This is me relaxing on a rock in Big Bend National Park.
Lissa being "SUPER KOOL" (as Xochi said) driving my mommmas car... hell yeah... baby.. hell yeah.... allright...
Liss and Case, again!
(note to self... stop using the word Chilling so much) oh hey.. this is me chilling (damn it) by tha car... isn't that peachy? yeah thought so
Liss a lil Pissed
my other purdy kitty.. this one is Caseys daughter.. (Casey's the kat on my shoulders.. for those of you who forgot) isn't that great? yeah.. thought so.
Well, there I am, so pretty, dont you think? :o) lol.
Anyways... to see pictures of my friends click here.. LiSsA'S BuDdIeS
to see pictures from me getting my tattoo, click here.. LiSsA's Tattoo Experience
to see pictures that are SLICK, click here.... LiSsA'S SLICK Pics
to see my artwork, click here.... Lissa's Crap!
to see pictures of me as a cheerleader, click here.... Halloween '98
to see pictures of my Arizona trip..(Summer 99), click here..... Lissa's Trip to Arizona