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On this page there be stories for Buffy, Angel, Doctor Who, X-Men (movieverse), Trek, and a couple original stories. I've actually written a few since 2003 but haven't been able to update this site since then. So I haven't added 'em all yet.

Original & Misc:


Short story set in my original universe. Written February 2001.

Breakfast at Bob's

Bob and Wendy wake up - together. September 2002.

Knock Knock

Short short with a punchline. Damn, I'm funny! Written May 2001.

Rumbles in the Night

Response to Jen's food challenge. In my own very special original universe, and funny in my very own special way. Written January 2002.

We're Off to See The...

First contact is never easy. Very short. Written 1990, then rewritten March 2001. 

Working with Her Hands

Short story about the collapse of a relationship. Written 1998.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel: 

A Thousand Words

Challenge In A Can ( drabble. The keywords were Doyle, picture, ecstatic. August 2001.

A Time For Every Purpose

Willow has an interesting encounter. Set in season 2. A teensy bit of juvenile humour in this one. <g> October 2001.

A Time For Every Purpose II -- 12 Steps

This ain't really a direct sequel to the first one, but it sort of follows on. Set in season 5. Features Lorc again. October 2001.

A Time For Every Purpose III -- Step 9

Someone has some apologising to do. November 2001.


Set after the episodes "Blood Ties" and "The Body". Written March 2001.

The Anti-Mary Sues, aka Nightmares Part II

I had this idea for a story, see, then it seemed perfect to shoehorn some Mary Sues into. Not me -- my four wonderful betas. 

They ain't killed me yet. Let's see how that goes. May 2001.


Challenge in a Can drabble. The keywords were Anya, boots, angry. July 2001.

Birds of a Feather

Buffy and Xander discover Giles has a terrible secret. Humour. Written February 2001.

Break Away

I was dared on to write something dark, with no humour at all. I slipped in a coupla wry comments (hell, I can't help myself), but I avoided the obvious joke. I was very proud of myself! This is Xander/Anya angst, emphasis on the angst. July 2001.


Buffy's out patrolling when she sees a fire. May 2001.

Call Waiting

The Call Waiting stories started with the first one. Believe it or not. <g> Anyway, I wrote a story about Giles being Called; Giles having a mystic destiny. Then I thought of a couple of other ideas -- other characters who receive job offers. Then other people stepped in to write some, which is hugely cool! Victoria P has collected them all at Unfit For Society. Mine are below.

Call Waiting

When there's something strange -- in your neighbourhood -- who you gonna call? One of those bizarre ideas that sounds really cool in my head. March 2001.

Call Waiting 2

Second in the series. It stands alone, however. Written March 2001.

Call Waiting 3

Third in the series; also stands alone. Anya reads something interesting in her horoscope. April 2001.

Call Waiting 4

Fourth in the series (believe it or not). Willow and Tara are waiting for pizza. May 2001.

Call Waiting 5

Do I have to spell it out? <g> May 2001.

**** Call Waiting Six and Seven were written by the wonderful Pete Meilinger.

 Take a look! Tales from the Mushmeister ****

Call Waiting 8

More! May 2001.

Call Waiting 9

I been slapped with the inspiration trout lately. May 2001.

Call Waiting: Darla

It's Darla's turn for a job offer. August 2001.

Call Waiting: Dragon

This came out of a challenge on, concerning the season 5 finale, "The Gift". There are spoilers, obviously! August 2001.

Call Waiting: Snyder

This one concerns our favourite weaselly headmaster. August 2001.


An unusual family falls apart. July 2001. 

Comforts of Home

Challenge in a Can story. The keywords were Willow, pillow, grateful. Set in late season 2. November 2001.

Confessions of a Slayer

Buffy has a little talk. Set mid-season 5, but no real spoilers. Written March 2001.


Set a few years into the future. Xander and Willow have problems. March 2002.

Dust and Decay

A boy has to get his ball back from the scary old house at the end of the street. October 2001.


Willow and Tara are attacked. Written February 2001.

Falling Off The Wagon

Set in season 6. Willow has problems with magic. February 2002.


My take on the post-'Gift' situation. Spoilers, believe it or not, for 'The Gift'. June 2001.

Girls Night Out

The morning after. Set mid-season 5, no real spoilers. Humour (I hope). Written March 2001.

Gunfight at the OK Cafeteria

Challenge in a Can story. The keywords were Xander, can of soda, scared. Humour (IMO). October 2001.

Hard to Swallow

Challenge in a Can drabble. The challenge words were Jenny Calendar, painkillers, hollow. Not humour, as you can probably guess! July 2001.

Heal Thyself

One of the many ways I wish "The Gift" (season 5 finale) had gone. Spoilers ahoy! August 2001.

Hopping to Conclusions

OK, this one's weird. Hee hee. The keywords were Willow, hollow, axe. September 2001.

If Vampires Showed Their Age

April 2001. And the award for the shortest story I've ever written goes to... 

Just Another Manic Monday

Xander's having one of those days. June 2001.

Letting The Cat Out

Yet another Challenge in a Can story. The keywords were Lindsey, bag, cheerful. August 2001.

Love's Sensitive New Age Guy

Spike has problems with his new "sensitive" status. Written December 2001.


It's a dark, stormy night. A moment of perfect happiness is involved. A curse is activated… December 2001.

Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall

Challenge in a Can story. The keywords were Cordelia, mirror, alive. August 2001.

Monkey Pants

It worries me that I've written two stories with "Monkey" in the title! Keywords for this were Forrest, pants, grateful. August 2001.

Monkey's Uncle

Uncle Rory leaves town. Very short. Written February 2001.

No Lead in Her Pencil

Challenge in a Can drabble. The keywords were Drusilla, pencil, lost. July 2001.

No Time Like The Present

Short short mush. Written May 2001.

Of Slouching On Couches

The lovely Victoria P challenged me to write a story where Fred & Gunn bond. September 2001.


They're all in hospital again... Written April 2001.

Over The Brainbow

OK, this one's weird. Keywords were Buffy, coat, alive. It's weeeeeird, but kinda fun, I hope! August 2001.

Pillow Talk

Xander has something he needs to say. June 2001. 

Rainbow Connection

Buffy's had a weeeeeird trip. October 2001.

Reincarnation      Part I     Part II

Glory needs Buffy... finally finished!


Response to Vic's challenge about the birds and the bees. December 2001.

Salad Days

Just one of those days for our gang. Set in season 3. Written April 2001.

She's Back, And It's About Time      Part I     Part II     Part III

A time-travellin', rollickin', all-singing, all-dancing, roller-coaster ride. Part III added 12 May 2001. I'm working on the rest...


'Angel' vignette, featuring Wesley and Cordelia. Very mild spoilers for 'Angel' season 2. Written December 2000.

Something's Cooking

Challenge in a Can drabble. The keywords were Tara, calendar, hopeful. August 2001.


Joyce has an intruder. May 2001.


Prequel to the opening of season 6. I had a little fun with the whole idea. No spoilers for season 6. October 2001.

The Man in the Mirror

Vignette - Angel takes his revenge on Wesley for the whole Connor thang. August 2002.

The Song Remains the Same

Giles and Buffy are terrorised by a group of knights on a mission. Very silly. I apologise for this one. Written December 2000.

The Watcher and the Witch       Part I    Part II   

Giles, Tara, and Willow do a summoning, and run into trouble. Part II added 27 June 2001.

Two Heads Are Better

A young girl is attacked. June 2001.

Two Way Street

Sequel/prequel to Two Heads Are Better -- works better if you read that one first, but this one should still make sense. I hope! July 2001.


Training a new Slayer is never easy. August 2002.


Xander's in trouble. Written February 2001.

Wearing the Pants

Set after "Restless", the season 4 finale. Something else has gone wrong, drat the luck! January 2002.

Welcome to Her Nightmare

Someone's been having a lot of bad dreams lately... Set mid-season 5, no real spoilers. Written March 2001.

When The Night Has Come

Willow's having a baby... Prequel (with permission) to Pete Meilinger's wonderfully mushy 'I Won't Be Afraid', which you can find here. April 2001.

You Gotta Know When To Walk Away

Another take on what might happen post-"The Gift" (season 5 finale). August 2001.


Doctor Who:

Doctor Who and the Scarf of Dooooooom!

Double-drabble featuring the Fourth Doctor and the Master. Written 1998.

Dressing Up

Jamie has to make a decision. Drabble. October 2003.

Great Balls of...

Fifth Doctor drabble set after 'The Visitation'. Written 1998.

Happy Birthday!

Drabble. Tegan doesn't quite get what she expected. September 2003.


Fifth Doctor & Tegan drabble. Rated PG for adult themes and naughtiness. Written 1998.

Stay Tuned To This Station

Interlude between Castrovalva and Four to Doomsday. The Doctor, Tegan, Adric, and Nyssa go exploring. The setting is just an excuse for this story, really! May 2001.

Star Trek:

Amok Doc      Part I   Part II

Something's wrong with McCoy. Humour. Now completed. April 2001.

City on the Edge of Denver

Kirk can't sleep. Semi-serious. March 2001.

Jolly Good Fellows

Spock & McCoy banter. May 2001.

Learning to Breed

Naomi asks B'Elanna to fix her hamster cage. May 2001.

Love in B Flat

The things we do for love. DS9, March 2001.


Troi waits for Riker to find her. August 2002.


Riker takes Troi home. April 2001.

Tequila Few More Brain Cells

TNG, for Vic's Remix challenge - I remixed Sara's lovely Drowning in a Strawberry Daiquiri.

When Kirks Fly

Spock comes to a realisation. Short (the story, not Spock, that is). August 2001.


Cueball's Blue Balls,

Xavier has a problem. Humour (in my opinion!). July 2002.

Damsel in Distress

Scott to the rescue! Written May 2001.

Fire and the Iceman

Rogue and Bobby are nearly discovered. Written February 2001.


Logan's been naughty. August 2002.


Jean's not well. A semi-sequel to Damsel in Distress. Very mushy -- it's Pete's influence. I finally feel confident enough to venture into mush all by myself! May 2001.       

Lover or Loser?

Rogue's been in an accident. Silly. Written March 2001.        


Jean experiences a change. June 2001.  

When Mutants Attack

Vic made an ever-so-slightly bizarre suggestion, outta a conversation she had with Pete. I combined it with her all-dialogue challenge off the Unfit For Society mailing list ( It's ever-so-slightly silly. <g> October 2001.

Thanks, as always, to Jen, Vic, Pete, and Dot, for being the best darn beta-readers blackmail can buy.





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