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More Beads

The Flutterby

"How Does Your Garden Grow?" is here.

Begin with a basic bead five Triangle beads high. Use 15/0s and 8/0 Czech raindrops for embellishment.

Needle around and come out through a Triangle on the first row. Add three 15/0, one 8/0, three 15/0, one 8/0, three 15/0, one 8/0 to your needle. Go back through the three 15/0, add one 8/0, through the next three, add one 8/0, and through the last three 15/0. Go through the two-drop and the next Triangle. Repeat the embellishment going through each of the remaining three Triangles.(four strands).

Needle down to the third row of Triangles in the vertical row. You will skip the second and fourth rows of Triangles. Repeat the strand embellishment moving in the opposite direction of the first row. Thus the first row moves from right to left, the second embellishment row from left to right, and the last embellishment row from right to left. Continue around.

The Butterfly

Begin with a basic bead five Triangle beads high. Use 15/0s and 8/0 Czech raindrops for embellishment.

Needle around and come out through a one-drop Delica beside a Triangle on the first row. Add three 15/0, one 8/0, and three 15/0 to your needle. Go back through the same Delica, through the next Triangle and one-drop. Repeat along the top row (four loops).

Needle down to the next row, two-drop and the second Triangle in the vertical row. Repeat the loop embellishment using four 15/0, one 8/0, and four 15/0. Continue around.

Needle down to the next row of two-drop and the third Triangle in the vertical row. Repeat the loop embellishment using five 15/0, one 8/0, and five 15/0. Repeat this row in the next row down.

Repeat the second and first row on the remaining rows, using first four 15/0 and then three 15/0. You will have four loop embellishments, six loops down the bead at each triangle.

Click here for instructions on Jacks, The Cage, The ZigZag, and Phantasia.

Page Updated Sept. 14, 1999. Copyright © 1999 Janie Warnick. All rights reserved.

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