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AW's JEL & JB Chat About Babies, Bachelorhood and Bickering

by Nancy Kerr
December 2, 1997

Since 1995, Paulina and Joe Carlino have assumed the mantle of Bay City's most stable couple. Through good times (the birth of their son) and bad (her little drug problem) they have remained hopelessly devoted. The same can be said for their portrayers, Judi Evans Luciano and Joseph Barbara, who--despite disparate lifestyles--are a match made in heaven.

Digest: Do you recall meeting each other for the first time?

Luciano: Yes. I remember thinking, "Oh, my God, what a hunk." I did. Then I got to know him. I'm kidding. He reminded me a lot of my husband, except my husband has blue eyes. They have the same tall, dark, handsome ...

Barbara: ...thing going on

Luciano: And they're Italian.

Barbara: I interned at GUIDING LIGHT, but I had never met her. When I got there, the whole place was abuzz with "Judi Evans, Judi Evans," because she had just left. So I thought, "Oh this is the chick who everybody was talking about." So I was a little bit ...

Luciano: Scared?

Barbara: Yeah, a little bit.

Luciano: Where they [saying] bad things?

Barbara: No, they were all good things.

Luciano: Phew!

Barbara: It's just that you were one of the big chicks on the show. Should I not say chicks? Women across the country will get offended.

Luciano: You mean it in the nicest way. I'm not offended by it.

Barbara: You're not offended by anything.

Luciano: I'm generally offensive. So you couldn't say anything that could possibly offend me.

Barbara: There is nothing you could say that could offend her. I take that back, there is.

Luciano: If you call me "Goodyear" it would bother me. Or "Michelin Girl."

Barbara: The weight thing, but you're getting really good with that now. You know what? If we are talking candidly ...

Luciano: I guess so!

Barbara: Before the baby, you were very conscious of it, and it was much more of a sensitive issue.

Luciano: Now it is what it is.

Digest: Women, in general, are sensitive about their weight.

Barbara: So are guys, especially if you are on television. Everybody who is in this business is aware ...

Luciano: ...of their appearance. It's not talent, it's not if you can cry, it's how good you look.

Barbara: But you can cry, too.

Luciano: That I can do. And that actually drops a couple of pounds.

Digest: First impressions?

Barbara [to Luciano]: You were very nice. I knew that you were trying to make me feel welcome and safe. I didn't feel unsafe at all, but you were getting me a little nervous because you were trying so hard.

Luciano: I just wanted to make sure it was a nice transition. It's my job as a savior to make everybody feel good and happy.

Digest: How has your relationship changed over the years?

Luciano: Well, when I was pregnant I was really nasty to him.

Digest: Tell me the pregnancy stories. (Barbara heaves a sigh.)

Luciano: I was very hormonal. Joe was so sweet and he was always trying to be there for me. And I was like, "Get away from me; don't talk to me; go away."

Digest: He said black, you said white?

Luciano: He said black and I said, "I'll f---ing kill you!"

Barbara: That's exactly what it was!

Luciano: Something happened when I got pregnant that I just hated him. [to Barbara] But I didn't hate you, hate you. I snapped. For like nine months.

Barbara: I'm thinking, "The best thing to do is communicate. We'll talk about it and it will get better." Then every time I talked about it, it got worse and worse.

Luciano: Then I had a baby.

Barbara: Hold on; wait. We are not done with this yet.

Luciano: Okay, I'm embarrassed now.

Barbara: Can I say the worst day?

Luciano: The day [Paulina] told [Joe] she was pregnant with his baby. He had to hold my hand ...

Barbara: ...And I went to kiss her and she pulled away. That's on-air.

Luciano: Can we move on now?

Barbara: I hated you that day.

Digest: After giving birth?

Luciano: I was fine.

Barbara: You went away for three months, that's why you were fine.

Luciano: So I had the baby, came back and everything was fine. We went right back to normal, didn't we? How many times have I apologized?

Barbara [laughs]: Not enough, but a few. I'm kidding. Things are much better. You went away, I was doing Grease!...

Luciano: And I came to see you with a new baby.

Barbara: She came to see me the last day I did Grease!

Luciano: I wanted to see your final performance.

Barbara: You barely snuck in under the wire.

Luciano: After you really got it down and were really good, that's when I came to see you.

Barbara: Yeah. She like put if off, put it off, put it off, and came my last day.

Luciano [laughing]: I had a baaaby! Wait, wait, wait till you have a baby. In fact, I may just get pregnant with you just to give you a baby so you know.

Barbara: Promises.

Luciano [to Digest]: We have a lot of fun; we really are good friends.

Digest: Obviously.

Barbara: I wish we could do this on camera.

Luciano: We are too nice, too understanding. My husband is a great guy, but if I was high on drugs and ran over a little kid [like Paulina did], I don't think my husband would be as understanding as Joe.

Barbara: Right.

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