Positive E-mail responses to the Columbine Web Page - 2

Editor - Webster's Dictionary definition of "monster":
     "Anything monstrous, especially a person of unnatural or excessive ugliness,
     deformity, wickedness or cruelty.
definition of "monstrous":
     "Extraordinary on account of ugliness or viciousness. Shockingly wrong".

Note: There are several Web pages necessary to contain
all the e-mails this site has generated.....
Columbine Main Page / More Positive e-mails / Negative e-mails

is there anything i can do ? can i help with the website or anything?

I'm a psychologist and have been intensely interested in learing about the "emotional
climate" that existed at Columbine High School in the year or so preceeding the murders. If
my information is correct, the killers had been experiencing hypocritical messages from the
administration for a long period of time, touting the value of "diversity" and other such
notions, while those same officials were tacitly, if not overtly, tolerating repeated harrassment
of the "outsiders" by the "good" children (jocks, nerds, etc).

In any case, there doesn't appear to be any doubt that mental illness was at work in the minds
of Harris & Klebold, but it does seem reasonable to perceive the official ignoring of (or
tolerance for) their harrassment by "favored" children as a contributing factor. Do you have
any evidence to support the existence of "institutional" tolerance for harrassment of kids at
Columbine who embraced the "goth" look or mannerisms?

I just got through reading many of the negative emails you have received 
concerning your Columbine site, and I felt the great need to write to you in 
disgust at what I read.

Obviously, these people who are "sympathetic" towards Eric Harris and Dylan 
Klebold have never lost a family member before his/her time. I lost my 
19-year-old sister to a car accident in 1998, and the pain I felt was too 
intense for words. I cannot even begin to imagine how I would feel if her 
death had not been an accident, but that her life had been STOLEN from her 
by another human being, as many lives were stolen on the day of the 

Recently, Rachel Scott's brother was on Dateline, and he was talking about 
how he had been getting along since her death April 20th, and it broke my 
heart when he broke down and cried next to the school, talking about how 
people were sympathetic towards Eric and Dylan. A quote from him: "They were 
like,'Rest In Peace, Eric and Dylan.' ... I say, 'F*** you, Eric and Dylan.' 
" I have no sympathy for Dylan and Eric. My sympathy goes to the family 
members of the innocent victims.

I am 17 years old and I am a High School Student in Los Angeles,Ca.. When i 
heard about the shooting in Columbine..I was p***** off at those kids for 
what they had done. That was my first reaction.. But then i sat and thought 
to myself woah... They did it They made their point in the worst way 
possible..Those kids were obviosly punked and treated bad .. they didn't fit 
in !! They were differnt and in this scrwed up world being different in high 
school isn't the best thing..People riducule you and make you feel horrible.. 
Sometimes people can't take it anymore..They start to get violent or stay to 
themselves and become very violent..Life isn't easy and those so called 
popular or normal ones that fit in make it hard for those they seem to call 
the outcast they are so mean how much did those people do to hurt them 
imagine how much anger they carried inside them.. i know what it is 
like...those kids that died or got hurt created these kids you call monsters 
.. you see they use to be nice people..but s*** happens.. All I am trying to 
say is that those People you call monster were made monster by those kids 
that treated them like s*** ..god knows what they did to them.. People can 
only take so much.. True there is no reason in the world to kill...but 
people have to clue what was going through their mind..I fel bad for those 
who died.. Yes they were stupid for doing that i would have rather killed my 
self than kill but thats just me 

WHAT ABOUT RACHEL SCOTT (being added to the Hero list).

God bless you people who keep the tradgedy circling so people don't forget. 
We can't forget. We can't forget this as we can't forget the Holocaust. The 
innocent people who died are heroes, and should be remembered forever. I am 
going to contribute money for Lance, because I almost threw up when you said 
that he asked for help, and instead was almost killed. ERIC AND DYLAN ARE 

"The Nazis came first for the Communists. But I wasn't a communist so I 
didn't speak up. Then they came for the Jews, but I wasn't a Jew so I didn't 
speak up. Then they came for the Trade Unionist, but I wasn't a Trade 
Unionist, so I didn't speak up. Then they came for the Catholics, but I was 
Protestant so I didn't speak up.

Then they came
for me and by then
there was no one left to speak up."

Wow, i am a 14 year old, and i was very interested in the Columbine tradegy.
I read both books about the girls Rachel Scott and Cassie Bernall. They set
a good example during their short lives on earth. I hope the tradegy makes
people realize that we all need God and that we should remain a Godly
nation, for the whole world to see. Parents need to educate their kids,
bring them to church when they are young, raise them with morals and good
values, and keep up with them to make sure they aren't into satanic things
and make sure that they get there anger out in normal ways such as
counseling. I think that this is a wonderful web page, full of detail. I
give out my sympathy to every family, especially the young boy's family
whose mother killed herself. HE must be going through so much right now and
i feel so bad. I will keep him in my prayers, and i hope the injured are

i read through the negative comments, and honestly, i think that they have
no respect, and that they need GOD more than they say you do. Thanks and
have a good day..

im canadian and i can only say that the american society has to fight the gun law,here crime
is low for that factor and also for the economic ass. and standard of living.......
social programs are very inportant.....so maybe its time to blame
society.........spend money where it is needed

Yes, Dylan and Eric are considered monsters by many. I do believe that what 
they did was horrific and insane. Though I do not condon what the two did I 
do not believe I have a right to call them monsters. Yes they slaughterd 13 
people and injured 2. That is horrible and should have never happened. 
People can be cruel especially kids and teenagers. They say mean hurtful 
things, which to people who have nothing else to turn to, causes them to 
plan their revenge. Like I said I do not condon the two murders actions, but 
I do not condon how they were treated by their classmates before they 
started threatening to kill. Some say it is the parents fault. I dont 
believe that. I dont believe it because any smart teenager is capable of 
getting away with the sweet innocent act, or the withdrawn teenager act. 
Yes maybe the parents didnt really realize the extent of their childrens 
behavior but I think that this incident though it is very sad that something 
like it had to, has brought a little of compassion to a few teens. I know it 
makes me think twice before I judge someone. So yes call them monsters, but 
they really were "worshipers" of Hitler and evil.
NOTE: One of the two killers had a website and on this site were horrible 
inhuman things. If you do not believe that the two were evil then go on 
yahoo search and I guaruntee that you will STILL be able to find this site 
and see the horrible things they believed in.

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Note: There are several Web pages necessary to contain
all the e-mails this site has generated.....
Columbine Main Page / Top of page / More Positive e-mails / Negative e-mails / E-mail

ATTENTION: To those who are doing research on the Columbine tragedy,
click here for additional information.

copyright Skeesis 1999, 2000
launched - 05/17/99
Last Updated: Wednesday, 25-Jul-2001 05:49:56 EDT