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Cornerstone 2001

Christafari | Joy Electric | The Choir | Third Day


This was Christafari's first time at Cornerstone. They mostly played songs off their "Valley of Decision" album, but they also played "Soulfire" and "Christafari", which are two of my all-time faves. My sister and I had a real blast while dancing, cheering, and looking really silly. This concert, along with P.O.D. and Third Day, was one of the most spiritually moving concerts I went to at Cornerstone (and my third favorite). All I can really say about it is "Wow." During the song "Valley of Decision", the lead singer asked everyone to get on their knees and he led us in a prayer. When we got up, he said, "That was a little impromptu, but that's how the Spirit works."


Joy Electric


The Choir (Steve & Derri's Acoustic Set)

Chance Daugherty stole the show--that kid's adorable!

The Choir's Set List


Third Day

Third Day has a real gift for leading their audience into worship. These guys had a really rough crowd: mostly Stryper fans who'd been waiting in the heat for six hours in order to get a good seat. Some of them were kinda testy when Third Day came on, but a lot of that melted away as we began to worship together. Even the loud-mouthed chick next to me who tried to boo every band off the stage finally shut up.

The band members were really excited to be sharing the stage with Larry Norman and Stryper. Their lead singer even sported a Styper shirt. Later on during Stryper's first encore, Michael Sweet would return the favor, sporting a Third Day shirt.


The Choir | Christafari | Daniel Amos | Danielson Famile | Joy Electric | Lost Dogs | Larry Norman | The 77's | Randy Stonehill | Stryper | Sweet Comfort Band | Third Day

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