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Library for copy editors

Online publications

AJR Newslink: Online version of the American Journalism Review.

Editor & Publisher: Newspaper industry's leading trade journal.

The American Editor: Magazine published by ASNE.

The Quill: Magazine published by SPJ.

CJR: The Columbia Journalism Review online magazine.

Copy Editor: This newsletter is a print publication only and is well worth the subscription. You can download a free sample copy on this site. In addition, the site has terrific links to jobs, workshops and reference materials.

Online Journalism Review: University of Southern California online publication that tracks online journalism stories and issues. Searchable. Frames.

Brill's Content: Online version of the media criticism magazine.

Feed Magazine: Media and Culture: Essays from a fresh perspective. Lots of food for thought. Tricky to navigate, but once you start reading it's hard to stop. Searchable. Here's a dialogue on The Net's News Revolution from November 1998 with editors from NYT, WSJ, WP and Salon. - Salon Media: Commentary and information about the news business, primarily online.

Slate: Online magazine from Microsoft.

Drudge Report: Matt Drudge's online tabloid theater. Mega links.

Copy editors online

The Slot: A Spot for Copy Editors: Great site from the Washington Post's Bill Walsh anchored by The Curmudgeon's Stylebook.

Yahoo! Clubs: Testy Copy Editors: This is a message-board club room thingie on Yahoo run by Chicago Sun-Times copy editor Phillip Blanchard. It's a fun place. I love his "E&P Nightmare Jobs of the Week." There are links to fun places like the "Bus Plunge" page and one to Blanchard's home page.

The BONG Bull Newsletter: There's funny stuff on The Burned-Out Newspapercreatures Guild's Newsletter, available by mailing list and on the alt.journalism newsgroup. Check the archives at, also. Get the newsletter by sending a blank e-mail to: It's run by Chief Copyboy Charley Stough of the Dayton Daily News in Ohio. Hysterical.


Haiku Headlines of the Week: Submit a haiku headline to these nuts. Must be seen to be believed.

American Newspeak: This twice-monthly satirical e-zine says it celebrates "cutting-edge advances in Orwellian Doublethink, all carefully scavenged from the back pages of our finer newspapers." Fun, fun. By a guy going by the name of Wayne Grytting in Seattle.

The Dennis Britton Go Home Page: A site devoted to Denver Post Editor Dennis Britton. Especially fun for anyone who ever worked for Britton or Dean Singleton. Update 11/28/99: Britton's gone and updates have ceased. But the old site is still up.

Smudge Report: Claims to be the oldest Drudge Report send-up around. It's probably the best that I've seen. Fun links, including links to other Drudge Report send-ups.

The Onion: Send-up of online journalism.

Journalism quotes: "About journalism - A large and irreverent collection of quotes." That pretty much sums it up. Good stuff.


Top 100 Journalism Stories of the 20th Century: A star-studded panel including Walter Cronkite and Pete Hamill, along with New York University J-faculty members, came up with this list. No. 1? John Hersey's Hiroshima.

The Institute for Propaganda Analysis: Interesting site on propaganda with examples from politicians and George Carlin, among others. From a guy named Aaron Delwiche at the University of Washington.

Pulitzer Prize: Everything you always wanted to know about the award.

Newseum: Online home for the museum of news.

News links pages

AJR Newslink: One of the best and fastest links sites for online newspapers. From the American Journalism Review.

Metagrid: Links page of worldwide newspapers and magazines of every flavor.

News and Newspapers Online: Links to news organizations worldwide. From University of North Carolina at Greensboro library.

Newshare: Portal page of news search engines and journalism links.

News Hub: Headline news every 15 minutes. Divided into subject categories.

Newspapers Online: Comprehensive list of links to newspapers, publications, books and news services.

1st Headlines: Constantly updating source of breaking news from 111 newspapers, broadcast and online searches. Well-organized, links to subjects, global news sites and more.

PA: Press Association news site. British.

Industry news

Jim Romenesko's A daily collection of industry news from TV, radio, newspapers and online news organizations. Lots of cool media links.

Media Central: Newspapers: Constantly updating headline site that posts only newspaper industry news.

AP Industry News: Online version of The Associated Press' weekly roundup.


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