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About me

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Hi! My name is Savannah, but I go by my middle name, Ivy. I'm a home schooled 11th grader from sweet home Alabama. I enjoy hanging out with my friends, going to the movies,basketball, gymnastics, and camping. I stay very busy with school, youth group activities with my church, and playing basketball with the NAH Eagles. When I'm not doing that I like to scrapbook, cook, and watch movies. I'm also very interested in photography and graphic/web design.

I love to read!(mostly mysteries and historical fiction) Some of my favorite books are...The Left Behind series,Passport to Danger series,Cheney Duvall, M.D., Impossible Dreamers, Nancy Drew, and of course Dr. Quinn fanfiction.

I have watched Dr. Quinn since the very first show on CBS, but I didn't get "hooked" until a couple years later. My friends say I'm obsessed!(And yes I admit it's true!) I was very upset and disappointed when it was canceled. Then when it started coming on the Hallmark Channel I got my best friend to tape the episodes for me because I do not get that channel. I now have all but 2 episodes on tape. Thanks Erin!!

Besides DQ I also enjoy watching 7th Heaven, Christy, I Love Lucy, Early Edition, Trading Spaces and pretty much any medical show.


My top 20 favorite DQ episodes.

For a more detailed about me page check out my personal homepage.


Me, Messa, and Shells
St. Louis - July 3, 03