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The moon looks so so so very weird tonight, it's a half moon and there is a perfect circle of white fog around it, which gives it a very "Sleepy Hollow" feel. I just got out of the hot tub and staring at the moon made me shiver, it's unlike anything I've ever seen. It was a bit creepy, I came inside rather quickly. I wonder if Mandy saw the moon tonight. I think about those sorts of things all the time.
Well... tonight I had to work and it was not a lot of fun but it could have been worse. I made good tips and actually got off a bit early. Weekends are no fun because all my friends are going out and I have to work my social schedule around work. I wanted to drive into Austin tomorrow to see "Sleepy Hollow" but I have to make sure I'm back in time for work. GRRRRRR.... life can be such a pain at times.
I talked to my theatre teacher about attending school and the UK and she really backed me up on it. She said thats what her son, Collin did. But he went to school in Texas then his Junior year he took an exchange program and lived in England for a while to study. I thought that was really neat. Sounds like a good idea.
Well I better get some shut eye,

Today school went by rather quickly which is truly amazing, I got home ASAP and waited for my friend Juls to call me. We'd made plans earlier for her to call me after her tennis lesson so she could come over and watch "The Big Brass Ring". While I waited I tried to download the new Real Player 7.0 to my moms new computer so I could watch a SH Mandy interview but the computer turned out to be dumb and it wouldn't work for me. I guess I'll NEVER see that interview. GRRRRRR.... Anyhoo about 5:30 Julia called and came over, we pretty much just fast forwarded to Mandy's scenes because we wanted to finish it and I had to go to a college talk with my mom at 6:30.
What a bore that was, it was these monotone counselors up with a over head projector talking about SAT's etc... In otherwords BORING.... I spotted my buddy Cara across the room, she looked equally bored. With in 15 minutes of it starting she got up leaving her parents. I figured she ran out to the car but she never came back. I should have followed her but I needed to pay attention.
While they were discussing local colleges and the required points you had to have to be considered my mom started to jot down notes on them. I took her pen and wrote down 'Old Vic Theatre School' to her list. She said something about them probally not even accepting overseas people. That made me mad but I managed to make it through the end of the "class".
When we got in the car she started telling me to be logical etc... I told her I won't be happy in any college in the states and that if she's not paying for it anyway I'm going to go to a school that I really want to go to. She took it rather well, which suprised me. She said if thats what I want to do I need to discuss it with my theatre teacher and start to do some research. (Mrs. Fletcher's son majors in Theatre at Yale University, her other son majors in the same thing but at Duke) Mom also told me I need to do my research and find out about costs and even if Old Vic accepts Americans.
I'd like to go to Old Vic but any theatre school in England is great. London is the Theatre capital of the world and I want to study it there. Because theatre is taken very seriously there. Anyway thats my current college plans. At least my mom says she'll stand behind me in whatever I plan to do. But I guess I can kiss the USA scolarships goodbye if I attend school in the UK.
Speaking of Theatre... we officially decided on which play to do... "The Imaginary Invalid" it's a French play. There are only 4 female characters and since our class is so large it's unlikely I'll get a part this go round. But it's still a great experience. I'll keep you updated in case I do get the role of "Beline" (which is who I REALLY want to be) She's the villian step mother.
But for now I guess I'll go take a dip in the hottub and try to cool my nerves. I have work tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it.

Today school was a real drag (as usual) I was planning on going to a movie with my parents to see "Stewart Little" but I backed out at the last minute. Everytime I go to our local theatre. I think it's silly to say this but I get depressed everytime I go since I saw "Sleepy Hollow". It's so true though. Everytime I went there and saw the movie it was like the total highlight of the year. I saw it 3 time and each time was just as magical as the first. I sit in the same seat everytime I go to the theatre but I compare every time to those "SH" nights. No movie I ever will see there will have the effect that movie had on me. It brought my attention back to Miranda and I owe this site to my decision to go that night a few months ago.
So instead of going to see "Stewart Little" I stayed home and typed up this "Merlin" interview. It's of Miranda being interviewed as Mab. It took a long time to type but the result is great.
Our dog got officially re-named, her final (yes FINAL) name is "Greta" I didn't like it at first but it's growing to me. Mom ended up picking it out.
Today I downloaded Realplayer (finally) so I could watch all the Mandy interviews scattered all over the internet. I watched one of Miranda as Mab. It was pretty neat but since my computer is ancient it would play a few seconds, then download more, so on and so on, so the 2 minute clip turned more into 15 minutes. Plus I watched it a few more times because it was hard to understand when it kept pausing. It's neat to see her on the screen and to hear her voice etc... all online.
Well I need to get some rest,

