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These stories are all NC-17. Since you have passed through the warning beacon lit in orbit around this particular planet, I'm assuming you're of age to do so. If explicit material offends you, click here to return to the less descriptive fanfic.

A Night Off
Summary: Chakotay convinces Kathryn to take a night off...and we all know how often that happens.

The Morning After
Summary: Sequel to A Night Off -- they've let loose a monster!

Holodeck Surprise
Summary: What surprises does Chakotay have up his sleeve for the Captain of Voyager...on the holodeck?

Shore Leave
Summary: My contribution to the "They did it on shore leave" stories out there.

Summary: A Pathways addition. Takes up where the book leaves off. Thank you Jeri Taylor!

It Wasn't What I Thought it Would Be
Summary: Episode addition to Latent Image. What happens after the doctor sends Janeway to bed. Also doubles as my "they did it in a turbolift" contribution.

Me Either
Summary: Companion piece to "It Wasn't What I Thought It Would Be". Chakotay's POV on the events that happen in the turbolift.

Star Light, Star Bright...
Summary: I can't think of one that wouldn't give it away. Tell me what you think!

Taken By Force
Summary: Contrary to the title, this is not a full-fledged 'rape' story. It's my take on what might have happened in the conference room during Repression between Kathryn and Chakotay, before he brought her in to face Tuvok holding a phaser...

Let Somebody Love You
Summary: PWP. Chakotay finds Kathryn crying.

Repressed Desires
Summary: The aftermath of Repression

Caught in the Act
Summary: Inspired by the 'busted' stories floating around out there, I thought I'd contribute. Short, generic, and probably been done before, but what the heck.

Losing Control
Summary: Chakotay forces Kathryn to give up her control...if only for a while.