Lissa's Pics from Arizona

Well... For the summer of 1999 my wonderful mother decided we were going to go to Arizona and see the beautimous Grand Canyon, so here's some dandy pictures of me from that trip. Enjoy...

The START of a wonderful Vacation

Here I am in the car... just, uh... would you freak if i said Chilling? LoL. ANyways, here i am looking peachy as i always do at 6:30 in the morning when i've been robbed of my nice cuddly bed and dragged into the car for a nice TRIP with my MOTHER to Arizona... did i mention we DROVE THERE... Anyways, good thing i wasn't driving in this pic... lol. =)

happy people

Mom is attempting to kill me now. Lol. Isn't it wonderful! Hey at least i made the car ride up there without dying! he he. ANyways, so mom claimed that she just didn't want me to fall after we took the picture. but i'm begining to wonder.. she looks kinda like she's happy in thought that maybe she could throw me off.. HMMMMM..Anyways, NEXT picture. Oh wait.. i forgot, aren't we 2 hot chicks? LOL. Whatever.

What the BEEP is that?

Here I am squinting into the sun.. and like i didn't know what the hell was in front of me or nothing, and they just said HEY THAT LOOKS SEXY.. CLICK! And now here you are reading some crazy shit that the lovable huggable Lissa typed up one day. Yeah.. isn't it ironic. I want 10,000 spoons when all i need is a knife, cuz then i could bitch like Alanis... ANYWAYS... yes, there i am. LOL. uhhh ::looks around suspiciously:: next?


Here I am scaring the piss out of my mommie, she thought i was going to jump that 4 foot wall there or something, I dont know... anyways, do you see how i lifted my leg? oh my gosh, i was very frightened when i did that. HOLEY MONGROL I think a rock moved and i like screamed and sat down or something. No... not really... but wasn't it a nice story? OKay great.

Lissa and the Kitties

There I am at a store place, I wanted to take those bad boys home with me and have some hot wild animal sex... GRRRR. but mom said... You can have a picture with them, that's all. I was like.. pooper scooper.. shortly after this picture was taken, i was seen licking those lions on the noses.. lol.. and this little boy looked at me funny. But it's all good right?

Andddd.... FINALLY..
The best picture from the trip..

Pretty Lissa.. =)

And there's my trip to Arizona.. TAH-DAH.. wasn't that fun? Yeah i thought so.. now... continue hunting my site....

for pictures of me .. (weird ones) click here.... LiSsA'S SLICK Pics
for pictures of my buddies... click here.... LiSsA'S BuDdIeS
for pictures of meee... click here.... LiSsA'S Purdy Pics
for pictures of me getting a tattoo.. click here.. LiSsA's Tattoo Experience
for pictures of me from Halloweeeenn 98... click here.... Lissa the Cheerleader