I finally got to see "The Big Brass Ring" today. It was really good, the movie itself was ok but Mandy was great and she was prettier than I've ever seen her before. She sort of reminded me of Patsy in "TES" and I loved the accent. Dang Mandy is good at accents!!
I'm not much of words tonight, right now I'm on IM with Wade arguing over what role Mandy looks best in. I say "TBBR" and he says "The New Best Friend" Ab Fab episode LOL. I also got in my report card and I passed which is good. I'm just glad Geometry is over.
In Theatre Production we are reading "Flowers for Algernon" I like it. I play his mother as we read it. I like the part. If we end up doing it I hope I get her part. All this time I've been calling the other play "The Impossible Invalid" but it's called "The Imaginary Invalid". Oh well.... here is a pic of Mandy, it looks like it was taken near the time she did "The Big Brass Ring" but I dunno.

Isn't it lovely? Of course it is!!! I gotta jet for today,

Today my friend Cara got a new ride, it's a 1997 green Sunfire convertible. This is so cool because now my 2 closest friends (and myself) all have convertibles now. (Me with "Mab" the Miata, Juls with "Spooky" the '77 MGB, and now Cara with her little no named Sunfire.) Life is good... at least Cara's car has a backseat, "Mab" just has 2 seats and so does "Spooky". Anyhoo me, Melia, and Cara went cruising around town for a few hours.
Our puppy if doing good, she has to stay outside for the night tonight though unfortunately. She isn't potty trained and mom says we cannot have our carpet smelling bad. She slept with me last night and she was a good puppy. I don't think her name will be "Anna", "Ingrid", or "Dinah" because my step dad decided he wants to name her. She'll probally end up with a name like "Bandit" or something. I'll still call her "Anna" it just sticks.
Classes were so boring today, I about fell asleep in every class except for Theatre. We finished reading "The Impossible Invalid" (I think thats the name) it was good, Mrs. Fletcher said we'll have to wear corsets and hoop skirts though, which is totally fine by me. I like that time era. It isn't definate though, we still have to read "Flowers for Algernon" tomorrow. I found out I won't be a Thespian until next year because we have to have 100 hours of stage time and be in at least 2 performances. This year we are only doing 1 performance I think so I might have to wait ANOTHER year. I think it's so kewl I'll be a part of the group Mandy is, I found out she's on the Thespian troup. Only I'll be in a chapter totally across the world from her. LOL, dang!
I'm thinking about joining out local "Hill Country Theatre" they do some pretty big shows for the entire town. I'd like to be apart fo that. I'm dying to do a show. The school one will take a while to get together. There is nothing like the thrill of being on stage. You get so nervous but it's so much fun once you really get comfortable up there. And once you get in character. I love really making my character come to life.
One time in middle school I played the role of "Kit Drake" in the play "The Final Curtain". It was a slightly big role, I was not the main cast members but I was in the play pretty much the whole way through. The play was about a group of actors getting ready for a big performance when the lead male is found dead on set in the closet. I play an actor in the play with in a play who is questioned for murdering him. I wish I could play that role again because I could have done so much with that character. I'll have to get some pictures posted from it. Maybe I'll scan some tonight.
I better get going now,

I had to work this morning pretty early. I hate working Sundays because you cannot go at a smooth pace, your totally rushed. It was not that bad though. I found out one of my bosses is getting married to Tim *AKA "Hi Dee Ho"* So CONGRATS Cheryl and Tim!!! Even though I know you'll never see this site LOL...
Very good news!!!!!! Mousey will hopefully be reopening her site, she says if Mandy does another role she doesn't approve of she just won't write about it. Personally I'll always approve of anything Mandy chooses to do but I'm happy Mousey changed her mind. I loved her site and I'm glad it will be back up!!!
Ummmmmm.... when I got in I scheduled a chat with Wade and Joy we tried to get Lindsey hooked up and we all chatted. Mousey was having problems with the system so darn it, maybe she can chat with us though tomorrow.
I later went shopping, we found a really skinny dog on the side of the road, she's about 2 months old and is so cute. She slept beside me while mom and I were watching "Empire of the Sun" tonight. I want to name her "Anna" but my mom likes "Ingrid". I think thats funny because Miranda has played roles by those names. I just liked the name Anna then my mom suggested "Ingrid" she had no idea of Mandy's part in "Damage" so it was a bit ironic. Either name is great. "Anna" is finally asleep on the chair *shhhhhhhhhh don't wake her up!!!*
Well I better get,
Natalie and "Anna"

