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Unexpected Events

"what is it Luce?" John quickly asked. he seemed nervous

"I dont know i just felt something- " she started taking in sharp breaths as she began slowly to the ground.

"Ok. relax are you in labour?"

" i dont know! Aaaahhh it hurts!" she yelled

After hearing that Jerry, and randi came outside to find Lucy on the ground and Carter next to her.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" they said together.

"just get a gourney out here and fast" he yelled then turning back to his wife he took her into his arms and tried to calm her down.

"I cant go into labor its too early!" she cried

"SShhh its ok well get you inside and well fix whatevers wrong" he prayed silently that he was right

~~~~~~~Exam 4 5 minutes later~~~~~~~

"Carter can i talk to you?" asked an anxious Kerry Weaver.

"Uuuummm cant we talk in here?" he desperately wanted to stay with lucy to calm her down

Kerry simply sighed at Lucy silently asking her with her eyes to persuade John out of there

"Its ok really Carter" lucy said in what seemed to be a breathless tone. "really, im fine"

Carter sighed and let out a breath of relief. " ok ill brb"


"What is it Kerry ?"

"John i didnt want to tell lucy but you 2 did know that you were expecting twins right?"

"NO" he said shocked as his eyes shot open and a smile on his face

"Well the key word there is 'were' expecting" she said saddened by his new expression

"Did we loose both?" he said through oncoming tears

"No. Just the girl. She was tangled in the umbilical cord and she started kicking lucys kidneys, which would explain the pain. However she was choked to death" she said tears comming at the sound of her own words. " I didnt want to tell Lucy I thought u would want to. Unless you want me to."

He thought for a minute before saying, " no. Ill tell her" he quietly walked into the room.

~~~~exam 4~~~~

Lucy was resting it what seemed to be her most peaceful sleep in weeks. She had one hand on her stomach and a smile on her face when he walked in.

"Hows she doing?" he asked abby.

"shes fine. Look John I'm sooo sorry i didnt pick up the other baby." she said a sad expression coming over her.

"Its ok the baby was probably not breathing" he sighed. " you wouldnt have found her"

"I'll let you tell her alone" she walked out quietly as to not wake Lucy.

He sat there thinking how he could tell her this. ' its going to be a loonnngg night' he thought.

Lucy had been moved to exam 6 due to equipment shortage and she purely needed to sleep so they moved her as a 3 year old boy came in with a cuncossion.

"WHAT DO U MEAN WE LOST A BABY?!" she yelled through her sobs.

He cried with her. " I'm sorry luce" he choked back his own tears to help Lucy not worry over him. "Its not your fault. These things happen I-" just then he cut himself off as he remembered the last time he had told her that. She was soo scared and upset with herself that those words seemed to make hardly any apparent difference to her. She still blamed herself. He could tell.

"nobody meant for it to happen" he resumed his speech.

"Why me John?!" these things always seem to come by me!"

"well, look at where you are now. They seem to have made you so much stronger" he tried to comfort her. They sat in silence holding eachother until she stopped her sobs. " Lets go home" she said. she would have to arrange for the baby to be removed before next week. when she was due.

~~~~~CCGH next day @ 2:00 pm~~~~~~~

"Well i guess theyre taking this like they should" Elizabeth said while she stood next to mark outside of the lounge next to mark where lucy was preparing for her maternity leave which started today.

"Yea well first theyre stabbed together then they loose a kid."

"well at least they have eachother." she said trying to look at the positive side of things.

"Yea" they both stood there knowing soon Elizabeth would have to take her leave in a few months. she would be excited but sad knowing that she wouldnt see mark as often because he would have to work while she was at home.

"I have surgery now. a splenectami i have to go scrub in now."

"ill c u later" he replied.


" lets go. lets get out of here" she said hating goodbyes was her best quality.

but just then she felt another pain similar to the one yesterday. She collapsed immeadiately.

"Oh g0d!" he picked lucy up and carried her to the desk asking for a trauma room.

~~~~trauma 2~~~~

"we dotn have to intubate if shes still breathing!" Dr. finch yelled at her new med student.

this girl was soo persistant that Cleo thought she would die from all these questions and wrong answers.

"She is breathing just not fully awake" someone else shouted. Lucy couldnt tell who it was.

"What happened ?" asked a surprisingly worried Dr. Romano.

"BP is 110 over 90" called Haleh.

"ok just give her 4 of atropine and 3 of demerol" yelled abby.

"Demerol??? shes not in pain!" yelled Dr. Romano

"oh she will be" abby assured him.

" and why is that ms. lockhart?" he sarcastically asked her. He was always so sure of himself and always tried to make abby look bad for no good god damned reason.

"I figured you of all people would know Robert that Lucy here is in labor!" she smiled back. OOh boy he had been nailed to the wall.

"LABOR!?" carter excalimed a little shocked. " shes not due till next week and she hasnt had the other fetus removed yet" the team did immediate surgery.

Just as they were about to remove the live baby carter remembered that Lucy wanted a natural birth.

"Wait!" he yelled. "Lucy wanted to do this naturally no secerian."

"thats going to be tough carter you know that." peter reasoned.

"Yea well lets do this. its how she wants it."

"Ok close her up". mark ordered.

~~~~~~~ob 5 hrs later~~~~~~~

"ok lucy you can start to push, ur at 8 cm. now" abby said.

"Ok just get john in here first" she said she was still tired from the contractoins.

"Im here!" carter anounced just in time.

"OK lucy on the count of three! 1...2....3!"

Lucy screamed as the head started to pull out.

"ok lucy a coupple more and thats it"

"ARE YOU NUTZ ABBY!?" lucy laughed out. "i wont last THAT long" she said and let out a small laugh.

"dont worry itll be fine."

Carter squeezed her hand encouragingly.

"And thats it! heres your boy lucy" after several pushes lucy was so happy to hear those words.

Carter smiled at the boy in lucys arms. " and the name is?....." he asked.

"yea we wanna know too!" the entire ER crew was up there. "and hurry up we maybe quiet now but robert is gonna kill us for all coming up" mark added

"ok lets think....." she was interrupted by a short baold angry looking man. no other than rocket himself.

"WHAT IN HELL IS THE ENTIRE ER DOING UP HERE?" he seemed furious. everyone was scared for their jobs.

"we just came up to see lucy and the baby! " Kerry protested for all.

"oh:" he said. "Well its nice to know im not alone in congradulating the happy family" he said in his normal tone. "you people have 5 minutes. Congradulations, and now i have to get back to the er since no one else is." and with that he left.

"Joshua Alexander" lucy interupted the silence.

"huh?" they all said.

" thats a great name luce" said john also alerting the ER crew that the baby had just been named.

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