Me and Casey
Made by Peter! Way to go.. I like the colors.
Me and Brandon
or... Brandon and Me... Made by .. none other then Brandon! Good job Bran - Bran... purdy colors too! :o)
Me looking at a PYSCOTIC DESIGN
Also made by Brandon... the PYSCOTIC DESIGN man!
Me getting, AHHH!
Crazyness, made by the other BRANDON, the one on my buddies page, yeah, now you remember, the SEXY guy! whoo hooo! =) thanx Brandon.
And if anyone wants to mess me up and have their work on my page, just go at it, I'll put it up.. cuz i'm a nice little lissa like that. =) well, you have to be semi-special, like these fellas. ha ha. OH, and ladies are VERY welcome too. Thank ya, thank ya. Buh-bye.
To see the pictures of my buddies( AND BRANDON!)click here.. LiSsA'S BuDdIeS
To see pictures of me.. just chilling click here.... LiSsA'S Purdy Pics
To see pictures of me in Arizona click here.... Arizona Trip Pics
To see pictures of me from Halloween 98.. click here.... Lissa the Cheerleader
To see pictures of me getting a tattoo.. click here... LiSsA's Tattoo Experience
To see my artwork.. click here... Lissa's Crap!