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Disclaimer: Copyright 2001, Liv. All rights reserved. No part
of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without written
permission from the author. Any resemblance to persons living or dead
is purely coincidental.

This is not my story!!! Talk to Liv for comments...or send them to me to forward to her if you're too lazy!

Part One

Me and Sandy came through the door of the Whose Line is it Anyway studio. I shivered while I walked. "It's sooo cold!" I said, my teeth chattering.

Sandy huddled herself in her coat. "I know. I told you to bring your coat!" She said.

"Where are the stupid lights?" I asked.

"I don't know. I don't live here." Sandy replied sarcastically.

"Oh mature!" I shot back.

Me and Sandy looked at each other and we started laughing. Suddenly, the lights came on. "Oh thank god! It's actually *warm* now." Sandy said to me.

"What's worse is having to rehearse in no light!" A voice said.

"COLIN!!!!" I shrieked. I went up and hugged my friend. Colin was a friend of my family. Colin was a friend of Sandy's too. That's how we got tickets. Colin gave them to us.

"Did you get in ok?" Colin asked us.

"Nope. The airplane's engine stopped, and we had to jump off the plane." Sandy said. Colin glared at her. "We arrived fine." Sandy mumbled.

"I couldn't help but think of Ryan, though." I told Colin. Colin laughed. My favorite actor, and improviser Ryan Stiles, has a fear of flying.

"Yeah, you sure did. I couldn't believe how pale you got, and how white your knuckles went, holding on to that armrest!" Sandy said to me, huffily.

"Hey! That was my first time on a plane! Leave me alone!" I said, sticking my tongue out.

"Girls, Girls!" Colin said. Sandy and I giggled.

After about 10 minutes of talking, Colin said to us: "Would you like to meet the guys?"

My mouth dropped open. "Y-You mean like Ryan?" I said, shakily.

Colin nodded. "Yep!" He saide proudly.

"You think Dan would let us?" Sandy asked.

Colin nodded again. "Of course he would! I told Dan that you would be coming by early." Colin replied.

"So let's go!" Sandy said.


"Sandy, Liv? Meet Jeff Davis." Colin said.

"H-Hi!" I said having difficulty with talking.

"Hi." Jeff said with his smile.

"Are you excited?" Liv asked.

"Nervous, but yeah." Jeff replied.

"Cool." Sandy said. Jeff raised an eyebrow at Sandy. "N-Not that I was happy that you werre nervous...." Sandy trailed off.

Jeff laughed. "I know!"

So then Colin led us to Wayne. But Wayne wasn't there. "He's probably trying to think of ways to do the splits." Colin said, shaking his head. So then Colin knocked on Ryan's door. Out came a tall lanky man, with blonde hair and green eyes. "This is Liv and Sandy." Colin said.

"Oh! These are your 2 friends!" Ryan said.

"H-H-H-H-Hi?" I said. It came out in a question.

"How are you, Ryan?" Sandy asked a bit calm.

"I'm doing good." Ryan said.

"Do you like improv?" I blurted out.

"Yeah... it's pretty cool. I've been doing this for a long time." Ryan said, smiling at me. I smiled back.

Me and Sandy looked at each other and said at the same time: "How's your back?" Ryan laughed.

"It's doing good, thank goodness."

Colin checked his watch. "You guys better get going to your seats. The show's starting in 3 minutes!"

Colin exchanged hugs with me and Sandy. We turned and headed to our seats. We saw Ruth, Gail, Jamie, and Cher there. The show started 3 minutes later.

Part Two


{the man} {the faces} {the appearances}
{the words} {the names} {the fan writings}
{the thank yous} {the links} {the objects of the moment}
{the guestbook} {the webmistress} {the official MS keepers list}
{the awards awarded to MS} {the award you can win}

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