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Vegetables and Salads

Vegetable & Salads

Ants on a Log

Celery sticks filled with peanutbutter and dotted with raisins.

Tossed Salad
Serves 24

2 heads lettuce
1 bunch celery
1 cucumber
3-4 carrots
(Add variety to your salad with any/all of the following raw vegetables: red cabbage, green onions, red bell pepper, cauliflower, mushrooms, etc. Or by adding cheese or different varieties of letuce.)

Tear or chop lettuce. Chop celery and thin slice cucumber (and other veggies used). Grate carrots. Toss together and serve with choice of salad dressing, salt and pepper to taste.

Campers' Delight
Serves 24

6 cans fruit cocktail
1 pkg mini marshmallows
4-6 bananas (sliced)

Mix together. Serve cold.

Walking Salad

Core apple. In hole put peanutbutter mixed wih raisins or nuts.

Cheesy Potatoes
Serves 4

2 med potatoes (peeled and thinly sliced)
3 T margarine
1 t salt
½ lb American cheese
½ small onion
1 sm can evaporated milk or ¾ C milk
Dash of pepper

Grease disposable 10 inch square foil pan. Place layers of potatoes, cubed cheese, and onions in pan. Season, dot with margarine. Pour milk over all. Seal with square of aluminum foil and place over hot coals for about 1 hour or until done. May be cooked in dutch oven. (level 2)

Savory Rice and Mushrooms
Serves 10-12

2 C Uncle Ben's Rice
3 T onion flakes
2 T parsley flakes
3 T vegetable flakes (opt)
2 t salt
1 t Italian seasoning
1 T garlic powder
5 cubes chicken bouillon
2T butter or oleo
5½ C hot water
1 8 oz can sliced mushrooms

Spray cold dutch oven with Pam. Blend dry seasonings with rice. Put in oven. Dissolve bouillon cubes in hot water, stir in butter, then pour over rice mix. Maintain 8-10 coals under oven and 15-18 on lid, to keep just boiling, then reduce to 6-8 under and 12-15 on lid, to keep moisture at a simmer. Drain mushrooms and stir into rice. Continue to simmer until most of water is absorbed. Remove from heat a few minutes before serving and fluff with a fork. Appx. cooking time 35 minutes. (Level 2) Donice's Fruit Salad

1 red apple (cored and cut into 1/2 inch cubes)
1 green apple (ditto)
2 cans mandarin oranges (drained)
grapes (any seedless variety cut in half)
2-3 bananas sliced
Any other fruit you like
1/2 pint whipping cream
1 C mini marshmallows
1/2 C pecan pieces (opt)

Mix together. Served chilled.

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