My mom woke me up fairly early this morning telling me not to sit around on my bum all day because my grandma wanted to take me shopping. (which usually means having tea and small sandwiches and hitting a few cutsey shops and not buying anything unless it's REALLY on sale). It sounded better than laying around though so I agreed. I slept a bit longer then showered and finally dressed. We stopped by the travel agent first because my grandma wanted to pick up some Hawaiian brochures. She's taking my cousin and I on a cruise this summer and we're planning on Hawaii. I got a huge ammount of England ones, I love looking and learning about Mandy's country.
Later we drove to a nearby town and I talked her out of having tea and into eating at a restraunt. I ate a really good but messy cheeseburger and we dropped by an "Antique Store" more like a cheapy junk store, they didn't even have any Mandy movies for sale. My grandma bought a $5.00 glass. We stopped by another junk mall and she found the EXACT same cup for 50 cents. Only this one was in even better condition. It just figures.... We stopped by "Dairy Queen" on the way home and eah got a Banana Split. Once I got home I had a few minutes to get ready for work.
My step dads brother came in and continued to antagonize me all night. Which really sucked but it was nice having someone who I knew to talk to, even if he's like a million years older than me. I did good in tips. When I came in I chatted with Wade for a long time on IM.
Now I'm going to bed VERY tired, I have to work early in the morning, AHHHHHHHHH!!!

Fridays just are not what they used to be, it means work, UGGGGG... I went to work today and there is a new lady working for us, her name is Diane. She really nice and looks just like Debbie Harry does now. (The lead singer in the 80's band Blondie) It's really cool, I get along with her good. It was a weird night this really drunk lady who was about 40 (who reminded me of Patsy on "The Evening Star") kept being obnoxious and trying to tell me Casper the ghost was sitting next to her. I found out later I knew her and she's a bad alcoholic. I wish I could help her but it's impossible. Long story....
I have some VERY sad sad news *sob* Mousey has taken down her Miranda site. This is really upsetting for me and I wouldn't be posting this but I think everyone deserves an explanation. I talked to her briefly, and she told me she removed it because she no longer approves of the roles Miranda is choosing. I guess I can understand this but it's definately a huge switch from "Mandy's #1 fan". I have to think about this before I actually accept it...
It's totally confusing how Mousey just shut down her site with out explaining why. I really loved her site and I'm sad to see it go.
I gotta get,

We are researching different plays to do for our Theatre Production class. It's a toss up between "The Impossible Invalid" and "Flowers for Algernon". Personally I'd like to do TII because I like the period era, the costumes would be fun to make. But then again it's a French play so therefore it's much deeper than FFA. Plus we'd have to perfect the accents. I think I'd want to be "Belina" she's the step mother villian but there is more substance to her character than the others. Tomorrow for the class is tryouts, I'm doing a monologue called "SHHHHHHHH" the lady I play in it is a very Miranda type person.
Well I have nothing really to say today except that I watched "Empire of the Sun" today with my mom I think she likes it but she says it's too long. Whatever....
I'll write later,

The good news of today? I got up on time. Thats about it.

Well today I got up really late and had 15 minutes to get ready for school. Grrrrr.... I cannot stand getting up early! I cannot remember if I already posted this but I bought "Dance with a Stranger" on eBay for $1.99 great deal huh? I'm still waiting for it to come in and I'm so excited to see it.
I've been making a few pages on differen't movies that I've seen with Miranda in them... so far I have up: "The New Best Friend", "Kansas City", and Tom & Viv. I also got my Mandy autograph uploaded here.
Today in History I got to talking to my History we started t discuss England because he's been there before. I was telling him I want to become a film director and possibly move to England. He started to tell me how he thought British actors are much better than American ones because they have a lot more experience in it, like theatre etc... I totally agreed and I asked him if he knew who Miranda Richardson is. He said he did. And I started to talk to him about it. I told him that he'd probally enjoy the movie "Fatherland". I think he might rent it now. It was so cool to talk to someone who actually understood how I feel. And it's only the 2nd day in class.
Well I have a lot to do tonight,
I'll write tomorrow,

Today was the first day back to school and it was not very fun. (Not that I expected it to be lovely but still...) I had a whole new schedule and I don't know hardly anyone in them. So many people in my town are stuck up and I'd rather not deal with their little materialistic lives. *sigh* My first period class is no fun, it's Spanish II I'm only taking it because I need 2 credits in a foreign language. 2nd period is Prep English 3. Ahhhhhh the teacher is not very nice but I guess anyone who has worked at that school for 22 years will go a little bit stale with time. Third period was cool, I really like my teacher he's really cool. He's traveled the world too which is awesome. I think History will be a fun class. Last period I have "Theatre Production" hopefully this year or the next I'll have in enough hours to letter in it. We're looking for a play to do, I'm looking forward to it.
I better get some sleep, I can't stay up this late anymore. School and everything...

