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Remember Love
A Dedication
Sheridan and Luis
I'd like to share with you how I came upon the title for this web page. It wasn't an idea anymore than it was as an accident.  I was walking through the lovely cemetery that is at the church that is located behind my house.
I came to a small stone statue of an angel holding a rose Ii will take a pic and post it later). I would not have been driven to this little statue had it not been an angel. People who know me, know I am crazy about angels, I love them. As I walked towards the angel, to get a closer look, I noticed that just below the angel laid two small stone rocks. One had the word "Remember" on it the other had the word "love". I thought first it sounded like a good name for a fanfic, but since I don't have any idea's for a story, I figured a website would be the next best thing. If you would like to steal the title for a fanfic feel free to do so, just make sure you email and keep me updated on it.
I will be updating this page every so often, so keep checking it out.