______The Swiss Guard, originally recruited in 1505 by Pope Julius II, is a mercenary unit that continues to guard Vatican City despite changes in politics and borders.
______The Guard is certainly dressed for the part. Their uniform looks like it is unchanged since the days of Michelangelo, who legend has credited with its design. In fact, the Renaissance helmets, chest plate, and blue, red and yellow tunics are part of a simplified uniform created in the 1920s.
______Recruits have to be men under 30 years old, unmarried, at least 5 feet 8 inches, a former member of the Swiss Armed Forces, and of course, Catholic. They enlist for two years and get the opportunity to extend that to 25 years.
______Once part of a pontifical military corps employed by the Popes to control the Italian states under their direct control, the Swiss Guard is now of a modest size that reflects the tiny stature of the country it protects. The Guard consists of 100 men: 4 officers, 1 chaplain, 23 NCOs, 70 halbardiers and 2 drummers under the command of the Captain-Commander. The ceremonial weapon of the Guard is the halbard, which is a kind of pike, but for the Pope security mission they have been known to arm themselves with modern weapons.
______In fact, wherever the Pope is,inside or out of the Vatican, the Swiss Guard is responsible for his personal security. This makes the unit a combination army/secret service.
______In addition to ceremonial duties and helping with the flow of tourists, the Guard also spends time in self-defense training, taking Italian courses, and shooting practice, which must be a problem since most rifles have a longer range than the length of the Vatican.
______While it is a small army, the Swiss Guard has no lack of volunteers wishing to join its ranks. Competition for the few slots that open up is supposed to be intense.


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