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What We Believe

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As Baptists, we believe in the autonomy (independence) of each local church. In short, there is no 'ruling body' which dictates our beliefs.

Nevertheless, we cherish the opportunity to cooperate with other like-minded churches in order that we might more effectively carry out the tasks we believe Jesus Christ has assigned to us.

We are therefore pleased to be associated with other area churches as a member of the Henderson Southern Baptist Association (one of three county-wide associations which together comprise the Dogwood Trails Baptist Area); with other churches statewide through the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention; and with churches worldwide through the Southern Baptist Convention (and its missionary outreach entities - the North American Mission Board and the International Mission Board).

We do not submit to the binding 'authority' of any given creedal statement, as we consider the Bible itself to be our sole authority. We do however, agree with the summary of doctrinal positions given in the Baptist Faith and Message (most recently modified in 1998).