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Chapter 3

Laura watched and Luke's car pulled out of the driveway.  She made sure she rushed him out of the house before Stefan would arrive.  He wondered why she was so insistent on his leaving right that second, and she used the old excuse, "the sooner you leave, the sooner you'll get back".  He had accepted it and allowed himself to be rushed out the door.  Just in time too, Laura thought, as she saw Stefan's car pull up just a minute later.

As Stefan steppped out of the car, Laura tried to stay steady.  She couldn't let this man get the best of her.  She couldn't show her fear, otherwise he'll use it against her.  She decided to be as strong as Luke knew she could be, and with every arrogant and confident step Stefan took, Laura allowed more and more anger and strength to show in her eyes.

"Hello, Stefan" Laura motioned for Stefan to enter the house.

Stefan was shocked to see that Laura was taking the initiative in this conversation.  From their last conversations that they had had, Stefan always took the initiative and did most of the talking, while Laura had sat their and cried and begged.

Stefan: Hello Lasha.

Laura: (looking around) Where's Lasha?  I don't see anyone here but you and me.  If you forgot my name because I was gone for a while, it's Laura.  Laura SPEN-CER.  (making sure that Stefan could clearly understand the last name)

Stefan: (getting annoyed by how this conversation is starting) I'm fully aware of your whole name, and I could ruin that Spencer name of yours with just one statement.  Do you remember that statement, Lasha?

Laura knew quite well what that statement was.  She had nightmares about what Luke might do if he ever found out.  And there was also Lucky to consider.  He had never looked at her in the same trusting eyes again, ever since she told him she had another son.  He forgave her for that, eventually, but never regain all the trust.  What would one more lie do to her relationship with him.  And the most important one in all of this... the one who stood the most to lose was Nikolas.  He had been hurt so many times, too many to even count, she didn't know what would happen if he ever found out that his uncle was really his father.  When she thought about it, at least Luke and Lucky had each other to rely on.  Who would Nikolas have?

That moment's hesitation propelled Stefan to speak once again, this time in control of the situation.

Stefan: Nikolas is my son, Lasha.  He was conceived, not out of rape like your husband and son believe, but out of love.  Yes, love, Lasha.  Whether you would have admitted it then or even now, you were more than willing to make love to me.

Laura: (looking at a picture of Luke on the table, and finding the strength she needed to fight) I was more than willing to escape that island, you mean.  Sleeping with you was the only way I thought I might have to escape.  I knew you wanted to hurt Stavros and Helena, and I knew that you were just as obsessed as your brother was with me.  I knew the more I allowed you to fall in love with me, the sooner I would be able to leave that miserable place forever.

Stefan: (secretly feeling hurt by her words) You would like to believe that, wouldn't you.  However, you didn't even know that Luke was alive until the day you left.  Remember?  You didn't know you're true love would be waiting for you, so who would you have to go home to if this was a plan from the beginning.

Laura: (grinning, knowing she was regaining the upper hand) You really think very little of me, don't you.  Even though I thought Luke was dead, I still wanted to get off that island.  I had my family to go home to.  You know, the mother you decided to drug all these years.  Finding out Luke was alive, just gave me more of a reason to live and fight to get back to Port Charles.  You're just crushed that a woman, a common woman at that, was able to get the best of you.

Stefan: (not wanting this conversation to continue) You have one week to be with your family and then you are to leave this country for good.  One week before your precious love finds out the last of your lies.

As Stefan walks out the door, you can hear him slightly saying, "What a tangled web we weave...," leaving Laura to think of the rest.