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Chapter 6

<Click> The tape player just stopped, but Luke and Laura were still dancing to the music in their hearts.  Their hearts were so in tune with one another, that they could have danced like that for hours and not miss a step.  They heard footsteps coming towards them, and they quickly stopped dancing and stood a little apart.  They both were a little embarrassed by the display of absolute affection they were showing in such a public place, especially one that wouldn't be considered romantic in any way.

As the stranger just passed on by, without a glance towards them, Luke sighed silently to himself.  At least Jason was keeping his part of the deal.  There wasn't a even a hint of trouble in sight. Luke thanked God.  He really wanted to make this homecoming one for the books.  He looked back at Laura, hoping his concern wasn't showing.

Laura's mind was back in time, to a safer place.  She went back to the night Luke proposed to her.  She remembered being left at Kelly's by Robert, who she really was only using to make Luke jealous anyway.  Luke had gotten the better of him and snuck out without Robert knowing.  Then Luke made it back just in time to see her alone.  He finally asked her out, and she asked if it was for real this time or just another trial run.  He promised that it was the real thing.  And boy did he mean it.  They had a nice dinner at the Versaille Room and Luke even got a violinist to play their song for them.  Tears were forming in her eyes from the memories.  Then Mrs. O'Reilly sent them that nice note and they left for the docks to have a nice peaceful evening.  That's when Luke finally admitted to loving her again.  She was so happy because it had taken so long for him to be able to say those words to her.  Then they got to her apartment, nothing really happened there because Luke held back, but as he was leaving, he proposed.  She wasn't even expecting it this time.  She wanted him to say those 4 words, "Will you marry me," for such a long time.  And now she was here, with the man she loved more than life.  16 years later, and their love was as strong, if not stronger, than it was that night.

Luke held up Laura's hand to his lips and kissed it slightly.

Luke: There's just one more thing to do to make the evening complete.

Laura: What's left?

Luke: (faking looking hurt) Ah, darling.  I can't believe you forgot.  (He pulls out a piece of paper) This says every last thought that I have of you.  How much I love you, need you, adore you, and respect you.  These are my feelings for you, even though they do no true justice to what I really feel, and I am going to seal it with a kiss, place it in this champagne bottle, and throw it out to sea.  (Luke folds up the paper and kisses it)

Laura: (trying to grab the note) Aren't you going to let me read it first?

Luke: You already know what it says.  At least I hope you do.

Laura: I know.  This night alone tells me that.  (She kisses Luke on the cheek) Thank you so much.

Luke smiles, knowing that he had definitely made this an unforgettable night, and it wasn't even over yet.  He was always scared of marraige because all the couples he noticed were either fighting all the time or very boring.  He never wanted the romance to end, and with Laura, it never did.  He placed the note into the bottle, said a silent vow to always love Laura, and threw it into the sea.  Then he turned around to face his wife once more.

Luke: Well, all nights must come to an end.

Laura: I never want tonight to end.

Luke: I know... I know.  (He pulled her in and held her as closely as he could) But they must at some point.  Shall we go home?

Laura: (not sounding to confident) I guess.

Luke: (smiling) Well, the sooner we get home...

And Luke and Laura raced each other to the car.

Luke and Laura pulled up to the driveway, both being very silent on the car ride home, each in their own thoughts.  Laura thinking of  all the trouble Luke must have gone through to prove to her that he still was in love with her, and Luke thinking about the look on Laura's face when she walks inside.  You definitely topped yourself this time, Spencer, he thought.

Luke got out of the car and opened the car door for Laura.  She stepped out of the car and started walking towards the house.  Luke not paying close attention until she almost got to the door yelled, "STOP!"

Laura: What?  What is it?

Luke: I just wanted to carry you in.  That's all.  (He opened the door, picked her up, and brought her inside)

Once they got inside, Luke turned on the lamp to make sure it was still a little dim inside.  Just the right light for a little more romance.  Laura finally got a good look at what used to be her living room.  Except this time, there were a candles everywhere, Luke going around lighting each one, and their table had a nice assortment of flowers with two glasses of champagne already filled.  Next to the flowers there was cavier and crackers.  Over on the table behind the couch, there was a box that was wrapped.  Laura was filled with complete surprise.

Luke noticed Laura taking everything in and went up to her and gave her a nice long kiss.  He led her over to where the present was and told her to open it.  He couldn't help himself from smiling already.  Laura, not knowing what was in the box, opened it up in a hurry only to see the surprise of her life.  It was the dress from Wyndhams when she and Luke were trapped there.  How could he remember everything so clearly after all this time?  She thought only women were this sentimental, but then again, she wasn't married to a fool either.  He definitely knew how to turn on the romance and charm when he wanted to.

Laura: (lifting the dress out of the box, tears streaming down her face) I can't believe it.  Luke, (She kisses him) I just... (she kisses him again, longer this time)

Luke: (still grinning from his accomplishments) I always loved you in pink chicken feathers.  Try it on.

Laura: Do you think it will fit me?

Luke: What do you take me for, woman?  You think I'm one of those husbands that goes around looking at every woman that passes by and forgets what his own wife looks like?

Laura: I've just been away so long.

Luke: And I have dreamed about every inch of your body every night you were away.  Trust me, try it on.

Laura goes as Luke sets things up for when she comes back.  She appears, and the dress fits perfectly.  He walks over to her and asks her if she would like to take a seat at the table.  She agrees and he pulls out the chair for her.  As she sits down, he gently pulls her chair in and smells the scent of her hair so slightly.  After they have some cavier and their glasses of champagne, he asks her for one more dance to "Fascination".  As the dance continues, the passion rises and he starts to kiss her neck and nibble on her ear.  They head for the couch and continue kissing when the door bell rings.  Neither one of them hear it at first, but hear Lucky screaming from his bedroom, "Will someone get that so I can get some sleep!"

Frustrated beyond belief, Luke gets up and answers the door only to be greeted by the sound of a gun shot.. <BANG>