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Chapter 7

<BANG> "LUKE!"  Laura screams as she sees Luke fall to the ground.  She runs over to him, totally oblivious to the fact that the shooter is still outside.  Laura screams again as she sees Luke's fallen body on the ground, not a movement from him.  The shooter looks on and laughs, preparing to fire another shot.  Laura hears the click and instinctively covers Luke with her own body. <BANG>.

Outside, a woman comes running over to the house.  "I told you not to do that.  I know you wanted to get Luke back for what he's done, but this is going a bit too far."

"I couldn't help myself."

"God, you must have scared them half to death.  Laura... Laura, are you okay?"

Laura still in a daze, just looks for the bullet wound in her husband.  How come I don't see any blood coming out?  As she keeps on searching, she silently prays that he will be alright.  "Luke, come on Luke, wake up.  Oh, God, Please come back to me... PLEASE!"  Luke starts to move his hand.  "Thank you," Laura whispers.

Luke gets up slowly, wondering what is going on.  One minute he is opening the door and the next he is laying on the ground.  He didn't even know how he got there.  He just remembers a gun shot.  He looks over at Laura.  She must have been scared out of her mind.  "I'm alright.  Just a little confused."  He looks towards the door and sees two very familiar faces.  "What do we have hear?"

Laura a bit confused, finally remembers that the shooter is outside.  She looks over towards the door and jumps up from the surprise.  She runs over to the woman and gives her a hug. "Tiff, I can't believe it's really you!"

Tiffany: Yeah, it's me.  Sean and I decided to return to Port Charles.  (Looks over at Luke) Sorry that my husband scared you so much."

Luke: Not as sorry as I am.  What are you trying to do, Donnelly?  Give me a heart attack at my tender young age?

Sean: (smiling) Young age?  Have you looked in the mirror lately?

Luke: Yeah, young age.  Just ask my wife. (Everyone laughs but Laura, who blushes a little) So, what's this all about?

 Sean: Just thought I owed you a scare from when you shot me last time.

Luke: If everyone decided to get me back for all the hell I have stirred up in old Port Chuckles, I wouldn't live long enough to die from some horrible disease like lung cancer.  (He takes out a cigar and lights it)

Laura: (anger showing) Why the hell did you just shoot a gun at Luke and how did you miss?

Luke: Donnelly was never a good shot.

Laura throws a warning glare at Luke.  She can't believe how he can be joking at something like this.  Didn't he realize that she just got the scare of her life here?  This wasn't a joke.  She looks back towards Sean, arms crossed, waiting for Sean's response.

Sean: I wasn't really shooting at him.  I have blanks in here.  I never thought Luke would take a fall like that, but it was a sight to actually see him be the one that was laying on the ground instead of me for a change.

Tiffany: (hitting Sean on the arm) We're sorry for the scare.  I didn't think he was really serious when he said he was going to fire a gun at Luke, even if it was only blanks.  Luke, are you hurt at all?

Luke: (rubbing his head slightly) Just a bit of a headache.  I must have fallen from the shock and hit my head.  I'm okay.  Nothing in there to damage anyway.

As everyone relaxes and sits down in the living room, Lesley peeks her head downstairs.  It took all the strength she had to not come running down after she heard the shot.  The shot alarmed everyone, and she had to make sure Lucky wouldn't do something stupid like try to protect his parents and getting shot in the process. The last thing Luke and Laura needed was a crazed son trying to get revenge on someone with a gun.  She had convinced Lucky that his parents would want him safe and protect Lulu, and he agreed, not leaving Lulu's side through it all.  As she looks on, she sees two people sitting down on the couch talking to Luke and Laura.  She doesn't recognize them, "or just don't remember them," she says quietly to herself.  As she tries to get a better look, the step creaks, causing everyone to look up at her.

Laura: Oh God, Mother.  I forgot that you and the kids were upstairs during all of this.  I'm sorry if we scared you.  Are the kids okay?

Lesley: Lucky is in with Lulu right now.  What just happened hear?

Laura: Just some old friends visiting. Do you remember Tiffany?

Lesley: I'm sorry, but I don't.

Tiffany: That's okay.  (Looking at Laura with disbelief that the woman she believed dead was still alive)

Laura: This is her husband, Sean Donnelly.

Sean: It's nice to meet you..

Lesley: I would say the same, but if I have to hear gunshots every time you come over...

Sean: Sorry about that.  I was just playing a little joke on Spencer here.  No harm done I hope.

Tiffany: Oh, gosh, the kids.  Lucky has got to be almost a man now, and Lulu... bet she's just adorable.

Laura: Would you want to see the both of them?  They're just upstairs, wide awake I bet, after all of this.

Tiffany: I would love to.  Sean?

Sean: I don't think Lulu needs too much excitement tonight.  I'm just going to sit down here with Luke.

As both Tiffany and Laura head upstairs with Lesley to see the kids, Sean finally notices the dress Laura is wearing.  He takes a quick glance around the room and sees the candles around the room.  He looks over at the table and notices two empty glasses and some cavier.  He starts to feel guilty as he realizes that he and Tiff interrupted a very romantic evening.

Sean: I'm sorry about all of this.

Luke: Like I said, no damage done.

Sean: I mean interrupting your evening.

Luke looks around at what once was a very romantic setting that he had planned.  Well, you can't call our lives boring and mundane, that's for sure.  He still had one more trick up his sleeve.  He was never a man without a backup plan.

Sean: (noticing Luke's sudden silence, but continues anyway) You two must have really planned a spectacular evening together.

Luke: This (motioning around the room) was all my idea.  I was trying to beat Laura in the surprise department, but it seems you topped us both.  So what brings you back to Port Chuck?

Laura and Tiff are upstairs and head to Lulu's room.  Laura thanks god that her mother was upstairs to prevent Lucky from doing something rash.  He was so much like Luke and would act before thinking when it came to his family.  As they walk in the room, Lucky immediately comes running and gives Laura a huge hug.

Laura: I'm okay.  Nothing happend to us.

Lucky: But I heard gun shots.  What's going on?

Laura: It isn't what you think.  Sean decided to play a little joke on your father, that's all.

Lucky finally lets go of his hold around Laura and notices Tiffany standing there.  It has been a while since he has seen Sean and Tiff... actually a few years now, ever since his dad shot Sean in the neck accidently.  Now everything was fitting in place.

Lucky: Wow.  I never thought I would see you again.

Tiff: "Wow" is an understatement when it comes to you.  Have you grown or what?

Lucky: That usually happens at my age.  Want to see Lulu?

Tiffany walks over to Lulu and notices that she is fast asleep again.  I guess she's used to a crazy lifestyle already, she thought.  Tears stream down her face as she sees her goddaughter lying peacefully asleep.  "She is so adorable.  Definitely inherritted her looks from you and not from Luke."

Laura: (smiling) Be nice.

Tiff just looks back at Lulu and thinks of how wonderful it is to be back with friends she loved.  It was good to be back in Port Charles where she belonged.