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Name Buffy Anne Summers
D.O.B. January, 1981
Height 5'3"
Weight 120 -145
Hair Blonde
Eyes Green
Race/Sex White Female
Accomplices Rupert Giles, Willow Rosenberg, Xander Harris, Dawn Summers, William the Bloody, Anyanka Emerson
Additional Quirks - Known as the "Slayer"
- May be seen carrying dangerous weapons
- Often seen fighting in cemeteries
with vampires
- Helped blow up Sunnydale Highschool

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Dawn Summers


Height 5'
Weight 115-135
Hair Brown, Long, Straight
Eyes Blue
Race/Sex White Female


Buffy Summers, Rupert Giles, Willow Rosenberg, Xander Harris, William the Bloody, Anyanka Emerson

Additional Quirks

- Known as the "The Key"
- Opens the door to various evil dimensions


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Name Willow Rosenberg
Height 5'3"
Weight 120-145
Hair Red, Straight
Eyes Green
Race/Sex White Female
Accomplices Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers, Rupert Giles, Xander Harris, Anyanka Emerson
Additional Quirks - Has been seen using dangerous magics
- Has been seen wandering in cemeteries with Buffy
- Helped blow up Sunnydale Highschool
- Made an attempt to destroy the world

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can also be seen as a vampire:
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Name William the Bloody / Nickname - Spike
D.O.B. N/A
Age Approx. 130
Height N/A
Weight 140-200
Hair Blonde, Short
Eyes Brown
Race/Sex White Male - English Accent
Distinguishing Features Scar in corner of left eyebrow
When vampire-fangs, yellow
Additional Quirks - Only comes out at night
- Has often been seen fighting cemeteries and is
   thought to live in one
- Known as Spike - tortured people with railway
- Has a long history of committed murders


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Name Alexander LaVelle Harris
D.O.B. N/A
Height 5'11"
Weight 140-190
Hair Brown, Wavy
Eyes Hazel
Race/Sex White Male
Accomplices Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers, Willow Rosenberg, Rupert Giles, Anyanka Emerson
Additional Quirks - Helped blow up Sunnydale Highschool
- Has been seen fighting in cemeteries with Buffy

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Name Anyanka Emerson / Nickname - Anya
D.O.B. N/A
Age Approx. 1120
Height N/A
Weight 120-145
Hair Brown/Blonde
Eyes Hazel
Race/Sex White Female
Accomplices Xander Harris, D'Hoffryn
Additional Quirks - Practices vengeance spells on unfaithful men
- Responsible for attempt to destroy all of Sunnydale

  and its residents
- Has a fear of bunnies

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Name Rupert Giles
D.O.B. N/A
Age Approx. 45
Height N/A
Weight 140-200
Hair Brown
Eyes Hazel
Race/Sex White Male - English Accent
Accomplices Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers, Xander Harris, Willow Rosenberg, Anyanka Emerson
Additional Quirks - Known as Buffy the Vampire Slayer's "Watcher"
- Known to plot with the "Slayer"
- Has been seen wandering in cemeteries with Buffy
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Name Faith
Capture Report

Faith, the second of two living slayers, is an alleged theft and the killer of an innocent man.  She has always showed bitter resentment towards others, especially her rival slayer, Buffy Summers. The worst of her behavior and evil streak came about when she started working as an uncover accomplice for the notorious Mayor Wilkins who she is thought to have worked closely with for quite some time.  During her collaboration with the Sunnydale mayor, the mayor had one of his vampire assistants inject deadly poison into Buffy's boyfriend, a notorious vampire making the only cure for him the taste of a slayer's blood.  Buffy then sought out Faith who was injured but slipped away and later declared in a coma.  Eight months later, she slipped out of a coma and soon started her evil schemes again, forcingly switching bodies with Buffy Summers, switching their appearances.  During this period, she took advantage of Buffy's boyfriend and made an attempt to ruin Buffy's reputation.  When the two slayer's were switched back to their real bodies again, she decided she wasn't worth anything anymore and tried to get herself killed.  When her attempt was unsuccessful, she turned herself in.  She is currently in jail at this present time.