If you would like to handle Abby, our DOCILE DOG, in the wings and make sure she hits her cues, see Mike. If you get along with animals, this would be a fun job. She can sit in the Green Room with you much of the time.
If you would like to help out with "managing the house," please see Suzanne or Mike ASAP. We need people to help seat patrons in the Gold Section, take tickets at the door, sell tickets on the night of each performance, and to help out with concessions at the intermissions of each performance. We need help with donations and setting up for Patrron's Night as well.
We would like to have someone do this backstage, but Tom and Susan might be able to work something out. Please see Jill or Tom Miller if you are interested.
Uh, OK, well can you sew? Kayleen needs help with costumes, especially sewing. If you can help, please contact her.
OK, I'll do this..
OK, I'll do this, but I could use some help here.
Rae Lynn will be Prop Manager. Thanks Rae Lynn!
Susan Baker will do this. Thanks Susan!.