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DECEMBER 1983: Christmas Eve in NYC

When Phillip and Beth got separated, he frantically searched for her and the sidewalk Santa.

He found Beth with Nick--she was quietly sketching. Phillip warned her not to trust anybody in NYC.

She insisted she was fine and that she had made some money.  She scolded Phillip for being rude to Nick.

Nick overheard that they were broke and had nowhere to stay, so he asked them to go with him.

Phillip adamantly opposed, but Beth knew they could trust him.  They followed Nick into Central Park.

Nick took them to an underground prop room for the Delacorte Theatre.

lt turned out that Nick had brought a bunch of other people who also had nowhere else to go.

Phillip & Beth told everyone the O. Henry story, The Gift of the Magi.

Their new friends took up a collection for a stunned P&B.

Even with all of their troubles, they felt blessed and were thankful to be together.

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