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Light A Candle For Your Child

On December 13, 1998 was the first official

Light A Candle For Your Child

Grieving Parents from all over the world lit candles for the child/ren that they have lost. At 7 PM, December 13th, in whatever time zone that they were in, parents lit a candles for their child/ren resulting in candles being lit around the world for 24 hours to memorialize our children.

If you would like for a candle to be lit for your child on this page, please send me the information that you would like placed on this page at:

You may include their first and middle name (last names are optional), and the names of loved one left behind, as well as any links to your memorial page to your child.

If you would like to have your child's picture included, then send the file of the scanned picture to me and I will place on this page.

All requests for candles will be granted, age of child does not matter, as they will always be your child.

Submit Prayer Requests for sick, chronic, critical and terminal children. For WebTV'ers and Lower Browsers to submit prayer requests for children.

Our Children Carrying The Candles We Lit For Them
Our children carrying
the candles we lit for them

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Met with God and Jesus
On August 11, 1979
At 6 days old

Jesus holds you until
Mama can hold you for the first time, my love

Heaven's Baby Joseph Anthony

William the Pooh

Met with God and Jesus
April 29, 1998
At 7 months old

Brother Joseph Anthony flew you to Heaven
After Mama gave you to Jesus

For Jesus to hold
Until I can hold you both in my arms once more

Heaven's Baby William James

Jesus Holding William in His Rocking Chair

William Learns to Fly

Fly William Fly

Mr. Faris designed the graphics of William learning to fly and flying. He charges a fee for these services, with the proceeds being donated to

Children's Cancer Research .

What a lovely idea, to have your child memorialized as an angel and knowing that the proceeds would be helping to help to cure this devastating childhood disease.


Brothers Joseph and William
Flew their unborn sister
To meet with God and Jesus

When it is her time to go to Heaven
Mama will join her little Heaven's Babies
Joseph, William and Julissa

And all of Heaven will rejoice
That this family is once again reunited


May ABIGALE HOPE BEARDSLEY 's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

NOVEMBER 27, 1996



Heather Dawn Whiteside

May Heather Dawn Whiteside's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity


Daughter of Pat & Tanya Whiteside
Sister of Katie & Aaron
Sadly missed

Jonathan Michael

May Jonathan Michael's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

Made an Angel
On May 13, 1997


May Lex ~ Bubu's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

April 16, 1965 ~ May 4, 1991

Freddy and I both miss you terribly
Momma loves you, Tiger


Joseph Raymond Wilson

July 25, 1988
5 yrs 8 mo. 16 days
Embraced by Jesus

Son of Raymond and Susan
Siblings - Susanna and Nathaniel

Daniel Paul Wilson

January 3, 1992
4yrs. 5 mo. 6 days

Eternally with Jesus and with Joey

Eventually a Wonderful Reunion for us all

Son of Raymond and Susan
Siblings - Susanna and Nathaniel


AUGUST 13, 1975 - MARCH 13, 1996



Ray Allen Avery Jr.

Sept 23,1982 to Oct 15, 1997

I love you so much honey,

You are in my thoughts
and on my lips everyday.

With all my heart

Your Mom

Ray Allen Avery Jr.

Austin James McCormick
Sweet Baby Austin

May Sweet Baby Austin's Candle Shine Over His Family For All Eternity

July 15, 1998 to July 18, 1998

We love you so much sweetie
We miss you everyday

We know your happy in Heaven
We will see you someday soon

With all our love

Your Mommy and Daddy

Austin James McCormick

Charles Franklin Massey

May Baby Charles's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

3 Months in Heaven

Love Grandma

Happy Birthday
From Grandma

1-year in Heaven
9-3-98 ~ 9-3-99



{\o/} GIGGLE {\o/}

May Baby Charles' Cousin's Candle Shine Brightly Over The Family For All Eternity
Baby Charles Cousin
Baby Charles' Cousin
Baby Charles Cousin

May JOSEPH FRANKLIN MASSEY's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity
Baby Charles' cousin

got his wings on 12-5-2000
sadly missed by his family

Baby Charles, Joseph Franklin and their cousins blow kisses from behind the stars to their family.

