief.  He couldn't believe what he just heard.  Was it true?  Did Luke really rape Laura?  The thought of it repulsed and angered him at the same time, but as he looked at Luke, he knew the man Luke had become was not a rapist.  He didn't know the whole story, but he was sure that Luke could never harm a woman intentionally, especially Laura.

Luke:  So, what are you waiting for?

Sonny grabbed the gun from Luke's desk.  Luke closed his eyes, waiting to be put out of his misery.  His whole life flashed before his eyes as he was waiting to meet the devil.  That is, if he wasn't the devil himself.  Sonny looked at Luke and noticed he closed his eyes.  Taking the opportunity, he unloaded the gun.  He pocketed the bullets and placed the gun on the table.  Luke, hearing the gun hit the table, opened his eyes, tears forming as he saw a picture of Laura.

Luke:  Why her?  Why me?

Sonny:  Do you want to talk about it?

Luke:  What is there to talk about?

Sonny:  Well, you can start with what brought this all up again.

Luke:  My kid shot off his mouth at Nikolas and called Stavros a rapist.  Nikolas decided it was time to set the record straight and inform Lucky that it was me who had raped her.  Simple as that.

Sonny:  How did Nikolas find out?

Luke:  Stefan, I suppose.

Sonny:  How did Stefan find out?

Luke:  You'd have to ask Laura that one.

Sonny:  You mean...

Luke:  Yeah.  She must have told him.  I can't blame her for it, Sonny.

Sonny:  What are you going to do now?

Luke:  I don't know.  Can you give me some time alone?  I need to think of a way to tell my wife about this.

Sonny:  Sure, but holler if you need me.  I'll just be right outside.

Luke sat still until Sonny left his office.  Luke took out a piece of paper and a pen and began to write.

Dear Laura,

As I look back at my life, I see that the best thing that ever happened to me was you.  I wish you could say the same, but I know you can't.  I tried to make up for one mistake that I made all those years ago with you, but as I see my son's reactions to it, I realize that there is no redemption.  Men like me do not deserve the things that you have given me.  We don't deserve loving wives, or children, or any sort of happiness.  We only deserve one thing, and as my final gift to you, I am finally going to put your rapist in the place he belonged all those years ago.

I will always love you, Angel, and I want you to accept my wishes to find another man to love and to be loved by.  I want you to have the kind of life you have always deserved.  I'm sorry for everything.

Love always,


Luke placed the letter down after reading it over and grabbed the bottle of scotch in front of him.  After he finished the bottle and was drunk enough, he clumsily placed more bullets in his gun, closed it, and released the safety.  As flashbacks of the rape started to flood his mind again, he brought the gun to his heart and fired.