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undefined Anything Goes! Rehearsal Schedule

Anything Goes!

Rehearsal Schedule

The rehearsal schedule for Anything Goes! is found below. Those of you who have performed with the Guild in the past know that this schedule is subject to change, sometimes rather hurridly. I will keep it as current as possible, updating it daily as necessary. If you have any questions concerning scheduling, emergency conflicts, changes from what you were told verbally, or if you're just plain confused, either e-mail Jill or give her a call at 281-498-8110 x3274.

Our Cast was determined on Thursday, 4/15. If you have accepted a role it is important that you attend all rehearsals for which you are scheduled. Please be well-fed and ready to "role" at 7:30. We don't want rehearsals to last past 10:00 if at all possible. Jill will announce in advance the scenes which will be blocked at the next rehearsal. I will also set up this schedule so you will know if you need to attend a specific rehearsal. Jill's policy is to only have you attend rehearsal if you are in the particular scene which is scheduled to be worked that evening.

General Guild Announcements should be checked often.


Please sell your "program notes" (ads and "break a leg" messages) as soon as possible. Our goal is to raise enough to pay for the piano rental and some of the theatre rental from the proceeds, so please sell at least 2 ads or messages if possible. Extra forms are available from Mike and need to be returned by this Friday, 7/9.

DIRECTIONS TO STRAKE: From the Church-Take Gessner south to Bellaire, turn west (right) and go 1 block to the sign and turn right. Take the 1st drive right back to the auditorium, just east of the first cluster of buildings on your right.

The Program will be printed this week-end (sometime). Check your name spelling if you haven't yet and be sure to give Mike any "Special Thanks" announcements that should appear in the program ASAP. Anyone who has made a donation should be recognized in the program.

Those of you who want a packet of tickets to sell in addition to order forms, please see Mike. Packets include 4 general admission tickets and 4 gold seat tickets for each show and will raise $400 for the Guild if all are sold.

Thanks for all your efforts in making this show all that it can be! Mike

All guys need to be at Rice on Saturday from 8:00AM until 6:00PM. Ladies who have bios need to be there at 11:45AM and everyone else needs to be there by 12:45. See JoAnn, Tim, Jill, or Mike if you have questions.

Rehearsal Schedule





Friday 7/9
Rm127 7:00PM
Complete Run-Thru of
Everyone in Act III
Rice 8AM-6PM
See Note Above under News Flash for your time.
Act III Run-Thru
Entire Cast and Crew
Sunday 7/11
Run-Thru Rehearsal if Necessary;
Orchestra Rehearsal if Necessary
Monday 7/12
Rice 7:30PM
Run-Thru Entire Show
Entire Cast And Crew
Tuesday 7/13
Rice 7:30PM
Act I and Act II
Dress Rehearsal
with Orchestra
Entire Cast and Crew for Act I & II
Wednesday 7/14
Rice 7:00PM
Plan on a Late Night!
Act III Dress Rehearsal
with Orchestra (twice)
Entire Cast and Crew for Act III
Thursday 7/15
Rice 7:00PM
Final Dress Rehearsal
with Orchestra
Entire Cast and Crew
Saturday 7/24
Cast and Crew