Whooah! It feels too weird typing 2000 as a date, hum... I guess I better get used to it, LOL.
I had to work this morning, what a way to begin the new year huh? It was so not fun. We were not busy at all and only 2 people were waiting. I made a whopping $9.00 *gasp* and I used that for gas in my car. *grrrrrrr* I got off work at 3:00, came home to a list of chores. Did my chores and decided to bathe my car because she's really dirty inside and out. It was so sunny and warm, I put the top down and cruised around a bit before taking her to the big shower. No luck there because it was out of order *another grrrrrrrrrr...*
I needed to buy some picture frames and see if "The Big Brass Ring" came into Blockbuster yet so I drove into town. I decided to eat at "Quiznos" first but as luck would have it it was closed *grrrrrrrrrr* I went to Blockbuster and they didn't have TBBR, I wonder if they'll ever get it in. *Can you tell my day was not to peachy?* Luckily Wal-Mart was open I found a good deal on 2 frames and bought some bracelets then headed home with a stop by Sonic. I saw a few friends there who I have not seen since last year. LOL!
When I got home I decided to see if my computer lived through the "dreaded" Y2K, it did, which is in itself a miracle. I was also happy to see Lindsey was on. We chatted on IM and I decided to update this page. I think I'll try out our new hot tub in a few minutes!!
P.S. I ate my bowl of black eyed peas for good luck in this new year, did you?

I'm writing this a day late but oh well... I was really tired when I got home from celebrating New Years, I went straight to bed :) A super good thing happened to me today.... (drumroll please) I got in Miranda's autograph. I'll scan it tonight and post a link so you can see it yourself. It's so purty, it's from the movie "Fatherland" and Miranda is Charlie in it. She's holding a camera and her eyes are the prettiest blue. She signed her name in a silver metallic pen, big and loopy. It's the most beautiful picture I have it framed on my wall in bedroom.
Unfortunately I had to work tonight, on New Years Eve *sob*. I made $77 dollars in tips which was nice since I need it for my car payment. I got off work at 11:00, my mom was SUPPOST to be having a party in mid swing but only 1 couple showed up :( We ate cheese nachos and drank some bolly (Champagne) and listened to some music. Then we decided 15 minutes before the millenium to drive into town to watch the fireworks. My step dad just got a new truck so we piled into it and started to drive, we were tuned into a country station and the DJ's were all gibberish about the new year. Some guy called in and they told him to start his lawnmoyer right at the end of the count down. They told the guy all Central Texas depended on him and not to let them down. He agreed to start it right on time while on the phone with the DJ's. At this time we were still driving, right as we were driving on the bridge that over looks the beautiful Lake Marble Falls they counted down "3, 2, 1" all these huge fireworks shot up right beside the car from under the bridge. They were huge and right outside my wondow, it was unreal. My mom was screaming and excited and my step dad was trying to drive. It was funny. We should go into history, we were the only people to be on that big bridge as the world passed into 2000.
As for the lawnmoyer guy... he let all of Central Texas down by hanging up the phone as everyone yelled "1". I guess his old trusty lawnmoyer wouldn't start and he got embarrased or the big Y2K scare killed him... who knows... the radio station tried to call him back but his phone was off the hook.
We kept driving, while craning our necks to see the fireworks that we left behind. Then we drove to Horshoebay to the end of the penninsula and got there just in time for their huge, expensive lightshow. The grand finally was like a big colorful explosion, unreal.
When I got home I went to bed. 1999 was definately a year to remember. Happy 2000!!!
Natalie and "Mab"

I just got back from my dads Wednesday. I saw A LOT of Miranda's movies this week. I'll write more later tonight I'm tired. Right now my favorite song is called "Goodbye Earl" by the Dixie Chicks below are the lyrics:

Goodbye Earl

Mary Ann and Wanda were
The best of friends
All through their high school days.
Both members of the 4H club.
Both active in the FFA.
After graduation
Mary Ann went out
Lookin' for a bright new world.
Wanda looked all around this town
And all she found was Earl.

