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These characters belong to the gorgeous lads and lasses at Mutant Enemy.

No Time Like The Present

"I don't want you doing anything, Buffy," Giles said sternly.


She gave him a 'who, me?' look. "I know."


"You've got too much to worry about. Anyway, I'm not, really."


"Yes, I *know*."


He ushered her outside. "Good night, then. Please tell Dawn that I'm available tomorrow evening, if she would like assistance with her history project."


Buffy nodded. She hefted her backpack over one shoulder, shutting the door behind her.


Yawning, Giles went to bed.




Giles was not entirely surprised the next morning, when he answered the knock at the door, to find no one there. He looked down, and yes – there it was. A card, and an enormous book with a bow around it.


And muffled giggles in the bushes.


Giles frowned, for the sake of appearances. "Dear me, not again," he muttered. He picked up the book. An astonished smile bloomed on his face. "_Valgon's Chronicles_? I thought every copy had been destroyed!"


Then he opened the card. 'Happy Fathers Day, Giles. Love from Buffy, Dawn, Xander, Willow, Anya, and Tara.'


"Thank you," he said softly.


Another giggle.


He cleared his throat. "Are you all coming in? I made pancakes, and there's coffee on the stove."






Fascinating information about me
