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Chapter Six

Leslie puts Lu - Lu down. "Oh Dear."

Amy comes up beside her. "What is wrong? Why don't you want Stefan to go up there?"

Leslie looks up the stairs, and then goes over to sit on the couch to quickly come up with an idea to stop him from walking in. She looks at Amy. "Because Luke is up there."

Amy runs over to Leslie, shocked. "What? Well we can't let Stefan find out. You know I always knew that Laura still wanted Luke. Just the other day..."

Leslie remembers the back stairs in the kitchen and takes off through the kitchen.

Stefan just gets up the stairs and he realizes that he hasn't gotten been up here before so he has no idea where Laura bedroom is. So he just starts with the first door he sees and walks in.

Leslie runs up the back stairs and peeks down the hall to see Stefan coming out of Lu-Lu's room and heading for hers. She realizes that Stefan doesn't have a clue what room is Laura's, thank god it is down the hall from him.

She however is right in front of her room, she knocks on the door and walks in with her eyes closed. Luke and Laura both pull apart and sit up as they hear the door open. They look over to see Leslie standing there against the door with her eyes closed.

Leslie: "Sorry to intrude but..."

Laura sits up with blanket wrapped around her. "What is it Mom?"

Before Leslie can say anything they all hear Stefan yell, "Laura!"

Luke and Laura both look at each other as Leslie says, "That is what."

Luke : "Les, darling, I know that you have alwalys had a thing for me and normally I love to make my wife jealous, but do you think you can keep those beautiful eyes closed a little longer while I get up and put some pants on."

Laura playfully hits Luke as he gets up and Leslie turns around so that she is facing the door and chuckles.

Leslie: "Sure Luke. How did you know?"

Luke laughing. "I could tell darling."

Laura: "Enough of that you two.  We don't have much time. Mom, how did you know that Luke was here?"

Leslie: "When I got up this morning I came in to see if you were awake. Oh, I think he is in the bathroom three doors down."

Laura leans over, blanket covering her and grabs her nightgown from the end of the bed and puts it on.

Leslie: "Oh, he is two door down.."

Luke runs over and grabs Leslie. "Come on, darling, we have no time to get out of here now." He looks around for a place for them to hide and sees the closet. "Come on, we will hide in here."  As he is closing the door you hear him say, "Hey, Les, do you remember the game seven minutes in heaven?"

Laura looks over and chuckles, just as Stefan knocks on the door Luke opens up the closet door and whispers, "Cause that is all I am giving you with Count Vlad."

Laura whispers, "Close the door," and then yells, "Coming."

Laura looks back at the closet to make sure that Luke closed it then gets up and opens the door "Stefan what are you doing here?"

Stefan walks in. "Are you alone, Lasha? I thought I heard voices when I came to the door."

Laura nervous. "Uh... No, it's just me in here."

Stefan looks around the room. "OK, well I just came by to see how you were doing and to see if you wanted to go out for dinner."

Laura: "Stefan, I think we should get together and talk."

Stefan: "Now is as good of time as any."

Laura quickly looks at the closet and then back at Stefan. She was thinking that she didn't want to get into this with Luke standing in the closet for fear that Luke would come out. But she did make her choice last night when she made love with Luke. Just thinking about the man in the closet and the one standing in front of her she knew that she had made the right choice. Stefan would never make her feel the way that Luke did. Besides maybe if Luke heard what she had to say then maybe he would be able to trust her again.

Laura: "Stefan, I have something to tell you and I want you to listen to me before you say anything." Stefan nodded his head in agreement so Laura went on. "When I was on that island, being held prisoner by Stavros, I felt worthless, unwanted, unloved. Espescially when I thought that Luke had died. I had given up on life, I didn't care if I lived or died. Then you came along and you were kind to me, and caring. You made me feel like I was wanted again, like I was worth something more than a slave for Stavros' sexual desires.  You made me feel like a person again. You see when Luke died, a part of me died with him. All I ever wanted was to feel wanted by someone, to feel loved by someone. Like the way that Luke wanted and loved me. I was looking for that feeling again. Sure you made me laugh, you made me feel like a person again and I knew that you wanted and needed me, but deep down there was part of me that knew my heart wasn't free. My heart was under lock and key and Luke was the only that had the key, he was the only one who could open my heart up again to those feelings. I am soo grateful to you for making me feel alive again but..."

Stefan: "You said that you wanted to come back to Nikolas and me. That Luke forced you to stay."

Laura starts to get teary. "I know. I know. I was sooo upset over Luke leaving me that I wanted to feel like someone wanted me again. You see you fell back into that place again like on the island. I knew that you wanted me and you wouldn't turn me away so..."

Stefan mad: "So you lied to me."

Laura: "I'm soo sorry, Stefan, really I am. I shouldn't have used you like that. The truth of the matter is when I saw Luke on the lawn of the mayor's mansion all those years ago, all the old feelings came rushing back. It was like nothing had changed, and when he wrapped me in his arms and kissed me it was like the lock on my heart had come undone. I did try to get away because I was afraid that Stavros would kill him, but I knew deep down that this was the only place I wanted to be. You see he still had that key to my heart. He still has that key today.  It just took me awhile after he left me last year to realize that."

Stefan annoyed: "I see!!!"

Laura:" Stefan, I am sorry for leading you on. I will always be grateful for what you did for me on that island and for raising our son."

Stefan: "Yeah. Sure Lasha." He storms out of the room.

Laura starts to cry as Luke and Leslie walk out of the closet. Leslie goes downstairs to leave them some privacy She knew after that they would want to talk. Luke walk over to Laura and leads her to the bed and sits her down. He wraps his arms around her."Shh. Shh. It will be OK angel."

Laura: "I broke his heart, Luke. Why did I lead him on like that? You should have seen his face."

Luke: "I know, baby, I know. You had to tell him the truth though."

Laura: "I just wish that I had been up front with him from the beginning."

Luke strokes her hair: "We all make mistakes angel."

Laura looks up at Luke. "Does this mean that you forgive me?"

Luke laughs. "I think I proved that last night, don't you?"

Laura smiles. "Yeah, you sure did. But I guess what I am asking is do you trust me now? You told me awhile back that you didn't trust me anymore. Everything I said to Stefan was the truth."

Luke strokes her cheek. "I know angel and yes, I do trust you. I would never have been able to make love to you if I didn't." Luke leans over and kisses her cheek. " I love you, Mrs. Spencer."

Laura: "I love you too, Mr. Spencer."

They kiss

Stefan is outside the Spencer household on his cell phone. "Fasion, it's Stefan Cassadine. I want a meeting with you and my mother tonight. It's time Laura learned the price of crossing the Cassadines. Young Spencer will not be so Lucky after all after tonight.