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Chapter 8

Sean and Tiffany get into their car after their visit with the Spencers.  Tiffany was very happy to see her best friend, but she knew something was bothering her.  She completely understood Laura's fright over Sean's stupid idea, however, she thought Laura would easily get over it when she noticed who it was.  But she didn't.  There was something else that had Laura worried, and she figured Lesley was involved somehow.

Sean looked over at Tiffany who was being very quiet the whole ride home.  He wondered if Tiffany was really that angry with him about the gun shot.  He didn't expect Luke to take a fall like he did, but since no one was hurt, he figured no harm done.  He looked over at his wife again, and needed to know what kind of mood she was in.  Taking a deep break, he asked, "Are you still mad?"

Tiffany: Huh?  No, no.

Sean: Are you sure?

Tiffany: (getting frustrated that her husband can never take her word on the first try)  I already told you that I'm not mad!

Sean: Okay, okay.  You're not mad.

Tiffany: (regretting lashing out at Sean) I'm sorry.

Sean: What's wrong?

Tiffany: I'm worried about Laura.

Sean: Why?

Tiffany: I don't know.  There's something worrying her.  Actually, fright might be a better word.

Sean: Well, with thinking Luke just bit the bullet...

Tiffany just let it rest at that.  She didn't want to try to explain her reasons right now for thinking Laura was in danger of some type.  She had no proof yet.  It could have been all in her imagination.  Then again, she could be completely right too.  She was just going to go home and go to sleep, and with a fresh start tomorrow, she was going to try to find out whether her instincts are correct.

Laura was still in Lulu's room, watching her sleep.  Lucky was standing off to the side, staring at his mother.  He knew something was bothering her.  He at first thought it might be because of the scare just a little while ago, but he knew his mother better than that.  She was able to take a joke, even a bad one, better than anyone he knew... except for his father of course.  This was something else.  He was just about to ask her if everything was okay, and thought it wasn't the time.  ‘She obviously wants to be left alone with her thoughts right now,' Lucky thought, so he decided to go downstairs to see how his father was doing.

Luke was downstairs, cleaning up the last of the remains of the night he had planned.  He had picked up all the candles and set them down on the table.  He looked over at the champagne glasses and cavier and was thinking of what this night could have been like if his plans weren't interrupted.  ‘I always knew Sean had bad timing,' he thought as he brought the glasses and cavier into the kitchen.  When he got back, he saw Lucky sitting on the couch, waiting for him.

Luke: Well, Cowboy, what's on your mind?

Lucky: (smiling) Just wanted to see the face of a man who got beat at his own game.

Luke: (acting like he got stabbed in the heart) My own son hitting where it hurts... (he falls to the ground)

Lucky: So what are you going to do for payback?

Luke: (getting up and sitting next to his son) You think I should do something?

Lucky: He did ruin your evening.

Luke: (acting like he has no clue what Lucky is talking about) What evening?

Lucky: Oh, come on, man.  This evening you had planned out.  Making me take mom out so it would be a surprise.  The candles that were here when I got home.  Grandma telling me to stay upstairs for the night, and the music I was hearing before the gunshot... I'm not as naive as you may think.

Luke: Do you really take me for a guy who doesn't have a plan B?

Lucky: Should I go upstairs now?

Luke: No.  Nothing's happening at the moment.  So what else is on your mind?

Lucky: (thinking about his mother) Nothing at all.

Luke: Come on, Lucky.  That look you have isn't nothing.  There's something juggling around in that brain of yours.  What is it?

Lucky: Well, Mom seems worried somehow.

Luke: How?

Lucky: I can't explain it.  She's just off in another world it seems.

Luke: Well, Sean's joke did scare her.  You know how she hates guns to begin with, especially ones aimed at me.

Lucky: I guess that might be it, but it seems like something more.

Luke: I wouldn't worry about your mother, Cowboy.  She's a strong woman. And if anything was really wrong, she would have told me about it.

Laura was sitting next to Lulu, still watching her sleep.  ‘How peaceful it must be to have no guilt, fear, or secrets,' she thought.  She thought back to before Lulu got sick and how simple life was back then.  Simple compared to now at least.  Facing Frank Smith and being on trial was nothing compared to the thought of losing everything she has ever cared about.  Lesley came up from behind startling Laura.

Lesley: Sorry.  Just thought you might want some hot chocolate.

Laura: Thanks.  Can you just leave it on the table?

Lesley places the mug on the table and also notices that something is bothering Laura.  Her daughter seemed tense and frightened of something, but she didn't know what.  She thought her daughter would be happy and relaxed now that she was home with Luke.  ‘Does it have something to do with Luke,' Lesley thought.  She noticed that this was not the first time Laura had that look on her face since she's been back, so it had nothing to do with tonight's events.  This was something a lot deeper.  She thought that it might be the right time to confront her about it.

Lesley: Laura?  What's wrong?

Laura: Nothing, Mother.  I just want to be alone right now.

Lesley: You can't fool me that easily.  I know something is on your mind.

Laura: It's nothing important.

Lesley: Why don't you let me be the judge of that.

Laura looks over at her mother.  She knew she could tell her anything, but this was one secret she preferred to keep to herself.  She knew that if her mother knew anything, she might be in danger.  She used to think Stefan wasn't capable of being like the rest of the Cassadines, but now she knew she was wrong.  He was worse than all of them because he had you fight your own conscience before taking revenge.

Lesley saw her daughter looking at her and decided not to push any further tonight.  She went over and gave Laura a hug and a kiss on the forehead and left the room.  This was something her daughter would have to fight on her own, first, before she would allow anyone to help her.  She had to trust Laura to do the right thing, and pray that she wouldn't get into any trouble in the process.