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Chapter 4

Luke gets out of his car and heads for the club.  He was noticing what a beautiful day it was.  He knew why.  His beautiful wife was finally back where she belonged.  The memories of that night continued to distract him.  He got a little mad at himself for not figuring out that she was home as soon as he saw the cigars.  Laura definitely put a lot of thought into that whole night.  Now it was his turn.  He wasn't going to let his wife be the only romantic one in this marriage.

As Luke walked into the club, he saw Jason sitting at the bar going over the books.  Every time he saw Jason there, he realized how much he missed Sonny, but that's a whole other story.  He walks over to the bar and takes a seat.

Luke: Everything look good?

Jason: With you taking care of the books lately?

Luke: I'm a businessman, not a mathematician.

Jason: A 5th grader can do better math than you.

Luke: Did I ever say I made it that far? (They both laugh)  I'm glad you're hear.  I need a favor from you.

Jason: Shoot.

Luke: I want to surprise Laura with a special night tonight, but I have to make sure there's no trouble.

Jason: How can I help?

Luke: Well, make sure those no activity at the docks tonight, that's all.

Jason: Why would you be taking your wife to the docks?  Have you completely lost it?

Luke: It's just a special place for us.  Can you do that for me?

Jason: Sonny would, so I guess I could.  Don't worry about it.  You'll be completely safe.

Luke: Thanks, man.  I have some planning to do before I see my daughter.  Fix those books!!!

Luke walks out leaving Jason wonder if Luke hasn't been drinking the hard stuff in the morning.

Luke comes home and everyone is waiting for him.  Lulu immediately comes running to Luke, jumping into his arms.

Luke: Oh, baby.  How is my precious Princess Lesley Lu?

Lulu: Happy!!!

Luke: I'm glad to hear that.  (He puts down Lulu and she goes back running to where Lucky is sitting) She looks like she's trying to practice for the marathon.

Lucky: She's a terror now that won't stay still.  Just like a Spencer, right Dad?

Luke: Yeah.  Cowboy, I need to ask you to do me a favor.

Lucky: Anything.

Luke: Can you get your mother out of the house for a couple of hours?  Tell her you have to go buy some new shoes or something.  Anything that will keep you guys busy for a while until we all meet at Kelly's for dinner.  Can you do that?

Lucky: What's in it for me?

Luke: A roof over your head.  You in?

Lucky: Since you put it that way...

Lucky immediately goes upstairs to find his mother.  He didn't know exactly what his father was planning, but he immediately took note that he was going to have to stay in his room for the rest of his night.  Why can't my parents be like normal parents and cut out all this love stuff, he thought.

With Laura out of the house for a while, Luke started to plan out the perfect evening.  He made a few calls to get a few things and everything was going to be set.  About an hour later, Lesley comes downstairs to see what Luke has done.

Lesley: Wow.  What do we have here?

Luke: (embarrassed at being caught as a soft romantic at heart) I... uh... well...

Lesley: I completely understand, Luke.  I'll make sure that the kids stay in their rooms tonight.

Luke: Thanks.

Lesley heads back upstairs, smiling at the fact that her daughter had to be the luckiest woman alive when it came to a husband.  She was glad to be home and with family again.