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Buffy/Angel: The Series
The Chronicles Of Narnia
Harry Potter
Angelic Brat's Fiction


To Take



Title: Twisted Fantasies
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: Why Booker T acts like he does towards Austin.
Timeline: Survivor Series 2001 to Raw 12.24.01
Couple/s: Booker T/Stone Cold Steve Austin (implied), Booker T/Big Bossman (implied)
Notes: Oneshot.
Status: Completed 01.03.02

Title: Reasons Why
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: The real reason behind the Edge and Christian break up.
Timeline: Post E and C break up to just before Christian joins alliance.
Couple/s: Christian/Paul Heyman
Notes: Oneshot
Status: Completed 01.10.02

Title: Laughter
Rating: PG
Synopsis: What Kurt Angle remembers about Rebellion 2001.
Timeline: Rebellion 2001 to Survivor Series 2001.
Couple/s: none.
Notes: Oneshot
Status: Completed 01.10.02

Title: Love and War
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: A new WWE Diva is the sister of a Superstar, but she's not just there in the WWE to wrestle.
Timeline: 2002 and beyond.
Couple/s: BJ/Shane McMahon, Stone Cold Steve Austin/Debra, Vince McMahon/Linda McMahon
Status: Abandoned (Part 7 up)

Title: As Luck Would Have It...
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: Triple H finally meets the woman of his dreams, but there's a problem...
Timeline: Future
Couple/s: Abbie Williams/Triple H, Stephanie McMahon/Kurt Angle, Stone Cold Steve Austin/Debra
Status: Completed 03.19.03

Title: Along The Way
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: Kurt and Stephanie finally admit their feelings for each other, but fate always seems to be intervening.
Timeline: Future.
Couple/s: Stephanie McMahon/Kurt Angle, Stephanie McMahon/Triple H (mentioned)
Status: Completed 03.20.03

Title: So What?
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: What went through Austin's mind after he was fired by Eric Bischoff?
Timeline: Raw 03/31/03 and beyond.
Couple/s: None.
Notes: Oneshot
Status: Completed 04.27.03

Title: Love, Fury And Passion
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: What if at Survivor Series 2001 The Alliance had beaten the WWF despite Kurt Angle's betrayal? Would it have changed things between him and Stephanie? Or would she have stayed to play the game?
Timeline: Survivor Series 2001 and beyond.
Couple/s: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley/Kurt Angle, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley/Triple H.
Status: Hiatus - may be abandoned (Part 4 up)

Title: Dumb Girl
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: What went through Trish's mind after she overheard Y2J and Christian's conversation.
Timeline: Raw 12/01/03 and beyond.
Couple/s: Trish/Chris Jericho.
Notes: Oneshot
Status: Completed 12.08.03