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  • Population
    Taiwan's population currently numbers over 22 million, which makes the island one of the world's most densely populated places. Except for the approximately 325,000 aboriginals, the people of Taiwan originate from the Chinese mainland.

    Mandarin Chinese is the official language of Taiwan and is used by the media and taught in schools. However, more than 50% of the population speaks Taiwanese at home. The Hakka dialect, as well as 10 aboriginal languages can also be heard in Taiwan.
    A Taipei City View.
    A Typical Taipei Street.

    The official unit of currency is the New Taiwan Dollar (NT$). Coins come in denominations of NT$1, NT$5, NT$10, $NT$20, NT$50. Notes come in NT$100, NT$200, NT$500, NT$1000 and NT$2000 denominations.
    Between 2 and 5 % of the population is Christian. The vast majority of people in Taiwan practice a blend of Buddhism and Taoism, with Confusion influence. There are also a few temples in Taiwan that are simply built to honor a great hero. Many Chinese also worship their ancestors and build elaborate altars and tombs for departed relatives.

    The Lotus Pond - Kaohsiung
    For more on exchange rates checkout
    Foreign currencies can be exchanged at government designated banks and hotels.
    Taiwan Currency

    Republic of China Calendar
    The official method of writing dates in Taiwan is based on the number of years after the establishment of the Republic of China in 1911.
    All official dates are written year/month/day:
    for example, 25 December 1999 is written 88/12/25.
    New York
    San Francisco

    23:00 (previous day)
    20:00 (previous day)

    Time Zone
    Taiwan Standard Time is eight hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). 12 noon in Taiwan corresponds to the following times in these major cities around the world.
    Chiang Kai Shek memorial Hall - Taipei
    A Night View Of Taipei.
    A Taiwan
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    Created by Fitforit Web Designs. Last Updated March 27, 2004.
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    Disclamer:This is a free service. I do this in my spare time. I do not and can not employ teachers. I will refer your details submitted to some of the well known schools in Taiwan. They will contact you in regards to available positions.