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Rules & Conditions

             *  Your site has to be about the shows "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" or "Angel"
             *  Your site must be original and must have a nice layout
             *  I would also appreciate if you signed my guestbook or linked me to your site

Also, just a side note:   If you are wondering why you did not receive your award yet, it is because I had a few "technical difficulties."  I lost all my e-mails, therefore I have no way of knowing who sent what to me.  If you would like an award you are more then welcome to sign up again.  I know some of you have probably have been waiting months, and I am really sorry:)

Simply Remarkable

  * Any site with a decent amount of effort put into it can be eligible for this award

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Spike's Cup of Tea


This award is for sites with a lot of    originality and a great layout
Must have good use of graphics
Must be easy to navigate

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Xander's Top Choice

This award is the hardest to win. 
The site must have at least 10 pages of content
Everything must be perfect and blow me away!

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