Please sell your "program notes" (ads and "break
a leg" messages) as soon as possible. Our goal is to
raise enough to pay for the piano rental and some of
the theatre rental from the proceeds, so please sell
at least 2 ads or messages if possible. Extra forms are
available from Mike and need to be returned by this Friday, 7/9.
TO STRAKE: From the Church-Take Gessner south to
Bellaire, turn west (right) and go 1 block to the
sign and turn right. Take the 1st drive
right back to the auditorium, just east of the
first cluster of buildings on your right.
The Program will be printed this week-end (sometime). Check
your name spelling if you haven't yet and
be sure to give Mike any "Special Thanks" announcements that should appear
in the program ASAP. Anyone who has made a donation
should be recognized in the program.
Those of you who want a packet of tickets to sell in addition to order forms, please
see Mike. Packets include 4 general admission
tickets and 4 gold seat tickets for each show and
will raise $400 for the Guild if all are sold.
for all your efforts in making this show all that it
can be! Mike
All guys need to be at Rice on
Saturday from 8:00AM until 6:00PM. Ladies who
have bios need to be there at 11:45AM and everyone
else needs to be there by 12:45. See
JoAnn, Tim, Jill, or Mike if you have questions.
 | Rehearsal Schedule |  |
Friday 7/9 | Rm127 7:00PM
Complete Run-Thru of Act III | Everyone in Act III
SUPER SATURDAY 7/10 | Rice 8AM-6PM See Note Above under News Flash for your time.
Act III Run-Thru | Entire Cast and Crew
Sunday 7/11 | TBA
Run-Thru Rehearsal if Necessary; Orchestra Rehearsal if Necessary | TBA
Monday 7/12 | Rice 7:30PM
Run-Thru Entire Show | Entire Cast And Crew
Tuesday 7/13 | Rice 7:30PM
Act I and Act II Dress Rehearsal with Orchestra | Entire Cast and Crew for Act I & II |
Wednesday 7/14 | Rice 7:00PM Plan on a Late Night!
Act III Dress Rehearsal with Orchestra (twice) | Entire Cast and Crew for Act III
Thursday 7/15 | Rice 7:00PM
Final Dress Rehearsal with Orchestra | Entire Cast and Crew THIS IS IT, GUYS! |
Saturday 7/24 | TBA