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  Rigsby Bible Pictures

The Rigsby Family Bible these pictures were taken from was published around 1820.  It is in the possession of a cousin.  Most of these pictures are unknown and were not marked with any writing at all.  Caveat is that I have examined each picture and in comparing some to other pictures have taken liberty to assume that some may be identified.

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This picture strongly resembles John H. Rigsby my

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This picture in comparison to a later portrait of Jence Jane Warford resembles her.

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This picture is thought to be of William Hiram Rigsby born Tennessee in 1823.  My

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Unknown, but next to the picture thought to be John Rigsby, born 1799.  May be his wife, Kezziah Lewis Rigsby.

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After comparing with the Rigsby Brothers picture it is thought this is John Rigsby, born 1799

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Believed to be Louisa Rigsby, Daughter of Wm. H. and Jence Rigsby

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