h o l d i n g m y b r e a t h

f o r y o u


c h a p t e r VI

I lay there in the bed beside Anna. She was asleep, and had been for quite sometime. I could hear Walker on the floor on her side of the bed, slightly snoring. That had kicked in sometime between midnight and about 1. I, on the other hand, was as awake as awake could be. I couldn't get comfortable. Everytime I considered moving, I began to get worried that it would wake up Anna, and I soon had just decided to lay here, stiff and rigid.

At last, I couldn't take it anymore. I carefully rolled out of the bed, and tiptoed to the door. I opened it slowly so that it wouldn't creak, and shut it softly so that it wouldn't slam. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief once I'd gotten out in the hall. I walked quietly to the living room, knowing full-well that some 80's comedy sitcom would be on at this time of the morning on TV. I didn't even bother to turn the light on. I began to dig around in the cushions for the remote control.

I had just grabbed the remote when suddenly there was a sweep of headlights in the room that was coming through the large bay windows. At first, I tensed up, but then realized it was probably just someone turning around in their driveway. However, when I heard them cut the engine of their car, I began to get freaked out. There were some footsteps, and then the sound of the doorknob being twisted. I could hear them mumbling to themselves, and then heard a jingling noise. I took the remote, and held it up where it would be handy to hit the person who I was positive was about to walk in the door.

There was a click, and the knob twisted.

I screamed.



"Who are you?!?!" I shouted at the person. Their silhouette was frightening. A mohawk stood off their head, and I could vaguely see the make-up on their face. Black lipstick, black around the eyes, white everywhere else.

He reached over and flipped on the light switch. I could now see him much better. "Who are you?" he spat back. He had 2 noserings, 5 eyebrow rings, too many ear rings to count, and 3 lip piercings that I could see.

There was a clammering noise behind me, and I turned to see Anna and Walker half-running, half-stumbling into the living room. They looked at us, sleepy-eyed.

"What's going on here?" Anna asked. I began to notice that others were beginning to file into the hall behind them, peering over Anna and Walker's shoulders at us.

Suddenly there was a shriek. "IKE!"

The girl, Avery, broke away from the group and hurtled toward the punk giggling. He knelt down, and caught her when she jumped into his arms.

"Aves!" he exclaimed. "How've ya been?"

The others were giving me confused looks. "I...he...we...th...bu..ya see..." I stammered, feeling my heart pounding in my ears. "I WAS JUST COMING TO WATCH TV!!!!"

The freaky guy gave me a dirty look. "Sure. At our house? Don't you have your own place to live?" he asked dryly.

I felt tears coming to my eyes. "I..." I glanced around. I saw the boy, Taylor, roll his eyes and stomp away. Jessie sighed, and stumbled back down the hall. Anna muttered something to herself, and Walker seemed to be confused. Sam began to herd Mac and Joe back down the hall. Ezra and Zoe looked sleepy. Jack and Wendie took one kid in each arm, and headed after the rest of the clan.

"Alex, I'm sorry, this is our son, Isaac. He's been away at college, you see? I should have told you he'd be here today...in all his glory." I caught the scowl she flashed him, and he looked at the floor sheepishly. I wondered if beneath that spiky black mohawk there was blond hair, too.

"I apologize, too," Ike mumbled. "I don't usually come home like this. I just...well...forgot."

"Well I guess I should say I'm sorry as well," I said. "I shouldn't have screamed."

"It's understandable," Isaac nodded solemnly. "I sent Mac and Zoe into hysterics the first time they saw me like this."

"You did a fair job of freaking out the rest of us, too," Anna noted. I saw the humor glint in her eyes. "Avery, hon, let's go back to bed. I suggest the rest of you do the same."

And then, she stepped between Nicky and Zac - who were still out in the hall - and walked back to her bedroom, Walker hot on her heels. Avery wriggled out of Isaac's arms, and headed after them.

I looked from one guy to the next. Isaac shrugged. "I'm gonna go take a shower," he said.

After he left the room, I looked at the boys. "Why didn't you tell me your other brother was the second-coming of Marilyn Manson?"