Mama's, Daddy's, and Grandma Linda,
time where we are is just a little while compared to your time.
We will give you kisses for real in just a few minutes of Heaven's time.
{\o/} {\o/} {\o/}

Brendan Jon Heinly

May Brendan Jon Heinly's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

May 17, 1997 to April 3, 1998
10 1/2 months old forever

Congenital Heart Defect

Son of Jon and Ellie Heinly
Best friend and sister of Jenna Jo

"He will forever be missed,
He will forever be loved.
He will never be forgotten."

Brendan's Family

Angela "Anjee" Nickoson

May Anjee's Candle Shine Brightly Over Her Family For All Eternity

April 29, 1980 ~ September 3, 1997

My daughter died in her sleep
She left behind her infant son, Christopher



May Barbara Anne's Candle Shine Brightly Over Her Family For All Eternity




Aslynn Anne McClure

May Aslynn Anne McClure's Candle Shine Brightly Over Her Family For All Eternity

Left our arms on January 19th 1996 at 3 AM
Aslynn was 3 months and 3 weeks old when she left us

She is survived by her two brothers,
Her baby sister, and her parents

We cannot express our feelings adequately in writing
There are no words
Life is pain
Marked only by periods in which the pain is less intense.

Charles D McClure, Kimberly Jane McClure.

Alexis Kimberly Kull

May Sweet Angel Alexis' Candle Shine Brightly Over Her Family ~ Till They Meet Again For Alll Eternity

In loving memory
Born on January 14,1998
Died March 29, 1998

Mommy loves you,
Sweet Angel Alexis

May Sweet Angel Alexis' Candle Shine Brightly Over Her Family ~ Till They Meet Again For Alll Eternity


Please Don't Take Your Organs To Heaven ~ Heaven Knows We Need Them Here On Earth



May HANNA BABCOCK's Candle Shine Brightly Over Her Family For All Eternity

7 Minutes on Earth
Eternity in Heaven

May cousins Alexis and Hanna sing and laugh
Together for all eternity

To Ian

May Ian's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

My baby angel
Now you are celebrating
Your second Christmas with Jesus.

I remember last year on Christmas day

You went home to Jesus
In the wee hours of the morning.

I can see your little smile
As you look with awe at the angels
For you are one of them
Only a wee angel.

I love you Ian

And I miss you so very much.

You brought so much love, courage,
Fight and faith into the world
During your short life.

With your last breath
Jesus came and took you home.

One day ~ wait for me
And I will be with you again
To hold you forever
As we are in the light.

Merry Christmas Ian
With love forever

And tell Jesus for me
That I love Him so very deeply too.


May Richard Thomas's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

Richard is with Jesus!

Gabriel Tingstrom

May Gabriel Tingstrom's Candle Shine Brightly Over Her Family For All Eternity


Died from meningitis

Chad Harms

May Chad Harms' Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

Died at 15 months

From meningitis

Angel Scruggs

May Angel Scrugg's Candle Shine Brightly Over Her Family For All Eternity

Taken to live with God
August 28, 1997

Granddaddy T. and Granddaddy Scruggs
Are there to take care of you Angel!

Mommy misses you greatly!
I can't wait to see your smiling face one day!
I never got to hold you,
But I know I'll be there one day
To hold you all I want!

You are your brother's Guardian Angel now!

Miss you much Angel Baby!

Love Mommy

Patrick James

April 15, 1998

May Patrick James' Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

We love and miss you so very much Patrick
And long for the day when we'll be able to hold you in our arms again
And see your sweet face.

Fly high, little one, on the wings of our love!

Mommy and Daddy

Erik Nathan

May Erik Nathan's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

Born April 8, 1998
Met with Jesus
February 15, 1999

Erik Nathan was a very sick baby boy. His parents loved him so much. They visited and loved and kissed on him, showering Erik with their love.

Even with the dire and tragic diagnosis, "your son is not expected to be on earth very long", their hearts clenched by constricting metal bands of anticipatory grieving, did they seek the supposed "sanctuary" of denial? Absolutely not, for their love for their special son Erik was beyond compare. Now their love for their son will transcend the flesh into God's Heaven.

