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A Conversation with James Reilly!

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 Q. How would you describe the setting of the drama "Passions"?

 A. It's in a small New England town called Harmony.

 Q. What was the appeal of New England as your locale?

 A. If you think of it, we have two shows in California, and several in the Midwest and Northeast. I wanted something that was distinctive and recognizable. I wanted a New England town that has lots of history, where people knew each other going back generations. Somewhere that was small but close enough to a big city. In this case you're close to Boston and New York with all that beautiful scenery and potential for story.

 Q. Where did you come up with the name Passions?

 A. The name Passions came to me literally at the last minute. Finally I asked myself, 'What basically is happening on this show?' If you had to put it down to one word it really is passions of all kinds, love, life, hope.

 Q. There are many daytime dramas on the air today. How would you describe "Passions"?

A. It is Peyton Place meets Dark Shadows or The X-Files. While it is primarily based on romance and relationships, it will have those quirky elements that also appeal to the audience. Romance, with lots of secrets and mysteries from the past will be uncovered. In addition to all this, there are surprises that will connect characters, whom you would never thought would be connected.

 Q. Describe the premise of "Passions"?

 A. It's going to be a very traditional soap. It's people's lives and how they deal with relationships, marriages, romance, and death. It is also how people come to terms with their pasts.