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Welcome to Children Of Heaven



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Joseph is my first Child of Heaven. He was born nine weeks early and his heart had not finished developing yet. He stayed in his bodily form for six days. I was too sick to be there to send him to Heaven. I wish that I could have been there. But, he made it to Heaven all the same, and now his heart is perfect and filled with love for all of the sick little babies in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit). He looked like I did when I was a baby.

William the Pooh is my second Child of Heaven, being allowed to go to Heaven to meet with "Our Almighty Father".

Since his brother,Joseph, was such a good little spirit...God allowed William a bit more time here on Earth. Like his brother, he was born nine weeks early, but also had a birth defect of the kidneys. This defect caused his kidneys to have to be removed and William was placed on dialysis. We were trained to perform his dialysis at home. Our prayers were answered and William got to finally come when he was six months old.

But Heaven needed William. He had a very special job to perform along with his brother, Joseph. God had allowed William to stay here on Earth, with us, for a while.

When William was finally discharged from the hospital at 6 months of age, he only needed seven more pounds to be elgible for transplantation of mine or his father's kidney.

A complication that was unrelated to his kidney condition happened. The doctors and nurses tried very hard to recover William. But they were unable to, because he had to be placed on a different kind of dialysis. This combination was extremely difficult to manage. For a while, we were told that there was hope. But, William became weaker and the decision was made. There was no more hope of recovery. Our precious little William the Pooh would suffer no more.

The doctors allowed us to gently and lovingly wean William off of life support. His family was there to send him to Heaven. Also, the doctors and nurses that had come to love William were there, even ones that were not scheduled to work at the hospital that day.

On William's seventh month birthday, his brother Joseph was with his little brother to bring him home to Heaven to meet with God.

Joseph and William returned in five weeks, to bring their unborn little sister, Julissa, to meet with God. Julissa did not know the pain of life, as did her brothers, when she became a Child of Heaven.

Now, my Children of Heaven, Joseph, William and Julissa are watching over and soothing sick little babies and children the world over. Some, they help to recover. And they are there to relieve pain and to comfort of the others that are to become Heaven's Babies along with Joseph and William and Julissa.

On the first Mother's Day after William went to Heaven with his brother, my prayers were answered by my Children of Heaven Joseph and William (although I did not know it, Julissa was still with me). Please pray that they can watch over any litle ones that need watching over, they will bring these little ones peace.

While I will always mourn my Children of Heaven, Joseph, William and Julissa... I am a Christian and have God and Jesus in my heart, and I feel peace in the knowledge that I will be able to hug and kiss my babies again when it is my time to be allowed entrance into Heaven and meet with God. It is then that I will be able to be with my babies, Joseph, William, and Julissa for all eternity.


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| Children Of Heaven |
| Joseph ~ Child of Heaven |
| William ~ Child of Heaven |
| Memorial To My
Grandmother Evelyn |
| Grieving Parents Support Page |
| Light A Candle For Your Child |
| Hide N Seek With Angels |
| My Children Are In
The Other Room |
| Organ Donation |
| Parents of Special Needs Children |
| Amanda the Panda Provides Support
To Grieving Children



Don't Take Your Organs To Heaven ~ Heaven
Knows We Need Them Here On Earth
Click on the banner
To go to Organ Donation Page
With Organ Donation Webring & Poem


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