And while Erik's spirit is now healed, Brenda and Claude, Erik's parents, will mourn and miss him all their hearts until they can once again hold their precious child in heaven again. But, there will not be painful goodbyes ever again!

May the Lord heal your hearts Brenda and Claude.

Dalton Thomas Larousse

May Dalton Thomas Larousse's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

February 8, 1999

Stillborn at 24 weeks and weighed 9oz.

We like to call him "Our Little Angel".

Son of Kelly & Desmond
Mommy & Daddy

Johnnie Poli

May Johnnie Poli's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

Died March,5 1995
(6 months old)

Killed by a drunk driver!

Mommy loves you so much and misses your tiny face!
I know I have my own guardian angel in heaven!

Can't to see you and hold you again


Nicholas Gaudino

May Nicholas Gaudino's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

Born and died prematurely on March 26, 1999

Son of Natalie Gaudino
Grandson of Elvio and Lorna Gaudino

We love you always and forever and miss you dearly.
Love Mommy

Doris Ruth Abramson

May Doris Ruth Abramson's Candle Shine Brightly Over Her Family For All Eternity

1959 - Jan. 22, 1989
Lupus and Cancer
She was a beautiful person both inside and out.
I only had her for 30 years.
Ileen Stewart

Mother: Ileen
Grandparents: Elly and Honey
Brothers: Marty and Allan
Sister: Wendy

We will always keep you in our hearts
until we meet again.

Heather Lee Armijo

May Heather Lee Amrijo's Candle Shine Brightly Over Her Family For All Eternity

Jan. 23 1979
April 26 1999

Heather is very much loved and missed by
Her Mom Dad and sister Amy

Heather was murdered at the age of 20 by someone she called friend.

Thank you

Michele & Douglas
May Michele's Candle Shine Brightly Over Her Family For All Eternity May Douglass' Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

For my precious daughter Michele,
Still-born at 20 1/2 weeks, weighed 8oz.

My beautiful son Douglas, born 9-26-98 and enterd Heaven's Gates on March 17th 1999 from SIDS.

I will love you till the day I meet you again in Heaven my precious children,

Donny Russell Gerlach

May Donny Russel Gerlach's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

Born to Simone and Don Gerlach on January 19, 1960
Went to be with the Lord on November 22, 1998

He left behind a lonely and grieving mother
and a little brother Zachary
and a step father Jay Perry

Joshua John Noah Tabor

May Joshua John Noah Tabor's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

Born- Aug.16,1995
Died- Aug.21,1995

In Loving Memory of

Two tiny bits of heaven came to us one day,
One too precious for earth
God could not let him stay.
O Blessed little Angel,
O child of love and care
We give thee to the keeping
Of his tender Shepherd's care.

We love you our precious little Angel !

Sadly missed by:
Daddy & Mommy,
Twin brother Roddy & Sister Bettie.

You are forever in our hearts.

Elizabeth Ann Ordoyne

May Elizabeth Ann Ordoyne's Candle Shine Brightly Over Her Family For All Eternity

Born: September 29, 1995
Died: September 29, 1995

To a special little Angel in Heaven
Elizabeth Ann Ordoyne

I will Love you always !

Love, Aunt Greta

Michael Glenn Baker

May Michael Glenn Baker's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

Born April 8, 1968
Went Home to Jesus
May 28, 1993

Son, I held you until you fell asleep, to wake up in the arms of Jesus. I miss you more than I can put into words.

Little brother has grown so much, he is becoming a fine young man. You would be so proud of him.

A thousand years here is but a day in heaven, mama will be home in a few minutes. Rest my son with Jesus, until we can be together again.

Love, Mama, Daddy & Glenn
Parents: Patricia & Ronald Baker
Siblings: James, Tammy & Glenn

John Cody Guagliardo

May John Cody Guagliardo's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

John Cody with his brother Dustyn and sister Jessi
John Cody (right), with his brother Dustyn and sister Jessi

May 26, 1995
April 4, 1999

My son left us to be an angel in heaven April 4,1999 he died from an accidental gunshot.

