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My favorite Episodes

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There are still a few episodes that I haven't written my reviews for but that will be coming soon!
Really, I promise!

#20-To Have and to Hold

I love all the clips episodes, but especially this one. It shows the important events in Mike and Sully's relationship as well as some funny moments. And at the end they finally grieve together over their lost child.

#19-Traveling All Stars

Without a doubt this is the funniest episode! If I'm ever sad or in a bad mood I just pull this one out of my collection and get ready to laugh. I crack up every time when Preston starts coaching and says "Robert E, show me what you got...Not a lot." And when Mike is coaching and hits the ball to that old man who bends down very slowly! Then Dorothy "Whew I thought I was actually going to have to play!" LOL!

#18-Ready or Not

Another clip episode, I love this one because I can watch all my favorite scenes(up to season 3) all in one episode! ( I can almost quote the entire episode as well!) Some conversations between Mike and Sully during their marriage counseling is a bit humorous. (And watching the Reverend) In this episode they finally resolve the issues of the Reverends proposal and Sully and Katherine's kiss. I wish they had gone into a little more detail though, but I guess it wasn't to be.


I'm not really sure why this is one of my favorites. I guess because it was the first movie and I was just grateful for a more DQ! I like the action and adventure in this one. I never really believed Katie was dead but I still think it had a good story line. The girl that played Katie was so cute! (When they traveled to Mexico and Cloud Dancing dressed up like a Mexican, my sister called him Paco and it stuck. We now have a joke about "Paco.")

#16-Return Engagement

Sully finally proposes and in a sweat lodge of all places! But it was so romantic. Then the unexpected happens, Michaela's thought-to-be-dead fiancee comes back. Of course everyone is surprised and I did not envy Michaela for having to make a choice. But when Sully came to her that one night by the barn and says he just wants for her to be happy, it makes her decision very easy. What I would give for a guy to say that to me!(especially if it was Sully. lol) I just love that scene and what Sully tells Michaela, ah it's so good!

#15-Runaway Train

 #14-One Touch of Nature

#13-Happy Birthday

This is episode has some very funny parts. The kids matchmaking efforts were well intentioned but so funny. (Mike to the Reverend,"Sounds like a plan.") I crack up the whole time while Hank and Mike are on their "date" at Grace's("You're man enough for both of us!") I also love the part when Grace is telling her "Boston menu" for the party, and Colleen thinks it might make Mike homesick and Grace says "No one gets sick off my cooking!"And of course this is the episode where Sully and Michaela share their first kiss.(Well that Mike knows about.)

#12-Comfort of Friends

This is one of the saddest DQ episodes but I still enjoy watching it. Jane Seymour did an excellent job portraying Michaela's emotions and feelings. I cry every time when she realizes she lost the baby. I love the last scene when Dorothy and Grace visit the homestead. Michaela finally has to seek the comfort of someone else and her friends are there for her. It reminds me of my awesome friends who have been there every time I needed them.

#11-The Race


I love photography myself so that is one reason I like this episode. The photos are so beautiful. Kenny Rogers did a great job playing photographer Daniel Watkins. This episode also has some great quotes.("It's just if a woman like Dr. Quinn looked at me the way she looks at you, I'd fall down on one knee and promise myself to her forever.")

#9-Moment of Truth

I like all the action/adventure episodes and this one is no exception. And it is the only season finale that leaves you hanging. I could hardly wait for that summer to be over! But in the back of my head I knew Sully was still alive. This episode also starts the major downgrading of Sully's character.(Well actually I believe Sully character was going downhill in the 5th season too, but I won't go into that.) Because he was a fugitive he had to stay in hiding the first half season 6, then once he's free he's still not in many episodes. I know this is because Lando was cut to part-time, but it still bugs me. I mean Sully just isn't there for his family several times when they really need him because he made the irrational decision to break the law and help the Indians escape. Which we know led to a lot of trouble.

#8-All That Matters

This episode starts right after Michaela finds Sully, barley alive. I love that beginning scene, "Sully don't leave me!" I don't think I've ever seen the whole part where Mike has to cauterize the wound on Sully's leg. I close my eyes everytime! I love the part with the music as they show Sully gaining his health back. And there is a particular quote I find amusing, when Sully tells Michaela "It sounds funny, you wanting to break the law." I mean it seems like Michaela is always breaking the law, for good reasons of course, but still breaking the law. So why should Sully find that funny?


