Sign the guestbook to request the addition of a quote.
have you had the beef noodle soup with beef and noodles? -unintentionally redudant female 2001
what's up with that sauce -dung duong 2000
i think you're implying something -dung duong 2000
trust me, i know these things, my mom's a nurse -circa late 1980s
christened with a spearmint tic tac -new house 1989
like a particle of dust floating in nothings -circa late 1980s
i feel so valley of the warmpth, i feel so peaceful and lonely here -ben circa early 1980s
want me to make a fire... i'll take my shirt off -beelee 1997
mam-mooth -beelee 1997
i'll eat but i refuse to digest! -circa late 1980s
i thought that was a farmiliar man -circa early 1990s
what day does thanksgiving land on this year? -a 26-year-old American citizen
what day does christmas land on this year? -a 26-year-old American citizen
king kong rah-rah-rah -brother ben circa late 1980s
it's miller time -1990 mr. miller's english class
i expect more because you are asians -circa late 1980s ms. lee math club
surface tension! peanut butter! -1990 mr. burnam physical science
whoa is me -charlie brown
oof bah -falling lamb
half-o-head -juhn
mine eyes mine eyes... -2001
these are shorts! -calvin
baa-woo baw-nits -2001
tough tamales -circa late 1980s
say plastic - jill circa late 1980s
say pitcher - jill circa late 1980s
at least its not like fitting eight people in a six-person couchette - europe trip 2000