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That Old Gang of Mine

Parts that are in dark purple have pictures and are below the scene.
Wesley/Fred parts of scenes are italicized, and important specific lines or quotes that show the 'love' are
bolded as well.

Guys with machine guns are coming down the stairs opening fire on the demon clientele. Fred gets splattered by white demon blood and falls off the stool she is sitting on. Gunn grabs Lorne and they take cover behind the bar.

Gunn: "Go. Down! Come on!"

Wes and Cordy tip their table over and crouch behind it.

Demons are being shot to pieces as bullets spray the air. One of the guys shoots up the bottles lining the wall behind the bar.

Gio walks into the center of the room, leaning the sawed off shotgun he is carrying up against his shoulder and looks around with a big grin.

Gio: "Party! Yoo-hoo!"


Gunfire is ringing through the air.

Lorne: "Oh, my club!"

Wesley sees Fred stand up on the stage and runs out from behind his table. He jumps on the stage, picks Fred up and makes his way back to Cordy and the table.
He jumps on the stage, picks Fred up and makes his way back to Cordy and the table.

Rondell spins to aim at Cordy, who is helping Fred up.

Rondell: "One! Just one. Her. (Cordy looks at Wes) The others stay."

Gunn: "Rondell, come on, man!"

Cordy: "I'm not leaving here without her. (Puts an arm around Fred) No way."

Some of the gang pull Fred away from her and hustle Cordy towards the door.

Cordy: "No! No!"

Wes takes a hold of Fred and the guys let her go to step back and aim their guns at them again.

Rondell: "The rest'll be able to leave *after* she brings back the vampire. (Glances back at Gunn) Then we'll see who lost the mission."

Rondell motions with his gun at Cordy: "Go."

Cordy looks at Gunn, who nods, then slowly leaves.

Gio is up on stage at Caritas singing "Wind Beneath My Wings"

Gio: "Did you ever know that you're my - hero? (Laughs) You're everything I wish I could be. I could fly higher than..."

Wes quietly to Gunn: "We have to do something. Angel walks in here they'll kill him."

Gunn: "No. They won't. They're gonna make *me* do it."

Fred has been keeping a tight hold to Wesley.  
Fred has been keeping a tight hold to Wesley.  Fred has been keeping a tight hold to Wesley.  Fred has been keeping a tight hold to Wesley.

Gio: " are the wind beneath my wings. Hey, Chuck! Did I ever tell you you're... (Feedback starts to wine from the speakers) Hey!"

Gio shakes the mike, then throws it away, steps off the stage, turns and shoots the Karaoke machine, stopping the music.

Wesley steps closer to Fred and she clings to the arms he wraps around her.
Wesley steps closer to Fred and she clings to the arms he wraps around her.

Gio: "Ah! - You know I'm starting to think this good vamp ain't never gonna show."


Gunn spins and hits one of the guys, grabs his machine gun and aims it at Gio, while all of the gang (including Rondell) take aim at him.
grabs his machine gun and aims it at Gio

Gio points at Gunn: "See that? You see that?! (Points at ugly demon) He's trying to save that lowlife! - You know what that kind of thing does? It's a baby killer is what that is. I've seen plenty of them in Florida."

Walks up to ugly demon and smiles at it.

Gio: "You like to eat babies, don't you?"

Ugly: "Yeah, go ahead. I don't care. (Gio walks away from it, to be replaced by another of the gang aiming his machine gun at it) You think I care? Go ahead and do it. Cowards. Cowards."

Gio walks back over towards Gunn: "So who does *he* go after? Who does he draw down on? The baby-killing monster? No, me, that's who. What does that tell you?"

Gunn: "Tells me there's a whole lot of monsters in this room to choose from."

Gio: "Yeah, maybe you one of them. (Takes a step closer to Gunn) You one of them, Chuck? Have they turned you already, huh? You one of 'em?"

Gunn: "Come at me and find out."

Gio: "Yeah, I think he's one of them. (To Gunn) Or - maybe you just wanna be. (Gunn glances at the others in the room) Yeah. That's more like it. I bet they won't even let you in their little club. Huh, Chuck? Damn. You ain't even good enough for the vamps, the demons and the baby-eatin' monsters. Huh. Yeah, that's what I'm guessing. Wine 'em and dine 'em, stick up for them "Oh, yeah. That one's okay" and they still won't put you on! Ain't that a blip?"

Gunn: "Shut up."

Gio smiling: "And all that what we heard about his sister might not be quite right. He was the only one there to see it. You know what I'm sayin'?"

Ugly continually talking in background: "I'll taste your children..."

Gio: "You're the one that let her get vamped in the first place, right Chuck?"

Ugly: "Listen to them scream. Tear of a piece. Have me a meal..."

Gio: "Because I know I wouldn't let no bloodsucker get that close to *my* sister. And why?"

Ugly: "I live in the playgrounds..."