The episode that started it all! Who couldn't love this one? I can quote pretty much the whole thing! It does a great job introducing the characters, I just wish it had the same actors for Jake, Loren, and Robert E as the rest of the series. But still an excellent episode. The only part I don't like is when Michaela has her tooth pulled. I can feel her pain, having 4 teeth pulled myself. I either close my eyes or fast forward that part almost everytime. Boy, she sure went through a lot to earn the people of Colorado Springs trust.

#6-Bad Water

This episode has all the stuff it takes to make a good DQ episode: Mike and Sully on their first(of many) adventure in the woods and Loren, Jake, Hank and Horace form a rescue posse.(When ever you get those guys together it's bound to be hilarious!) Bad Water is what I like to call a "turning point episode" in Mike and Sully's relationship. This one also has a lot of great scenes. Old habit-give it up, hair brushing, don't look, and do up the buttons. It should be against the law to have that many wonderful scenes in one episode!


And the countdown begins!
I consider all of my top 5 (with the exception of Washington Affair) "turning point episodes." It was really difficult to rank these last five episodes! They are all #1 in my book.


#5-Best Friends
In this episode Michaela and Sully are still struggling with the newest step in their relationship, courting. Mike thinks Sully should change certain aspects of his life but he thinks that they should accept each other the way they are. Mike starts wondering if they are really meant to be together and if they have enough in common. It was so thoughtful of Sully to seek out Dorothy for dancing lessons but Mike thinks something else is going on. I love the scene in the clinic where she confronts Sully about it and he says that she is suppose to trust him. I don't know why but I just like seeing Michaela Quinn jealous! But Dorothy assures her that Sully " is like a needle on a compass, points true north." I also love the dialogue at the end of the episode.("You're right. I was jealous." "I know." "It was foolish." "It was." "Must you agree with me all of the time?")

#4-Where the Heart Is
I don't even know where to start with my reasons for loving this episode! It's just so good! Okay the parts with William aren't good but just as much as I like seeing Michaela jealous I love seeing Sully jealous! I yell at Mike for even considering William. I can't stand it when she goes to dinner with him! Then when Sully confronts her after overhearing William's proposal and she tells him it's none of his business, I just wanna slap her and knock some sense into her! I think the scene in the train is my absolute favorite scene of all time! Sully finally admits the real reason he followed her to Boston, because he loves her. That hits Michaela hard, she wasn't expecting that.(But in the back of her mind I'm sure she already knew it.) She couldn't handle it and didn't have a response so she leaves Sully in the train and goes back home. Mrs. Quinn has a talk with her and asks her what other man besides William respects her as a woman and a physician then she realizes that she loves Sully too and that her heart now lies in Colorado Springs. My next favorite scene of all time is when Michaela gets off the stage coach and sees Sully standing there, waiting for her. I love the music right then, it's magic and evokes such emotion. Michaela runs into Sully's arms and says that she loves him too! (I rewind and watch that scene over and over!)

#3-Giving Thanks
This episode and Where the Heart Is are probably tied, but since Giving Thanks continues where WTHI left off so I put this one 3rd. I love the part where Sully shows Michaela "his world" and that is when she starts wondering if they have enough in common for a solid relationship. This episode is mostly serious but there are a few funny parts like Hank's remarks when Sully comes with Mike to the town meeting and of course Cloud Dancing's classic line,"No drinky. Bad Water. You get 'em?" Who could ask for a better ending to this episode? It finally rains and Mike and Sully reaffirm their love in the downpour! Great stuff!

#2-Washington Affair

I love the suspense and mystery in this episode. And we learn a little more about Sully's past which is intriguing. It gets me every time when Michaela visits Sully in jail the first time and the guard makes her leave and she cries "Sully, I'll get you out. Sully, I love you!" The emotion in her voice, and watching both her and Sully's faces...ahhh, it's so sad but I love it. Oh and I've always wanted to know exactly what that note Michaela wrote Dorothy said!


If I had to choose a #1 favorite episode, this would be it! I think the major reason is because after the series ended on CBS I only had about 5 episodes on tape and this was one of them. I watched this one over and over(yet never got sick of it.) I love all the adventure based episodes and this one is full of adventure. The honey & berries scene and the "I love yous" before jumping off the cliff into the water are some of my favorite scenes.

