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Theatre Guild Announcements

St. Cyril Theatre Guild ANNOUNCEMENTS

This page will be used for general announcements and reminders concerning Guild business. Please check it often. You input is welcome:

  • T-Shirts are here! See Rae Lynn for yours Friday at rehearsal!

  • Check the job openings page as we still need a few people to help out with some special jobs.

  • I didn't think we had enough pages on our sight, so I added a page on Cole Porter. I hope you find it interesting because as you all know, without Cole Porter there would be no Anything Goes. Please visit our Tribute to Cole Porter page for some pictures and interesting information on the life of Cole Porter and some of the background for this musical.

  • Programs go to print this week-end! Be sure to sign-off on the spelling of your name for the program and your phone number for Guild use with Mike.

  • Also be sure to give Mike any "Special Thanks" announcements that should appear in the program ASAP. Anyone who has made a donation should be recognized in the program.

  • Our goal is to raise enough to pay for the piano rental and some of the theatre rental from the proceeds of our "Break a Leg" program note sales, so please sell at least 2 ads or messages if possible. Extra forms are available from Mike. Thanks for all your efforts in making this show all that it can be! Mike

  • Ticket sales are here! Pick up order forms from Mike and start selling! Gold Tickets, especially for the final performance, are selling rappidly! Henry has given us a financial report and we realize we need a really good turn out this year to pay for what has turned out to be a pretty expensive show. We want a good crowd to attend all performances so they can appreciate all the hard work that has gone into this show. Tickets are $5 and $10 ($10 and $15 on Patron's Night) this year. Our shows have been called the "best theatre value in town" so encourage people to buy early and come often. See the ticket page for more information.

  • Greetings from the Make-up Department:

    It seems like try-outs were just yesterday, however, I realize that the Guild is now well into two months of rehearsals and that the actual performance dates will be here very soon. As I will be your " Cosmetic Coordinator" again this year, I thought it would be helpful to offer some tips. The Theatre Guild provides all make-up for each performance. However, because of the large cast, I cannot guarantee that the choice of colors will match your particular skin tone or that that cheek color, lip color, or eye colors will be to your liking. Also, I recognize that for hygenic reasons, some individuals prefer not to share (we do provide make-up spatulas, individual mascara wands, and individual eye shadow applicators). Therefore, I offer the following thoughts:

    1) There are a number of theatrical specialty stores which sell full make-up kits and singular products. I would suggest that if you are concerned about the make-up base matching your particular skin tone, visit one of these specialty stores and purchase a base color that suits you. In the past, some of our female performers have preferred to use the same base they wear daily. This is fine . . . but remember, your will need a heavier application for performances;

    2) For mascara, I would purchase the stuff in the hot pink tube with the lime green top (Maybelline, I think). It is economical and goes on relatively thick. From personal experience, purchase the "waterproof" kind. The non-waterproof tends to smear in normal daily wear, so you can imagine what is going to happen if you perspire under those hot stage lights. This may be purchased at any grocery, drug, or discount store (i.e. Target, Wal-Mart, etc.);

    3) For Eye Shadow colors, any economical brand will do. Ladies you may desire to try and coordinate colors with your costumes. Gentlemen, I know how anxious most of you are to wear this stuff, so I recommend "neutral colors". I suggest anything in the creme, beige, tan, and brown family. If you decide to purchase your own, get two colors . . . a light color for all over and a darker color for contrast;

    4) The Guild has several pink and coral cheek colors to pick from and I will be adding a few more;

    5) The Guild also has a variety of lipcolors in the pinks and corals. However, for the ladies I know that we all tend to have a few favorite colors that we use most of the time, so you are free to bring these or if you want. I will be trying to purchase more of a light bronze color that was very popular with the gentlemen last year. Guys, if you do want to purchase this for yourself, stick to the lighter neutral colors that will enhance your appearance. Since we are not doing "Cabaret", only the female cast members lip color should be distinuishable from the audience;

    6) Eyeliner always helps, but I know some people have a problem drawing on lines or flinch when another party is aiming pencil at their eye. We did not make this mandatory last year, so we will take the same approach this year, unless our Director says you absolutely need it;

    7) If purchasing your own powder, you can purchase for a specialty store or any translucent blend will do;

    8) Lastly, there will be products available to clean your face at the end of each show. However, if you have sensitive skin or use a dermatologist recommended product, you may want to bring that.

