I am writing in response to your Columbine web site, "Monsters Among Us...".
I do'nt know why I am going to waste my time trying to explain to you,
someone who is obviously too close-minded to respect the opinions of others
(even when you ask for them), why it is wrong to name your web-site such a
hateful thing. You try to host a non-bias web-site and to provide the
viewers with both positive and negative response to your page, but you are
too immature to deal with the negative responses and you feel you must
insult the people who had the courage to say something just because it
doesn't agree with your opinion. If you ask me, you shouldn't have asked
for people's responses if you didn't want the truth. Besides, who are you
to call anyone a monster? God has said we are only to judge if we ourselves
are prepared to be judged. Now if you feel you are a perfect human, and you
are under the impression that you lead a perfect existence in every way,
then you have every right to sit in judgement of others. But if you are
like most of us, self-proclaimed hopelessly human, you will leave the
judging up to God, it is not your place...nor is it anyone elses for that
matter. Now you're probably going to make some childish, disparaging remark
mocking the intelligence/sincerity of what I have said, and you can feel
free...because I don't care. I refuse to participate in the be-littlement
of others, as that is what caused this tragedy in the first place. I
suppose you are going to say I have judged you, however I have not, I am
drawing a conclusion about your personality based on your own actions...if
you deem my conclusion incorrect (which I'm assuming you will), good for
you...but remember, you too shall be judged, God be merciful on your soul.
I am 17 years old and I am a High School Student in Los Angeles,Ca.. When i
heard about the shooting in Columbine..I was pissed off at those kids for
what they had done. That was my first reaction.. But then i sat and thought
to myself woah... They did it They made their point in the worst way
possible..Those kids were obviosly punked and treated bad .. they didn't fit
in !! They were differnt and in this scrwed up world being different in high
school isn't the best thing..People riducule you and make you feel horrible..
Sometimes people can't take it anymore..They start to get violent or stay to
themselves and become very violent..Life isn't easy and those so called
popular or normal ones that fit in make it hard for those they seem to call
the outcast they are so mean how much did those people do to hurt them
imagine how much anger they carried inside them.. i know what it is
like...those kids that died or got hurt created these kids you call monsters
.. you see they use to be nice people..but s*** happens.. All I am trying to
say is that those People you call monster were made monster by those kids
that treated them like s*** ..god knows what they did to them.. People can
only take so much.. True there is no reason in the world to kill...but
people have to clue what was going through their mind..I fel bad for those
who died.. Yes they were stupid for doing that i would have rather killed my
self than kill but thats just me
Editor: Since they left several hours of video
tape, explaining why they were going to do what they did, we do know what they
were thinking. They were thinking that by doing this, it would make them famous.
It had very little to do with harassment,
or teasing. Unfortunately, to kill and main people to become famous simply
proves what sick monsters they really were!
My opinion may not be worth much, but I think that the shooting could've
been avoided. If they new all that stuff and they didn't act on it, I think they
should carry some blame. It's not everyday you see a website telling of
plans to shoot people. I don't think it's all Harris's and Klebold's fault either.
If they were so lost that the only way to get attention was to shoot
someone, that must be a lonely life. I might be looking at it at a wrong view
all together, I'm not so sure. I also wanted to comment on your title
"Monster Among Us", I don't think that's entirely fair. They were lost and
confused and I don't think they deserve a title of "Monster". Sure they did
something very wrong but it dosen't go as far as monster.
To those that actually read this website and decided that the students were
actually monsters, you need to look at yourself in the mirror and figure out
who gives you the right to judge a person. Nobody, I mean, Nobody has the
right to judge another person, except for our lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
He gave nobody the right to judge a person, and thats why he went to the
cross, to die so that we could go to heaven, and the kids that started the
disaster have to speak to them, and to those who call them monsters you need
to get your speech ready to tell Jesus why you actually say your a christian
, but can not forgive them or at least call them monster, because if you
think about it , we all are monsters, Our ancestors excuted a guy that was
perfect, that nevered sinnned.
Editor: So....... you have judged that I have no right to call a couple of monsters monsters..... Interesting judgement on your part.
go to columbine.n3.net read "THE VAN INCIDENT" at the bottom of the article click on
source . Dylan writes in Eric's yearbook " My wrath for January's incident will be godlike not to
mention my revenge in the commons". The january incident was their arrest for breaking into
a van on Jan 30,1998. I know for a fact that the Jeffco deputies that prowl this area terrorize
citizens on a routine basis. You have formulated the demeanor that Eric and Dylan were
known to exibit. Add it all together add a dent in Eric's trunk, testimony from Dylan's father,
anger management as a sentence,cops as the target of revenge,the cops refussal to engage
them(prior knowledge) , the Stonewalling of the Sheriffs department to release information
etc. etc. Judy brown claims that it was the Sheriffs dept. goal to keep that arrest secret that led
them to do only internal intervention and to keep the info from becoming public hoping the
boys would just cool down.
ATTENTION: To those who are doing research on the Columbine tragedy, click here for additional information. |