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Kitty Photos

Titus & Tinker's Photos on the Web - Enjoy!
Read about my kitties or see other photos.

May 2001

Tinker perches on the new cat tree!!

And Titus as another computer peripheral.

April 2001

snif snif. You can really see the markings from the haircut Tinker got earlier in the day.

The amazing twistable head!

Beautiful Titus!

The new Tinker... summer shave.

One of Titus favorite pasttimes, gazing out the window.

Gazing out another window.

Tinker's "mane" really shows in this photo.

Playing with the Cat Charmer. Look at his coat sheen.

This is cat furniture. I never sit on the rocking chair.

Even TWO cats can fit at once... a bit cozy.

October 2000
Oct2000-Both4.jpg (615263 bytes)

The only photo of me with my kitties.  Can you find me?  Tinker is the white long haired kitty in repose.  Titus is behind her - closer to the door.

Oct2000-Both3.jpg (609819 bytes) Congregating in the bathroom.
Oct2000-Titus3.jpg (531755 bytes)

A midday Titus yawn.

Oct2000-Tinker2.jpg (32882 bytes) Tinker at dawn.

Oct2000-Titus2.jpg (663675 bytes)

Ooh aah!  Titus loves romping in clothes and blankets.

Oct2000-Tinker4.jpg (532680 bytes) My kitties can sleep anywhere - even in a busy walkway.
Oct2000-Tinker3.jpg (34439 bytes) Cute! Oct2000-Both2.jpg (53055 bytes) Titus and Tinker grooming each other.
Oct2000-Tinker1.jpg (43243 bytes) You're probably thinking, does this cat pose for photos? Maybe she does. Oct2000-Both1.jpg (42632 bytes) An investigation.