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large can of biscuits
cooking oil
cinnamon-sugar mixture
powdered sugar

Cut biscuits in quarters, fry in hot oil until brown. roll in cinnamon-sugar mixture or powdered sugar.


favorite biscuit mix,
cooking oil

Prepare biscuit dough according to package instruction. Drop in hot oil. Fry until brown. Serve with melted butter and honey mixed.

Serves 8-10

1 lb bulk sausage
1 box instant hash bown potatoes
1¾ C water
1 t salt
1 stick oleo
1 dozen eggs
½ c milk
¼ t pepper

Brown sausage, drain grease. Add hashbrowns that have been soaking in water and salt. Cook until all water has been absorbed. Beat eggs with milk. Add oleo, egg mixture, salt and pepper. Cook until eggs are set and mixture is fairly dry.

All-in-One Dutch Oven Breakfast
Serves 6-8

1 lb breakfast meat (ham, bacon, sausage, etc.)
6-8 potaotoes (sliced)
2 onions
6-8 eggs
½ stick butter
seasoning to taste

Use a 10" Dutch oven. Fry your favorite breakfast meat. Remove when completely cooked, set aside, drain grease. Put sliced potatoes and onions in dutch oven. Season. Add 3-4 pats of butter to top of potatoes, add small amount of water. Cook until tender from the bottom only (about 20-30 minutes). Remove from fire, cut meat into bite-size pieces, place on top of potatoes. Top with 6-8 beaten raw eggs. Replace lid and put coals on top and continue cooking until eggs are done. If you prefer whole eggs just break the eggs evenly into dutch oven. Canned potatoes or hashbrowns may be substituted to shorten cooking time.

Hot Chocolate Mix

8 qts powder milk
1 lb Nestles Quik
16 oz Creamora
1½ C powdered sugar

Combine all ingredients in a large air-tight container. Use 2 T per 8 oz of water.

Breakfast Burritos
Serves 8-9

1½ lb sausage
1 small onion
8 oz cheddar cheese (grated)
18 flour tortillas
18 eggs

Brown sausage, drain well. Add onion and saute until limp. Beat eggs and stir into sausage onion mixture. Stir constantly to scramble/cook eggs. When eggs are almost done, add cheese to melt. Meanwhile, heat flour tortillas in foil over hot coals. Roll a spoonful of mixture in flour tortillas and season with hot sauce.

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Vegetables and Salads
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