Gio: "Where you thinking that finally she was gonna give it up to you? Was that the plan? And that's why you let her get bit."

Ugly: "Tear up their tiny, tiny bodies. Leave them for husks..."

Gio: "And then when she was there, all vamped out and hungry, you thought you might get that eternal kiss finally and when she said 'no' that's when you stuck it to her! That's what I'm thinkin'."

Gunn: "Shut up!"

Lorne: "No. Not in here. No. No."

Gio: "Is that why you start in here? Is that why you up in here, truckin' with vamps and demons, thinking you're gonna get your little piece of the action?!"

Gunn screaming: "I said shut (shoots the ugly demon going on about killing babies) up!!"

Ugly demon drops, Gio grins and Fred huddles closer against Wes' chest.

Fred huddles closer against Wes' chest.

Rondell puts down his gun, pulls out a stake and offers it to Gunn.

Rondell: "Prove to everyone here - this *thing* - ain't no friend to you."

Gunn takes the stake never taking his eyes off Angel. Wes leaves Fred to stand in front of Gunn.

Wesley: "This is madness. Angel has a soul."

Gio: "He's a vampire."

Wesley: "With a soul!"

Gio: "Whatever. - You think that makes him the same as us?"

Wesley: "No. Better. (To Gio) Better than you, anyway. When he did his pleasure killing he had no soul. You can make no such claim."

Rondell to Gunn: "What's it gonna be?"

Gunn looks down at the stake in his hand.

Angel: "Here, Charles - let me make it simple for you. (Takes a small step closer and morphs into his vampire face) Take a look. This is what I am. Deal with it or don't. But make a damn choice."

Fred takes the rig from Gio and puts it on her right arm.

Fred: "I'm sorry. - I just can't die in here."

Lifts the crossbow to point at Angel.

Angel: "It's okay. I understand."

Gio leans in close to Fred: "Alright, now you wanna get it in the heart or it's no good."

Gio takes a step back to give Fred room. Fred looks at Angel takes a couple deep breaths, then spins around to aim the bow at Gio.

Fred: "Although I thought I might just shoot you in the throat instead. Now, if I pierce one of your carotid arteries, considering the temperature in here, 'cause I think somebody shot the thermostat, the blood loss is gonna be heavy. And there's a chance I'll puncture a vocal cord and you won't even be able to scream. Butt you'll want to when the blood loss to your brain results in a cerebral vascular event. - That's a stroke. I wasn't trying to sound snooty."

Angel: "Fred. Fred, it's okay. - Just - point it at me. At *me,* Fred."

Fred shaking her head: "I can't."

Angel inching closer to her: "Yes, you can. It's okay. Really."

Fred looks back at Angel and Gio rips the bow from her hand and pushes her away. Wesley catches her. Gio points the bow at Angel when a flash of light lights up the bar.
Wesley catches her.

Angel looking up at the ceiling with a slight smile: "Thank you, ladies. I owe you one."

Angel knocks the bow out of Gio's hand, then turns to disarm the guy standing next to him. Wes hands Fred over to Lorne and he and Gunn rush in to help Angel against the gang.

Gio: "Come on guys! Fight back! It's ten against three! This is pathetic! Hey, I'm done with you people. I don't even know why I came out to this coast! LA sucks. I'm going back to Florida, alright? You're lucky I don't have my old crew. (The head of the gray demon, sitting on a chair behind Gio, starts to split apart and it morphs into a huge, insect-like monster) I'd drag you out on the beach for a little sunshine and toast your..."

The insect-like monster leans down and bites Gio's head off, leaning back to swallow it in one gulp. Rondell lifts his shotgun and unloads it into the big monsters chest. We hear something big drop to the ground, then there are some quick flash cuts to Wesley helping Fred into the back of a taxi out by the street.
We hear something big drop to the ground, then there are some quick flash cuts to Wesley helping Fred into the back of a taxi out by the street.

Gunn is talking to Rondell, standing a little ways down the street from the taxi, surrounded by his gang.

(This exchange between Gunn and Rondell wasn't really audible, but the CC had this)

Gunn: "I guess we just have to go our own separate ways, man."

Rondell: All right."

Gunn: "Be well."

Rondell and the gang leave and Gunn walks over to where Wes is waiting beside the Taxi.

Gunn: "Don't guess Rondell and his crew are gonna be crossing Venice boulevard again any time soon."

Wesley: "It's never easy - the pull of divided loyalties. - Whatever choice we do end up making we feel as though we've betrayed someone."

Gunn: "Yeah."

Wesley: "If you ever withhold information or attempt to subvert me again, I will fire you. - I can't have any one member of the team compromising the safety of the group, no matter who it is. If you do it again you will be dismissed, bag and baggage, out of a job onto the streets."

Angel comes walking out of a door in the background and Wes turns away to get into the back of the taxi with Fred.


Here are some publicity pictures from this episode.

Publicity 1  Publicity 2 Publicity 3

That Vision-Thing     Carpe Noctem

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