He left behind his mom Christy, daddy Mike, and brother Dustyn 8 and sister Jessi 7.

He was born May 26, 1995 and he was such a beautiful little boy who had so much love to give.

I just want to say that some people only dream of seeing an angel and I held one in my arms.

We love you and miss you very much son,
Daddy, Mommy, Dustyn, Jessi
You will always be in our hearts as well as in our minds

Brittany Leigh

May Brittany Leigh's Candle Shine Brightly Over Her Family For All Eternity


Truly there is no hand so small that it can not leave it's imprint upon the world.
I love you Brittany.

Brittany's Memorial Page
Brittany's Memorial Page


May Tory Cleasby's Candle Shine Brightly Over Her Family For All Eternity

July 5, 1999

Sadly missed by mommy, daddy, and sister Adrianna

Safe in the arms of Jesus, till we meet again.

Joshua Patrick Alan Dishaw
Teddy Bear Dishaw

May Joshua Patrick Alan Dishaw's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family For All Eternity

Born: January 24th 1980

He was born prematurely and was stillborn. My husband and I miss him so. He was born out of wedlock when his mom was only 15 years old. He is with God and His angels.

You are sadly missed by Mommy and Daddy

Christopher Michael Masterson

May Christopher's Candle

Shine Brightly Over His Family Till They Meet Again

Born 11-26-98
(Thanksgiving Day)
7 months and 8 days old
Flew away 7-3-99

Mommy and Daddy Love You

My Little Angels

My Little Angel My Little Angel

They have no names because they were never born. I only call them My Little Angels. My first child died when I was 3 months pregnant. I miscarried October 20, 1994. The second one I miscarried at 1 month December 26, 1997.

My Little Angels
By: Jamie

So sweet and so innocent are they
So young and helpless
My Little Angels

Taken from me
To live in Heaven
For an eternity
Never to know the joy of living
And the love of their mommy
My Little Angels

I see them
In my thoughts,
In my dreams,
And in my prayers
My Little Angels

Love Mommie

Ryan Wayne Milley

May Ryan Milley's Candle Shine Brightly Over His Family And Friends

September 20, 1979
June 22, 1998
Ryan Wayne Milley

His dad told him,"Daddy loves you baby boy." Ryan rolled his head in his dad's direction and said,"I know".

Dearest Lord,

Thank you for allowing us to have Ryan. We know you only gave him to us for safe keeping a little while, but that he really belonged to you all along.

He was a creation of love, and of all of the beautiful things of Heaven and Earth.

His voice was as a gentle breeze on a warm summer day. His smile like sunshine through the rain. His eyes like the brightest stars on a dark night.

He loved you Lord, and now he is back at home for you to keep safe where we all hope to be one day.

We ask you, Lord, that all those touched by Ryan, who grieve with us will know and understand that your plan is divinely perfect.

We Praise you, Father, for our child and now we fully understand the sacrifice you made with your son on the cross.

We love You. We praise You.

Frankie and Bob

PS Hug our baby everyday, please Lord, and tell him we will see him as soon as you allow.

Mom and Dad

Ryan Wayne Milley's Memorial Page


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Hide & Seek With Angels
Pc users, put your cursors over the twinkling stars to see messages sent down by our little
Children Of Heaven.
Grieving Parents Support
Poetry, links to grief resources, links to memorial pages, bulletin board, guestbook, webrings, chat, and postcard service.

Children Of Heaven Banner
My Children Of Heaven
Joseph, William, & Julissa

| Children Of Heaven |
| Joseph ~ Child of Heaven |
| William ~ Child of Heaven |
| Memorial To My
Grandmother Evelyn |
| Grieving Parents Support Page |
| Light A Candle For Your Child |
| Hide N Seek With Angels |
| My Children Are In
The Other Room |
| Organ Donation |
| Parents of Special Needs Children |
| Amanda the Panda Provides Support
To Grieving Children

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Our Children Carrying The Candles We Lit For Them
Our children carrying
the candles we lit for them