Well, it wasn't two weeks
After she got married that
Wanda started gettin' abused.
She put on dark glasses
And long sleeve blouses
And makeup to cover a bruise.
Well, she finally got the nerve
To file for divorce.
She let the law take it from there.
But, Earl walked right through
That restraining order and
Put her in intensive care.

Right away Mary Ann flew
In from Atlanta
On a red-eye, midnight flight.
She held Wanda's hand
And they worked out a plan
And it didn't take them
Long to decide that
Earl had to die.

Goodbye Earl
Those blackeyed peas
They tasted alright to me, Earl
You feelin' weak?
Why don't you lay down and sleep, Earl
Ain't it dark
Wrapped up in that tarp, Earl

The cops came by
To bring Earl in.
They searched the house
High and low.
Then they tipped their hats
And said 'thank you, ladies'
'If you hear from him let us know'
Well, the weeks went by
And spring turned to summer
And summer faded into fall
And it turns out he
Was a missing person who
Nobody missed at all.

So the girls bought some land
At a roadside stand
Out on highway 109
They sell Tennessee ham
And strawberry jam
And they don't lose
Any sleep at night.
Cause Earl had to die.

Goodnight, Earl
We need a break
Let's go out to the lake, Earl
We'll pack a lunch
And stuff you in the trunk, Earl
Well, is that alright?
Good, let's go for a ride, Earl
Hey, well hey, hey, hey
Aw, hey, hey, hey
Well, hey, hey, hey

Today nothing spectacular happened (who would have guessed) I got up really late, my dear sweet mom woke me up saying she was going to town to get her nails filled. I of course couldn't go back to sleep so I drug myself out of bed. I watched "Emipre of the Sun" what an epic movie. It was so great I just loved it. To bad Miranda had such a small role :( It was still a great movie and casting. To bad Miranda had to die... as usual... grrrrrrrrrr...
I decided later I needed to get out of the house so I finally got out of my PJ's and into some clothes. I lost my purse and found it in my car. Called my moms cell phone but of course she left it in the car so I left a note on the desk saying I went to the Library. I stopped by the bank to get my checks cashed and my moms car pulled up. She was fixing to go home so I asked her to get a membership at Blockbuster so I could have a better selection of movies. She did (thankfully)
I went to lunch at "Schlotski's" (sp?) it was so good. Then I went to the library and rented "Alice in Wonderland" for free for 7 days. Then I went to Wal-Mart to buy my friend a gift. The lines were really long, I bought her a perfume giftset. When I got home I called her and we met and exchanged gifts halfway between our houses. Then I took off to Blockbuster to rent movies. I looked and looked and found "The Crying Game" and "Damage". *yay!!*
When I got home I immediately put "The Crying Game on" I liked it. Miranda was really good but not on there much as usual. Too bad she got killed so brutally. That shot in the neck made me cringe. After I watched it I chatted with my new buddy Wade then he convinced me to watch "Damage" so I put it in. I had to mute all the love scenes (there were too many) or my mom would come yelling down the stairs. It was a good movie though. Miranda was good. I was so sad she beat herself up. That crying scene where she collapses to the floor in her husbands arms was intense. Really good acting. But then again thats expected from her. She's to good to be true.
I just shut it off, I chatted with Wade some more and now it 2:18 am so I need to get some sleep. I won't be writing for several days so have a good holiday alrighty?

Today was a sit around and be lazy day, LOL. It was peaceful though... wait... no it wasen't... I left out the part about me being woken up by a hammer outside my window. Seems my step dad had to fix something at 8:00 in the morning before work. Grrrrrrrrr....
I watched "Enchanted April" this morning with my mom, I really liked Miranda as Rose, she was so sweet. Miranda had the best role for sure!! I really understood what Rose was going through. Not that I've ever been in that situation but Miranda did so good I was convinced. I knew what Rose was going through. I was so happy that she was so in love again, I still think she should have gotten with the owner of the house. It was obvious her hubby didn't really love her. Poor Rose. That castle was so magical.
I rented "Empire of the Sun" tonight I'll most likely watch it later. I think it will be good. I also went out to eat a while ago and it was just yummy!!
OH! I also was the highest bidder for an eBay auction. It was for a Miranda Richardson autograph, it's of her as Charlie in "Fatherland". It went for $16 I'll send out a money order tomorrow!! I also typed Miranda a heartfelt letter, I hope I get a reponse some day.
Well I'm gonna go chat on IM now, I'll write tomorrow!!
Happy Holidays,