    Check the Announcements again next week for a list of "specialty" stores where theatre make-up can be purchased, if you desire to go this route. Or . . check with your fellow performers for recommendations. Remember too, mascara, eye shadow, lip color, and cheek colors can be purchased at any grocery, drug, or discount store, or any beauty supply store. Again, please remember, you are NOT required to purchase your own make-up. These are just suggestions for those of you want your own personal kits.

    Lastly, I will be at the theatre before each performance to provide assistance. If you have any questions or need any assistance in this area, just let Jill, Bill or Mike know and I will be glad to come to some practices and give you ideas.

  • More Make-up:

    As promised, I am providing names of several places that specialize in costuming, props, and theatrical make-up for those of you interested in purchasing your own make-up. Again, for those of you who choose not to purchase your own make-up, there will be products available for you supplied by the Guild. I will be checking with Jill regarding any special make-up requests she may have. If you choose to purchase your own, you may want to ask her (before you spend money) if she has any special requirements for your character.

    Performing Arts Supply
    11437 Todd (Todd Street is off of I-10 and Antoine)
    Telephone (713) 681-8688

    In speaking with Rae Lynn, this is where she purchased a theatrical make-up kit last year.

    Southern Importers
    4825 San Jacinto (near downtown)
    Telephone (713) 524-8236

    4815 Fannin (near downtown)
    Telephone (713) 528-6036

    Texas Theatrical Supply
    4102 Fannin (near downtown)
    Telephone (713) 520-7142

    In looking over the cast list for this year, most everyone involved has had prior theatre experience and knows ( . . or should know by now) how to apply their make-up for the show. Because I am also helping Tom Miller with Sound this year, my time will be split and I cannot spend the entire time doing make-up before the show each night. Therefore, I need the experienced performers to be responsible for applying their own make-up ( . . you need only to have appeared in one other theater production to qualify as "experienced"), so that I can offer more time those less experienced. Those of you who are less experienced, I assure you you will be pros at this by about the third show. You can and should seek input from your fellow performers too. Remember, if Sir Evelyn can learn to apply mascara, you can too!!! I have already spoken to Jill regarding this plan. Usually, during Dress Rehearsal week, Jill will require full make-up at least one night. She and I will both offer comments if we think you need to do anything different on your make-up. Thank you all for your help in this!!!!

  • Congratulations to Sarah Wuensche and Kevin Hames on their wedding! It was beautiful! Welcome back from your honeymoon.

  • The Rehearsal Schedule page has been reorganized to include the "Who, What, When, and Where" of each rehearsal. Please check this page for the most current updates on rehearsals times, changes, scenes, actors needed, and cancellations. You do not need to be at rehearsal unless your character is listed on the webpage or you are specifically requested by Jill, Lisa, or Emily to rehearse that evening.

  • Please use our Theatre Guild contribution numbers when you do your grocery shopping at Randall's or Gerland's. The Randall's card number is 5244. The Gerland's card number is 101391. A total of 1% of your purchase amount will be donated to the Guild by these stores.

  • Kayleen has located several sources for costumes for the show and hopes to keep costs as low as possible. She will be needing everyone's measurements at your first rehearsal. She will be giving everyone some information concerning costumes at that time.

  • We want to thank everyone who worked the "concessions" at the George Strait Concert on Saturday, April 17. We have the final numbers and the figures look good. We should doubled our estimates for this year and quadrupled what we earned last year! That translates to $3500 for the Guild treasury after paying all expenses! Thanks to Mark Burns for becoming our #1 financial contributor! We hope to return next year as this has become our largest source of pre-production income for the Guild. We have reviewed the organization of the fundraiser and among some of the sugestions are 1) We need to get close to 100% participation from Guild members since everyone benefits from the money we earn; 2) Look at running 3 shifts instead of 2; 3) Have "Shift Captains" organize their "crew" and cut down on "Admiral Bill" having to try to make all the arrangements for all our workers. This takes a lot of time to organize and we need to either make it a standing committee or look at an alternative for sharing the workload. Please send your input to Bill or Mike if you have any other ideas on how to make this fundraiser better. Thanks again for everyone's help!

  • Everyone needs to work with our Anything Goes prop manager, Rae Lynn Cuddihy, as she has made a large dent in our prop list, but has a few "tough" items left. Please check with her and see if you have anything that she still needs for the show. Remember, we need everyone to pitch in to make Anything Goes a success.

  • Check our job openings page for more specifics concerning positions we still need to fill for this year's musical.