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Judi Evans Online :: Paulina & Kevin
  AW's Paulina Cory & Kevin Anderson

Assistant DA Kevin Anderson presumably came to town to prosecute Spencer Harrison for shady financial dealings, but we soon learned that he had a more personal reason--Jake McKinnon. He cozied up to Paulina in order to get closer to Jake, but began to fall for the beautiful Mrs. McKinnon.

Paulina noticed Kevin was asking about Jake a little too much, and seemed to know more than he should about someone he'd never met. Jake noticed Kevin was shadowing him too, and enlisted Paulina's help to find out what he was up to. Paulina went so far as to snoop in Kevin's office and postpone her trip to Reno (to get a divorce from Jake so she'd be free for Grant) to follow up on a lead.

She and Jake followed Kevin to Lassiter, PA--where Jake grew up. They discovered Kevin had bought Jake's childhood home. Jake confronted Kevin and learned a shocking secret--Kevin was his half-brother!

It turned out that Kevin grew up in the same town as Jake, but they never met. Kevin was the product of an affair Jake's dad, Thomas McKinnon, had when Jake was young. Kevin knew about his big brother, and always wanted to meet him, but Tom kept that from happening.

Before Tom McKinnon died, he asked the responsible Kevin to look after his wild big brother and Kevin agreed. He finally tracked Jake to Bay City and was checking up on him. Jake was none too happy and tried to keep his distance from Kevin. Meanwhile, he and Paulina got a divorce and she got engaged to Grant.

But the second time around with the Senator was not all hearts and flowers. The night they broke up, Jake went to find her and comfort her. But she had run into Kevin at TOPS and invited him home to talk. Jake tried to dismiss Kevin, but Paulina dismissed him instead. She was forging a new friendship with Mr. Anderson.

Before their divorce, Jake knew he wanted to be with Paulina for real, but she resisted him at every turn. She began to date Kevin, but Jake persisted. He ruined more than one night for them by creating phony work orders from D&M. The harder Jake pushed, the further Paulina ran. Kevin was really falling for her, but could see she was still interested in Jake. In order to help her keep Jake at arm's length, she and Kevin pretended to be lovers. Jake was devastated.

But finally, Paulina had to admit what was in her heart--she was in love with Jake. They finally reunited, and she told him there was nothing going on with Kevin.

Kevin was disappointed and worried about Paulina's choice, but they stayed friends. He later fell in love with Lorna Devon, but went too far trying to bring down evil Carl Hutchins. Kevin tried to set up Carl, but was discovered and sent to prison. In 2000, Kevin (still in prison) asked brother Jake to watch his son--whom Jake never knew existed. Sean McKinnon moved in with Jake, Vicky and the boys.

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