Guess what I just finished watching? "The Apostle" I thought it was a major disapointment. Don't get me wrong, Miranda was excellent as usual but I didn't enjoy the plot at all. The Fire and Brimstone screaming preaching didn't help its case either. The entire 15 minutes total of Miranda were really great, if she was not in it though I would have shut it off long before she finally apppeared. The ending was a big disapointment too. I think I could have come up with a better ending than that.
Anyway her role as Toosie reminded me in a way of Patsy in "The Evening Star". The accent and expressions were really similar. I thought it was so cute how Miranda got so shy and nervous when Sonny tried to kiss her. You could feel the aquardness that the characters felt. I liked a few parts but I had to fastforward through that dull ending, I can't stand all the screaming preaching. It's a matter of taste I guess. Whatever happened to Toosie? Did she gets back with her ex hubby? I don't get it... The actors did a great job with their characters, the writing just wasen't that great. Thats my little review.
Ummm... what else happened today, oh! I got my new tires put on my "Queen Mab" it's amazing what a difference it made in performance. I'm once again an extension of my car. I know that sounds weird but I'm so comfortable in her thats she's a part of me, my best part LOL. I also finally made these little cheesecakes that my moms been on my back about for a week. No more cooking this holiday, NO MORE!!!
I also went shopping with my ma, we bought so much stuff the trunk on my car would barley shut! (not that it's a big trunk, still...) We had chili dogs for dinner and went at 8:00 to see that movie "Toy Story 2" it was really good, better than the first one I think. I loved the part where Mr. Potato head steps in gum and that big thing is about to crush him and he doesn't even realize it. I was rolling and laughing so hard that I was crying. You HAVE to go see that movie!!!
Well I'm going to bed now,

Good Luck in the concert Lindsey!!! Pretend your Miranda and all your butterflies will dissapear!!
Well... today was just a yucky bad weather day. It's hard to believe yesterday was so sunny and bright. Today was so overcast and drizzly that I thought I was at the "Sleepy Hollow" set, LOL. I didn't do much, I was on line pretty much all day. I got up really late, had pancakes, watched the end of "Merlin". My mom ragged on me all during the movie that I needed to clean my room and clean my ferrets cage. I finally did. Then I put on some fake nails and I painted them this awesome Mab purple color. It's called "Northern Lights" and is a deep purple with tiny silver flecks in it. Real purty! It's weird typing with nails again, LOL.
Oh after I cleaned my room I logged online, got bored because no one was on AOL IM. Took a shower, when I got out there was a pop up IM from Lindsey. We chatted for a little while until she had to get ready for a concert which I know she'll do great in! Today I also managed to create some Mab Postcards they actually work!! Ummm... don't worry though I'll get better images for it one of these days.
We (me, mom, my step dad, and my 2 cousins who are staying with us) were planning on going to the local theatre to see "Toy Story 2"... but my Aunt called and said she wanted the kids home because really bad weather is happening tomorrow and she didn't want us on the road. So... we spent 2 hours on the road taking them home and missed the movie... BUT we are seeing it tomorrow night. Instead we at at "Pizza Hut". OH!!! I also got new tires via UPS for my baby Miata I'll get them put on and balanced tomorrow!!!
When I got home I looked up some stuff on Miranda, and a found a really pretty pic which I haven't seen before. I'll post it below. AND... to my astonishment I found out Miranda smokes cigarettes in real life. I didn't know this and it's a bit shocking. Check out this link for more info on it. I wanted to look up more but I knew I had to type this before bedtime. I'll post more stuff tomorrow. I might make a quotes section on Miranda tonight and work on my Evening Star page.
G. Night,

Here is that pic:

Hummmm.... well I just got off AOL IM with Lindsey, it's so neat to be able to talk to another Miranda fan so easily. What more could I ask for? We've been discussing how no one really knows who the real Miranda is. As for me... I guess I get her confused with her characters, but, Miranda is Miranda and I just wish that wasen't such a mystery. I've been thinking about that a lot and my only solution is to write her. I have her addy and it's not hard to write her. But I have so many thoughts how do I pile them all into a decent letter? I don't want to freak her out or to overwhelm her. I guess I might as well start on it. I think I'll work on a draft this week, maybe then print it out and mail it. Who knows I might even get a response, it can't hurt. I think if 'Intimate Portrait' did a show on her it would really help her fans out! Or even better if Miranda wrote a book!!
Oh also I'll probally buy her autograph on eBay in a day or two, just so I'll have it. Holding something she has held is neat enough :)
On to other things... today I went to work first thing in the morning. It was so long and tiring.... I would have gotten out of there an hour earlier but a group of these old people just couldn't quit gossiping, which prevented me from sweeping and cleaning up my station. I was exausted, but before I left I got my X-Mas bonus and that was good. Plus I don't have to work until after the new year. *yay!*
Later I went to Wal-Mart, bought my mom an X-Mas toy and some fake nails for myelf. Have you seen those bracelets that are stmulated stones? Well I have quite a few now, today I bought purple (it remindes me of Mab) it means: "Believed to Promote Inner Peace and Spiritual Healing." Hummmm... it's something to think about at least...
I chatted with Lindsey for a while and now I'm about to go to bed. Oh I also finished me section All About Me so check it out.
Gotta jet,

La... la... li... la... I'm so tired that I can barley type. AND I have to work in the morning... It's already 1:00 am. I chatted with Lindsey for a while on AOL IM. It was so much fun but we both kept getting booted :( She's such a cool person!! Hear that!?! A really AWESOME person!!! (I had to embarrass ya) *tee hee* Well I didn't do anything of interest today. I made X-Mas cookies and scanned some pictures of myself. I'll be making a ME page tomorrow with pictures. I have to work in the morning though. Hopefully I'll catch Lindsey on IM!! That was a groovy blast! Well I'm signing off early tonight.

Ewwwwww I had work today, what a way to begin a Christmas vacation 'eh? Oh well I'm really glad I got to work this weekend. My insurance was due a few days ago and I had $12 to my name. Now I have a bit more, plus I'm working tomorrow and Sunday. At least tomorrow it's at night and Sunday is in the morning. Then I have no work until after X-Mas. *Yay!* I really hate working Sundays because it's a huge rush and you don't even have time to so much as blink. *I'm a waitress* Tonight I had to work upstairs we had reservations for a table for 13 teachers. I guess they were celebrating school being out. It was ok but I made at least 100 trips up and down the steep staircase. I work in the house used in the movie "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" the original. So I's forever answering questions about the movie. And if you've seen it you know the steep stairs I speak of, LOL.
I'm in the middle of downloading AOL Instant Messenger. I'm doing it just so I can talk to Lindsey about Miranda, ain't that cool? I'm excited that I have enough space to download it with. My sign on name will be 'QueenMabofRocks'. So if you happen to see me online, drop me a line :)
Well I have to get up early tomorrow morning, so I'm saying G. Night!!

Today I got up early and checked into the school at 8:00 for 15 minutes (we are required to do this if we are exempt from any tests, I think it is dumb because it means you cannot sleep in) I was exempt from the first test so I met with a friend and we drove to my house and watched an hour of "Merlin". At 10:00 I had to leave back to school to take my 2nd period exam, which was Geometry. I know I failed it and had to guess on almost all of the questions. It wasen't going to dampen my spirits though. Finally I got off school at 12:25, I drove home because my mom said the computer guy would be there and he needed to explain something to me. He showed up at 1:30 and he set up my moms new fast computer. I got the old one, BUT it's STILL my own computer. We deleted some of my hard drive and re-downloaded my scanner and some graphics programs. *goodie!* Mom said after Christmas she'll even pay for me more harddrive and a faster modem!! Neat huh?
At 5:30 we drove in "Mab" to Chilis where we met with the Tejas Miata Club. It was my first club meet and it was a blast. First we ate dinner, a few later members wandered in. We discussed all sorts of topics. Then we went outside and looked at all the cars that showed up. There were a lot of '99's. Then we all cruised in a line over to a "Walkway of Lights" where we took a bunch of pictures and froze to death. BUT never-the-less those Miata tops were down the entire time!! Then we had a group discussion at 7:30 and decided to drive over to Horseshoe Bay. It was a long, cold, twisty drive. We all had fun though. At least Miatas have great heaters. We looked around there and walked around the boat docks, posed for more pictures. (11 Miata's showed up!!) From there a few people had to leave who had work the next day, but about 9 cars stayed. We took more pictures and had another little group discussion. We decided to drive over to Dairy Queen in Marble Falls. (The remaining 9) The whole way there people honked and waved, it was neat to be a member of such a great group of people. All those cars looked great too, all driving in a line through town. I think a lot of towns people were confused. Anyway we ate at Dairy Queen and I took a lot more pictures. Finally we split it was a lot of fun. I'll always remember it. I think "Mab" met some new Miata friends, as did I. I can't wait till the next trip!!

