Title: The Chocolate Covered Spike Muse (and how she came to be)
Author: Mary Ellis
Summary: Silly and MarySue fic. Rated so because of content.
Rating: PG
Title: You Do What You Have to Do
Author: Mary Ellis
Summary: Cordelia wants Xander. And vice versa. Angel is having separation issues about Buffy. You do what you have to do.
Rating: PG-13
Title: I Am Willow Rosenberg
Author: Mistress Vamp
Summary: Willow figures something out.
Rating: PG
Title: Ta Gram Agam Ort
Author: Mary Ellis
Summary: Someone says I love you, in a very special way.
Rating: PG
Title: Never Black and White
Author: Mary Ellis
Summary: Spike muses on the Key.
Rating: PG
Title: A Very Merry Christmas
Author: Mistress Vamp
Summary: Willow and Spike have to save the holidays.
Rating: PG-13