Well... today I've been home all day because I'm exempt from most of my finals. (All except Geometry which I missed beig exempt from that class by one point, can you believe that?) Anyway I've been online most of the time today. I made a new graphic for the "Merlin" page I think it actually turned out ok. I really think that section will be neat soon. You see I've been pondering making a short stories section. There fans will be able to instantly post short stories on Miranda or the movie "Merlin". I think it would also be awesome to post those add-on stories. Y' know the ones where one person starts a story and then people add on and on until it's a huge story. Once it gets big enough and it's over I can paste the whole thing together then store it on the server. This way we can eventually get large stories sorted out into sections. I think it will be neat. In a few days I'll get the message board set up so we can pull this off.
Today I made these really good cookies, they were the premade fund raiser kind. They taste perfect, and the case made like 3 dozen!
OH!!... Melissa opened her present earlier, and it took forever to get to the little note, it was a hoot! (Read yesterdays entry if you don't know what I'm talking about)
I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I get to take Queen Mab (the Miata) to her first official Miata meet. I think she's really excited about it, I even got her into the holiday spirit by tying these cute tiny red bows all over her ;) She gets a good bath tomorrow and her interior shined up so she looks excellent among the other Miatas. BTW... we are all meeting at Chilis (approx 18 Miatas) then after we eat we'll drive to the Walkway of Lights. My mom is riding shotgun and a friend of mine (Juls) is meeting us there.
I have a Geometry exam tomorrow at 10:25 (bummer) it kinda ruins the feeling of X-Mas break even though this is just the beginning. I am positive I'll fail, I cannot pass his stupid tests. The Miata meet is at 6:00 so I'm pretty busy tomorrow. I'll be sure to post about it ;)
I gotta jet,

Today is the last full day of school!!! I'm off tomorrow but have to take my Geometry exam on Thursday at 10:25 :( Not good... Why do schools insist on ruining the holiday spirit by making us take a bunch of tests then making us wonder how bad we failed until next term? Luckily I'm exempt from everything but Geometry! *yay!*
In Art class we got all of our old drawing from the beginning of the year back, yikes, I scared myself. BUT there was a good improvement. We still have to get our ceramics out of the kiln Thursday. I wonder how mine turned out. I made "Herbie" the love bug, he was so cute, unless of course he exploded in the kiln, which would be just my luck these days, LOL.
I wrapped my friend, Melissa's present, we always play tricks on each other so I wrapped up this piece of paper that says "For your present look in Natalie's Backpack". I wrapped it in tons of crete paper, tape, wire, wrapping paper, tissue paper, boxes etc... All through the wrappings I hid candies and little presents. It was really big, to weigh it down I put rocks taped through out the layers. It looked really good. I know it will take her forever to open it. HA HA!! Funny though. I'll have to take a picture.

Today I've been typing and typing, I almost have all the links filled on this page! Most of the pages say something to the extent of "Under Construction" but never the less they are no longer dead links. This must be a record for me, I've created about 25 pages in one day for this site. Last night I got the idea of making a site on Miranda, and I sit here now, the same time a day later, and the page is almost complete. Except for the new stuff I'll be adding, and the new graphics I'll be designing...
Graphics... I've designed 3 so far, I guess they look ok although I'd like to have some text on them. I just don't have the software which enables me to add text *sigh*. But I do like the smokey collage look, which remindes me... I designed a great graphic earlier with Miranda frowning and rolling her eyes as Mab all around her are roses and dragons, crystal balls, and Castles. I was going to put it on the Site Map page but I didn't save it right. So now I lost it all and I'd even worked and hour on that one dumb graphic.
I'm sitting here wondering if I should make a few more pages or put on "Merlin". When I got up this morning I rewound a part on "The Evening Star" where Aurora and Patsy are fighting on the plane. I do that a lot... I'll rewind parts in movies, watch the part then turn off the TV. I guess it gets me going again. I must say my eyes are getting heavy :)
I didn't even go for a drive today, I usually just go for a long top down drive in my convertible, but the weather was foggy and yucky all day today. Not to mention freezing. It reminded me of the weather on "Sleepy Hollow" we don't get that much here in Texas, it was really odd.
Well I've decided to quit rambling and get the @mabscastle e mail thing set up, and the message board set up. I'll finish it all before I go to bed tonight.
Natalie & "Queen Mab" the Miata

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